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4 2 Additional Practice Isosceles And Equilateral Triangles Worksheet Answers

4 2 Additional Practice Isosceles And Equilateral Triangles Worksheet Answers

MNO and MPO are isosceles triangles. Find t

Daftar Isi

1. MNO and MPO are isosceles triangles. Find t


maksudnya apaan kak aku gk paham

2. PQR and PSQ are isosceles triangles. PSQ = 124°, RPS = RQS = 28°. Find PRQ. ​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

@ the picture

3. There are types of triangles based on the side.....except: A. Obtuse Triangle B. Equilateral Triangle C. Isosceles Triangle D. Scalene Triangledibantu iya​


A. Obtuse Triangle (Segitiga Tumpul)


A. Obtuse Triangle (Segitiga Tumpul)

B. Equilateral Triangle (Segitiga Sama Sisi)

C. Isosceles Triangle (Segitiga Sama Kaki)

D. Scalene Triangle (Segitiga Sembarang)

Jawabannya yg A karena Segitiga Tumpul termasuk dalam segitiga yg ditinjau dari Sudutnya, sedangkan yg B, C, dan D itu termasuk dalam segitiga

yg ditinjau dari PanjangSisi-sisinya.


A. Obtuse triangles

Langkah langkah :

Pertanyaan :

There are types of triangles based on the side except :

Artinya :

Ada jenis jenis segitiga berdasarkan sisinya kecuali :

Pilihan jawaban :

A. Obtuse triangle = segitiga


B. Equilateral triangle = segitiga

sama sisi

C. Isosceles triangle = segitiga

sama kaki

D. Scalene triangle = segitiga


Penjelasan :

Menurut jenis sisinya, segitiga dibagi menjadi 3 jenis

1. Segitiga sama sisi = ketiga sisi

nya sama panjang dan ketiga

sudutnya sama besar

2. Segitiga sama kaki = Hanya

memiliki 2 sisi sama panjang

dan 2 sudut sama besar.

3. Segitiga sembarang =

segitiga yang masing masing

sisinya tidak sama panjang

dan masing masing sudutnya

tidak sama besar.

Sedangkan segitiga sembarang (scalene triangle) merupakan segitiga berdasarkan jenis sudutnya.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan diatas adalah

= A. Obtuse triangle

Semoga membantu...

Semoga bermanfaat...

4. ABCD is a rhombus. BEF and CEF are isosceles triangles. BE = EF and CE = CF. ACG, DCE and BCF are straight lines. (a) Find LABC. (b) Find ZBEC.​


(a) Since ABCD is a rhombus, all its sides are equal. Therefore, LABC = LADC. Also, the opposite angles in a rhombus are equal. Thus, LABC = LADC = 180 - LDCB (since the sum of angles in a quadrilateral is 360 degrees). Therefore, LABC = (180 - LDCB)/2.

(b) Since BEF and CEF are isosceles triangles, ZBFE = ZEBF and ZECF = ZEFC. Moreover, the sum of angles in a triangle is 180 degrees. Therefore, ZBEC = ZEBF + ZEFC = ZBFE + ZEFC = (180 - ZBEF)/2 + (180 - ZCEF)/2 = 180 - (ZBEF + ZCEF)/2.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

jika sesuai tolong bantu jadikan jawaban terbaik ya terimakasih sehat selalu

5. (1)Maing Unknown AnglesIn the following figure, triangle LMO is an equilateral triangle andtriangle MNO is an isosceles triangle. Find ZMNOLM MN12]In the following figure, triangle PQT is an equilateral triangleTriangle PRS is an isosceles triangle. ZQPR = RPS = SPT. Find ZPRSTRS​



detail cara dan jawabannya seperti di foto ya.

semangat belajar....


6. Find the unknown marked angle in each of the Isosceles triangles.​

karena DF dan EF sama panjang, maka sudut D dan sudut E sama besar.

EF = DF = 53°

Untuk menghitung sudut F maka

180° - 53° - 53° = 74°

Semoga membantu ;)

7. type of triangle is Δ ABC, where AB = 12 cm, BC = 13 cm and AC = 7 cm? * Captionless Image a Equilateral b Isosceles c Scalene


C. Scalene

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Because, all sides are unequal

Karena semua sisi tidak sama dalam panjang

8. Match the questions in the table with their suitable Answers . The questions and answers form a sequential dialog about the object in the picture . Practice the dialog with your friend


Terjemahannya adalahCocokkan pertanyaan dalam tabel dengan Jawaban yang sesuai. Pertanyaan dan jawaban membentuk dialog berurutan tentang objek dalam gambar. Latih dialog dengan teman Anda


Semoga Benar Selamat Belajar

9. please answers numbers 2 and 3

2. E. is the highest mountain in the world

3. E. Spine

2] E
3] D
maaf kalau salah:)-

10. practice 4 choose and cross (x) the corret answers​tolong di jawab soalnya besok di kumpul thx..


