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Why Is This Dog Walking Job So Important To Amal

Why Is This Dog Walking Job So Important To Amal

Why your job is important?

1. Why your job is important?

mengapa pekerjaan kamu itu penting? Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: jobs

My job as a teacher is important as being a teacher is a bridge to the next generation in terms of transferring knowledge. Teacher has the great responsibility to raise the level of next generation's position in a society for a better life and hopefully to create a better civilization of a nation.

2. why is it so important to learn english


Learning english is so important, especially in education. With english, we can introduce our wonderful culture and languages to foreigners.

English is the language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or of finding work abroad.

3. why is it so important to learn english?

mengapa begitu penting untuk belajar bahasa inggris???because english is an international language. so, we can talk to other people around the world with english

4. listen to the monologue to fill the blanks! why is srt so important​


5. which is more important to you, the job?

no, important is moneyNo,What matters to me is science

6. Why is friendship so important

Mengapa begitu pentng persahabatan ?
jawabanya : because friendship is a relationship that is very valuable and must be                      guarded properly

7. Why is education important to you?

because with their education, our knowledge will become bigger and with the education of our future will be better

dengan adanya pendidikan, pengetahuan kita akan menjadi lebih besar dan dengan adanya pendidikan masa depan kita akan menjadi lebih baikbecause it gives people skills and tools to navigate the world. education can help us to survive as adult in the world. just imagine if we don't have education, what will happen to us in the future? do you think we can survive in this world without education? the answer is NO.

from education we can make our future become better and better.. 

i think that is the reason, why is education important to you.. 
(saya pikitr itulah alasannya mengapa pendidikan itu penting untukmu (juga untuk semua))

good luck!

8. the dog is so wild.father hit...this morning

jawabannya adalah the dogfather hit the dog this morning

9. (+)Sandiaga is walking to this office this morning (-)​


(-)Sandiaga was not walk to this coffee this morning

(+)Sandiaga is walking to this office this morning

(-)Sandiaga didn't walk into the office this morning

10. why is it important for you to consinder and evaluate a job offer

Job considering and evaluating is important because if you accept the job offer before you consider it, you might make a mistake. You have to evaluate the job offer if that's the job you want.

11. X : why didn't you sign contract?Y:....AMfirst contract actuallyB. Because it is good for myfaturec. ThisCrotradis needed to start mynewareer.Dit is therequirement the applicantto geta job.E. This contrack is so importantthathelp my parents.for the​


E. This contrack is so important


help my parents.

for the

maaf kalo salah


E. This contrack is so important


help my parents

for the


maaf kalo salah

semoga membantu :)#$@

12. Is family important to you? Why? Why not?


it is important


because we humans are social creature. we cant live without the help of other people. especially family, you cant live without a family. you cant feed yourself and your mental are still unstable. your family, your mom and dad teaches you how to do a lot of things that are important in order to survive and thrive in this society.

13. 1. Why is this issue important?​

where is your questionnnnnnn

14. so, this is your turn to make 2 conversation about inviting people to important place​

A and B are the people in the conversation

A : Hey B! I want you to come with me in a meeting next week. will you come?

B : Sure A! I will come with you. What time is the meeting?

A : In 14:00 PM.

B : Okay. I will come. What do i have to bring in the meeting?

A : Just bring the documents.

B : Okay.

semoga membantu. maaf kalo salah.

15. why is it so important for teenager to have a hobby?​


Hobbies give teenagers a chance to meet new people, discover new passions, develop skills outside of school, and do something all kids should do is have fun.That's where hobbies come in. Hobbies are a great way for teens to form an identity outside their family.

16. Why is it so important to learn english?

because english is a universal language.Because with this languages we can learn and understant the learning of English well.so,we can speak well and it can be useful to talking with some people of other languages and useful also for what work if we work abroud

17. Why is music so important to people and culture?



[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\bold{*JAWAB* : \: }}} [/tex]


[tex]\blu{\boxed{\star \: \tt *SOAL* :\: \: \star}}[/tex]

Why is music so important to people and culture?


[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\bold{ *ARTINYA* : \: }}} [/tex]

Mengapa musik sangat penting bagi orang dan budaya?


[tex]\red{\boxed{\star \: \tt *JAWABAN* = \: \: \star}}[/tex]

It is even believed that music has power that can affect the joints of human life. Because through this music we can also learn the values ​​of good socio-cultural, morality, spiritual, religious, and human interaction in the life of a society, nation or country.


[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\bold{ *ARTINYA* : \: }}} [/tex]

Bahkan diyakini bahwa musik memiliki kekuatan yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap sendi-sendi kehidupan manusia. Karena Melalui musik ini pula kita dapat belajar tata nilai baik sosial-budaya, moralitas, spiritual, religius, maupun interaksi antarmanusia dalam kehidupan suatu masyarakat, bangsa atau negara.


[tex]\red{\boxed{\star \: \tt •SEMOGA \: MEMBANTU• \: \star}}[/tex]

18. why arabic is important to us?​



Mengapa belajar bahasa Arab penting?

Kitab suci Islam, Al-Quran (القُرْآن, al-Qur'ān dalam bahasa Arab), menegaskan bahasa Arab sebagai satu-satunya bahasa resmi Islam. ... Karena bahasa Arab dianggap sebagai bahasa asli dan bahasa nabi, maka sangat penting bagi setiap Muslim untuk belajar bahasa Arab agar dapat memahami Al-Quran.



19. why is the process excretion so important to athletes?

karena bergerak mengeluarkan keringat

20. Why English is so important?

because english is international languange
Because english can help us to reach our goal

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