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Concept Map Functional Areas Of The Cerebrum

Concept Map Functional Areas Of The Cerebrum

mention map of concept meaningful stories​

1. mention map of concept meaningful stories​


menyebutkan peta konsep cerita yang bermakna




menyebutkan peta konsep cerita yang bermakna


Itulah artinya :) semoga membantu

2. mention map of concept meaningful storied​


menyebutkan peta konsep cerita Yang bermakna artinya Semoga Membantu!❤️☺️

3. concept the message of friendship​


konsep pesan persahabatan


maaf kalo salah

jadikan jawaban yg terbaik


1. True friends are those who share joys, sorrows, and want to struggle together

2. Be yourself. True friends will definitely accept you as you are

3. Sometimes, the future is not as beautiful as we imagine. But remember if you still have people who are willing to fight with you!

4. Love is beautiful and thrilling. However, don't let love break your friendship



4. what is the concept of future passive

umm... you mean, Future Passive Voice?

The format for Future Passive Voice is :

1. Future tense with 'will' :

Format : Subject + will be + Verb -3

ex : The email will be send by her.

2. Future tense with 'Be going to' :

Format : Subject + TO BE Going to + be Verb -3

Ex : The cake is going to be eaten by them.

3. Future Continuos tense

Format : Subject + will be + being Verb -3

Ex : The email will be being written by her.

4. Future Ferfect tense

Format : Subject + will + have been + Verb -3

Ex : The email will have been written by her.

5. What is the social functional of procedure text

Social Functional of Procedure Text is to describe something which is accomplished through a sequence of action or steps

6. the purpose of short functional text

to inform
to announcement
to tell
to advertisementklo advertisement ~ to advertise / to promote
klo anoucement ~ to anounce
klo message~ to tell / to inform
klo invitation~ to invite

7. The shape of the map is...

Jawaban: lines, polygons, circles and rectangles


8. what is the concept of diffusion?​


Jawaban pada gambar yaa


Diffusing or melting is the phenomenon of a substance in a solvent from high concentrations to low concentrations.


I'm wrong

9. In which of the following is the balance of authority strongly in favour of the functional managers ?

Pertanyaan di atas belum lengkap karena tidak ada pilihan ganda. Pilihan ganda yang seharusnya ada di pertanyaan tersebut adalah

In which of the following is the balance of authority strongly in favour of the functional managers ?

a. Weak matrix

b. Balanced matrix

c. Strong matrix

d. Strong

e. Both c and d are correct

Jawaban yang tepat adalah a. weak matrix


There are three types of organization structure. They are functional, matrix, and projectized. The matrix structure is a combination of the functional and projectized organizational structures.

There are three types of matrix organizations clasified by the distribution of influence and authority between the functional manager and the project manager.

The three structures listed in order of increasing influence and authority is the weak matrix, balanced matrix, and strong matrix. All these system may co-exist in an organization creating a mixture of organization.

An organization structure launches the reporting of hierarchies, the level of authority, and the distribution of roles, responsibilities, and work. The organizational structure impacts the authority and influence of the project manager. The three types of matrix organizational structures are:

Weak matrixStrong matrix, andBalance matrix

The strong matrix is one in which the balance of power is definitely on the second project management. A weak matrix has been elaborated by project managers as one in which the balance of power tilts decisively in the direction of line or functional management.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Materi tentangfunctional managers dapat disimak pada link berikut




10. what is the besic concept of the formation of the internet​


The Internet is a global network of networks connecting millions of users worldwide via many computer networks using a simple standard common addressing system and basic communications protocol called TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).

11. Jelaskan yang dimaksud the functional distributor of income​


ini digunakan untuk menjelaskan faktor produksi mana yang menyumbangkan pendapatan pada total pendapatan nasiona l

12. stipulation of the map

is keadaan di suatu tmpat yang ada di peta

13. on the map,the direction of north is in ...... part of the map

the upper part of the map

14. Sebutkan hal-hal yang cocok divisualisasikan menggunakan spider concept map​


hal yg TDK menurut hierarki, kategori yg TDK paralel, hasil curah pendapat

15. What is the broad concept of the market ?

Jawaban: A market is defined as the sum total of all the buyers and sellers in the area or region under consideration. ... The value, cost and price of items traded are as per forces of supply and demand in a market.

16. Explain about the concept of question tag

A tag question (also known as tail question) is a grammatical structure in which a declarative or an imperative statement is turned into interrogative fragment (the "tag"). For example, in the sentence "You're John, aren't you?", the statement "You're John" is turned into a question by the tag "aren't you". The term "question tag" is generally preferred by British grammarians, while their American counterparts prefer "tag question".


=> If there is a positive statement .it is followed by a negative question tag.

- Elsa is beautiful, isn't she?
- Helen can drive fast, can't she?

If there is a negative statement. It is followed by a positive question tag.

- They aren't smart, are they?
- He shouldn't do such a fool thing, should he?


17. How is the concept of water circle

semoga membantu guyss

18. what is the social functional of the teks​


apa fungsi sosial dari tinggkat

19. what is the concept of diffusion?​


Diffusion is the process of movement of molecules under a concentration gradient. It is an important process occurring in all living beings. Diffusion helps in the movement of substances in and out of the cells.

20. Which of the following best describes the broad concept of a market?


Manakah dari berikut ini yang paling menggambarkan konsep pasar secara luas?


maaf kalau salah satu... semoga membantu_*

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