29 jawaban nya D nomor 30 jawaban nya D

#Semoga dapat membantumu teman selamat belajar... :)

11. A shape which is a quadrilateral and also an irregular polygon is... A. equilateral triangle B. isosceles triangle C. square D. rhombus​


D . rhombus


A rhombus meets one of the requirements: it is equilateral. But, all of a rhombus's angles are not the same. It is not equiangular, so it is an irregular polygon.

12. Triangle BCD and triangle ABD are isosceles triangles. Find _BADD720cB.​



cara dan jawabannya seperti di foto ya.


sudut dalam segitiga berjumlah 180⁰sudut lurus berjumlah 180⁰sudut siku-siku membentuk 90⁰segitiga sama kaki memiliki 2 sudut sama besar.


semangat belajar...


13. sebuah workbook umumnya memiliki......... worksheetA.1 worksheetB.2 worksheetC.3 worksheetD.4 worksheetE.1 workbook

d. 4 worksheet mas broTergantung pada versi Excel yang dipakai
Jika memakai versi 2010 kebawah (misal memakai Excel versi 2007 seperti gambar 1), maka memiliki 3 worksheet (C), jika memakai versi 2013 keatas (gambar 2), maka memiliki 1 worksheet (A) 

Semoga membantu...

14. Characteristics of Triangles and Quadrilaterals is?​


triangle is a simple closed curve or polygon which is created by three line-segments. In Euclidean geometry, any three points, specifically non-collinear, form a unique triangle and separately, a unique plane (known as two-dimensional Euclidean space).

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

harus ada bintang 5

15. Painted on a wall are 4 red triangles, 2 blue triangles, 6 green triangles and 8 yellow triangles. What percentage of the triangles are blue or red?


red : 20%

blue : 10%

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


red : 4/20=2/10=20%

blue : 2/20=1/10=10%

semoga membantu.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4 merah

2 biru

6 hijau

8 kuning

berjumlah = 20 segitiga

segitiga biru dan merah = 4+2 = 6

20 = 100%

1 = (100/20)%

1 = 5%

presentase segitiga biru dan merah :

= (5×6)%

= 30%


jangan lupa follow hehe

16. A triangle with 3 equal sides is a/ana. right angled triangleb. isosceles trianglec. equilateral triangled. scalene triangle​


the answer is= C. equilateral triangle


Segitiga dengan 3 sisi sama panjang adalah a/an

Sebuah. segitiga siku-siku

b. segitiga sama kaki

c. segitiga sama sisi

d. segitiga siku-siku

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

C.equilateral triangle

17. past tense exercise worksheet and

1. I …………………… a strange dream last A. night.
B. have
C. had
2. The people …………………….. at the
A. bull thief.
B. yelled
C. have yelled
D. had yelled
3. The young man …………………. his own life to save the life of his friend.
A. was risking
B. risked
C. had risked
4. I myself …………………… this.
A. see
B. had seen
C. saw
5. He …………………. gently to the child.
A. spoke
B. had spoken
C. have spoken
6. The children …………………. their best.
A. tried
B. were trying
C. try
7. The two men ………………….. ready to
leave on their pilgrimage.
A. are
B. were
C. had been
8. He ………………… at the entrance hesitantly.
A. stand
B. stood
C. had stood
9. Their families ……………….. them to prepare for the journey.
A. were helping
B. helped
C. had helped
10. Kabir ………………… the value of devotion and humility.
A. teaching
B. taught
C. had caught
11. The children …………………. and ………………….
A. were singing, dancing
B. sang, danced
C. had sung, danced
12. She ………………………… a letter to her grandmother.
A. wrote
B. had written
C. have written

1. I had a strange dream last night.

2. The people yelled at the bull thief.

3. The young man risked his own life to save the life of his friend.

4. I myself saw this.

5. He spoke gently to the child.

6. The children tried their best.

7. The two men were ready to leave on their pilgrimage.

8. He stood at the entrance hesitantly.

9. Their families helped them to prepare for the journey.

10. Kabir taught the value of devotion and humility.

11. The children sang and danced.

12. She wrote a letter to her grandmother.

18. Practice 2 and Practice 3?​


Practice 2:

2) Ours

3) Theirs

4) Yours

5) Hers

6) Hers

Practice 3:

1) her

2) her

3) her

4) our

5) her

Semoga membantu. Maaf kalau salah.

19. Triangle ABC has 2 equal sides and 2 equal angles. The equal angles are opposite the equal sides, you call this a/ana. right angled triangleb. isosceles trianglec. equilateral triangled. scalene triangle​


b. isosceles triangle

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

20. A pattern has 12 blue triangles to every 16 yellow triangles. what is the ratio of yellow triangles to the blue triangles ?​

total = 16 + 12 = 28

blue triangles = 12/28

= 3/7

yellow triangles = 16/28

= 4/7

ratio yellow to the blue triangles = 3/7 : 4/7

= 3/7 × 7/4

= 3/4

dont forget to make the smartest answer oke.


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