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Why Did The Elephant Jump Up And Down

Why Did The Elephant Jump Up And Down

Why did iwan jump out of bed and try to get to the window?

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1. Why did iwan jump out of bed and try to get to the window?


He wanted to know where the cold the room

2. One day, a Lion fell asleep and a little mouse started to run upon him. This has made the lion to wake up. Surprised by the little mouse, the lion placed his pawn upon the little mouse and he was ready to swallow the little mouse. Why did the lion wake up? Pilih jawabanmu. 1 The lion did wake up because the little mouse did run up and down upon him. 2 The lion was waking up because the little mouse was running up and down upon him. 3 The lion woke up because the little mouse ran up and down upon him. 4 The lion wakes up because the little mouse runs up and down upon him. 5 The lion was waking up because the little mouse ran up and down upon him.

2. the lion was waking up because the little mouse was running up and down up on him.....

god luck...^^5. The lion was waking up because the little mouse ran up and down upon him

Semoga membantu:)

3. One day, a Lion fell asleep and a little mouse started to run upon him. This has made the lion to wake up. Surprised by the little mouse, the lion placed his pawn upon the little mouse and he was ready to swallow the little mouse. Why did the lion wake up? 1. The lion did wake up because the little mouse did run up and down upon him. 2. The lion was waking up because the little mouse ran up and down upon him. 3. The lion was waking up because the little mouse was running up and down upon him. 4. The lion woke up because the little mouse ran up and down upon him. 5. The lion wakes up because the little mouse runs up and down upon him.

4. The lion woke up because the little mouse ran up and down upon him.1. The lion did wake up because the little mouse did run up and down upon him.

Jawabannya menggunakan past tense

4. The Lion and the Little Mouse*One day, a Lion fell asleep and a little mouse started to run upon him. This has made the lion to wake up. Surprised by the little mouse, the lion placed his pawn upon the little mouse and he was ready to swallow the little mouse.Why did the lion wake up?Select your answer.The lion was waking up because the little mouse ran up and down upon him.The lion woke up because the little mouse ran up and down upon him.The lion wakes up because the little mouse runs up and down upon him.The lion was waking up because the little mouse was running up and down upon him.The lion did wake up because the little mouse did run up and down upon him.Answer​


The lion wakes up because the little mouse runs up and down upon him.

5. Why did sangkuriang kick away the boat upside down ? Artinya

Kenapa sangkuriang menendang jauh perahu kebawah??

6. why did Nasreddin go down the ladder?​


becouse the old man asked him to go down and tell what the old man needed

7. 1.Why os tia so down? 2.when did tia and dendi have the mathematics test


1. tia is upset at herself because at the english test she just did two of ten questions.

2. before the break time.

maaf kak disitu testnya bahasa inggris bukan matematika.... maaf kalau salah yaa.

8. The Lion and the Little Mouse* One day, a Lion fell asleep and a little mouse started to run upon him. This has made the lion to wake up. Surprised by the little mouse, the lion placed his pawn upon the little mouse and he was ready to swallow the little mouse. Why did the lion wake up? Pilih jawabanmu. 1 The lion did wake up because the little mouse did run up and down upon him. 2 The lion was waking up because the little mouse was running up and down upon him. 3 The lion woke up because the little mouse ran up and down upon him. 4 The lion wakes up because the little mouse runs up and down upon him. 5 The lion was waking up because the little mouse ran up and down upon him.

3. the lion woke up because the little mouse ran up and down upon him
sorry kalo salahMenurutku juga yang 3. The lion woke up because the little mouse ran up and down upon him

9. hold the jump button down to jump higher

Tahan tombol melompat turun untuk melompat lebih tinggi
Tahan tombol lompat untuk melompat lebih tinggi

10. WHY did the woodcutter cut down the tree?


because the function is cuting the leaves on a tree and cut down the tree.

sorry if myanswer fault

11. WHY did the woodcutter cut down the tree?


If The Tree So Tall


Terjemah:Karena Pohon Sudah Terlalu Tinggi

Maaf Kalo Salah

because he wants to clear land=karena dia ingin membuka lahan

because the tree is too tall=karena pohon itu terlalu tinggi

maaf klo salah XD

12. 1.who was asleep 2 who began running up and down upon him 3.why was lion wakened and got angry 4.why did the little mouse cried 5.what did the little mouse promise 6.why did the lion lifted up his paw and let the mouse go 7. What did the little mouse hear sometime later 8.what happen to the lion 9.why was the lion despaired 10.what did the little mouse do to free the lion

1. the lion
2. the little mouse
5. the little mouse promise that he will help the lion when the lion in trouble

i remember the story but just a little. that all the answer i can give u from what i remember.... sorry if there mistakes :D
'n hope that will help u ^^

13. why did the woodcutter cut down the tree??​


mengapa penebang pohon menebang pohon itu ??

14. 3. Convert the verbs in the bracket into Simple Pastform!My friend (jump) up and down and (shout) whenhe heard the news​


My friend jumped up and down and shouted when he heard the news


Jumped Shouted


Perintah Soal adalah mengubah kata dalam kurung tersebut menjadi Past Tense.

PAST TENSE adalah tenses untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang dilakukan di masa lampau. Rumusnya:

(+) S + V2(-) S + didn't + V1(?) Did + S + V1?

Setelah tau rumus Past Tense, mari kita ubah Verb-1 menjadi Verb-2.

Verb-1 ➡️ Verb-2jump ➡️ jumpedshout ➡️ shouted

PELAJARI LEBIH LANJUTGrammar: brainly.co.id/tugas/23125679Past Tense: brainly.co.id/tugas/10716374

Detail JawabanMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: GRAMMARLevel: JHS-SHSKode Mapel: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 10.5.3

Kata Kunci: Verb-2

15. Why did sangkuriang kicj away the boat upside down?

Why did sangkuriang kicj away the boat upside down?

( Mengapa sangkuriang menendang perahunya sampai terbalik ?)

The answer => Because he got mad. Dayang Sumbi lied to him and make his effort was useless

(Karena dia marah. Dayang Sumbi membohonginya sehingga usahanya sia")

16. artikan ke bahasa indonesia why did the writer and his/her friends choose toget down at tugu station

± kenapa penulis dan teman-temannya memilih turun di stasiun tugumengapa penulis dan teman-temannya memilih untuk turun di stasiun tugu

17. 1.why did sangkuriang kick away the boat upside down?

Because dayang sumbi didn't want to married with sangkuriang

18. JIAN 8 Soal 3) One day, there was a mouse deer. He was trapped in a hole that had been made by a group of hunters. The mouse deer screamed for help but no one heard him. It was hopeless for him to escape from the trap. He waited and waited and finally an elephant came. He was happy and asked for help but the elephant was not smart enough to help him. The elephant did not know how to do. In the end, the mouse deer got a bright idea. He said to the elephant, “Come down here! Come down to this hole so you can help me get out!” Foolishly The elephant agreed and followed the mouse deer's order. The elephant jumped down to the hole. Of course the mouse deer quickly hopped on the elephant's body and then hopped out of the hole. He was free and leaving the elephant trapped in the hole in turn. Why did the elephant jump to the hole?

The Elephant jump to the hole because the Elephant was not smart enough to help him.

( semoga membantu )

19. why did the woodcuter cut down the three​


because it is their job to cut down the tree as a woodcutters


jangan lupa jadikan jawaban tercerdas yah~

20. Why did brian forbid andy to jump


Mengapa brian melarang andy melompat?


Mengapa brian melarang andy melompat


maaf jika salah

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