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Use The Table To Evaluate The Expression

Use The Table To Evaluate The Expression

i use a.....to clean the table​

Daftar Isi

1. i use a.....to clean the table​


feather duster


Semoga membantu maaf klo ada kesalahan :))


wipe ( pengelap/lap) atau cleaner (pembersih)

2. i use a.....to clean the table​

i use a duster to clean the table.

semoga membantu!
jadikan Brainliest Answer ya


I use a duster to clean the table

3. Use the same table to identify the facts about anidan

saya tidak mengerti dengan pertanyaan anda

4. use truth table to evaluate 1. {p v q} - > pTolong bantu yah

Silahkan dikoreksi kembali.

5. G. Discuss the answers to the following questions with your friends.1. When do we use the expression 'Good morning? Mention the time.2. When do we use the expression 'Good day? Mention the time.3. When do we use the expression 'Good afternoon? Mention the time.3. When do we use the expression 'Good evening'? Mention the time.4. When do we use the expression 'Good night?Bantuin dong​


1. When we meet someone in the morning (pagi)

2. When we meet someone in the good day (hari bahagia)

3. When we meet someone in the afternoon (siang/sore)

4. When we meet someone in the evening (malam)

5. When we want to go to sleep (mengucapkan selamat tidur)

Semoga membantu

Maaf kalau salah

6. Listen to speaker and categorize every expression to the table below carefully !


dengarkan pembicara dan kategorikan setiap ekspresi ke tabel di bawah ini dengan cermat


itu Arti nya maaf kalo salah

7. 3 Complete the table with the correct verb forms. Use thetext to help you.​


1. There isn't

2. Is there

3. There are

4. There Aren't

5. Are there

8. 1. When do we use the expression "Good morning"? Mention the time. 2. When do we use the expression "Good day"? Mention the time. 3. When do we use the expression "Good afternoon"? Mention the time. 4. When do we use the expression "Good evening"? Mention the time. 5. When do we use the expression "Good night"?​


1. in the morning, at 07.00 am

2. in the day, at 12.00 am

3. in the afternoon, at 15.00 pm

4. in the evening, at 18.00 pm

5. in the night, at 21.00 pm

9. The expression to show the abilities it can use modal verbs


Can and Could


Modal verb can& could memiliki arti yang sama yaitu dapat/bisa. Salah sungsi nya adalah untuk menjelaskan kemampuan. Berikut ini adalah penjelasan & contoh dari fungsi "can" dan "could".


Berfungsi untuk menjelaskan kemampuan(ability) pada masa sekarang (present). Contoh : "I can do my homework".Berfungsi untuk meminta ijin(permission). Contoh : "Can I borrow your ruler?"Berfungsi untuk menawarkansesuatu(offering). Contoh : "Can I do something for you?"


Berfungsi untuk menjelaskan kemampuan(ability) pada masa lampau (past). Contoh : "John could play piano well when he was twenty years old".Berfungsi untuk memintaijin(permission). Dan kata ini lebih sopan untuk digunakan dari pada "can". Contoh : "Could I ride your motorcycle, Tom?".

Perlu di ingat bahwa kata kerja (verb) yang digunakan setelah modalverbs harus menggunakan verb-1 tanpa tambahan s/es sekalipun subject nya adalah orang ketiga tunggal.

Jadi, jawabannya "ungkapan untuk menunjukan kemampuan, bisa menggunakan kata kerja bantu yaitucanatau could.









10. now,use the table below to practice the dialog in section b

sekarang, gunakan tabel dibawah untuk berlatih percakapan dibagian b

11. listen to the speaker and categorize every expression to the table below carefully​


dengarkan pembicara dan kategorikan setiap ekspresi ke tabel di bawah ini dengan cermat


cuman terjemahkan aja ya

12. What does the expression use to give obligatoon to someone




maaf kalo salah

13. We can use the following expression to ask someone attention


please listen, excuse me and attention please

14. 3. I use ...To clean the chair and the table.​


I use napkins

To clean the chair and the table.


I use a featherdusterto clean the chair and the table.


Kata yang tepat pastinya feather duster atau duster artinya pembersih debu atau biasa kita sebut kemoceng untuk membersihkan debu di meja dan kursi

Semoga membantu dan maaf kalau ada salah ya...

Hope it helps a lot :)

15. Evaluate the following expression: 9 / 3 + 6 *5 = ......


ga ngerti


cuman mau ambil balik poin :))

16. Evaluate the expression 39 n (for n=5)





Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

hope it helps

17. mention the expression the why use agree and disagree to do something!!!​


sebutkan ungkapan mengapa menggunakan setuju dan tidak setuju untuk melakukan sesuatu !!!


* I agree with your opinion


*I'm not agree if he be chairman

18. Complete the following table with the expresisions you use to introduce yourself

My name is ... I'm .... years old. I'm from .... hello my name is zaskia, my age is eleven years. I live in diponegoro street. dream I want to be a teacher, nice to meet you

19. exercises : we use chair to?, we use table to?, we use medicine to?, what is the work of the police?, what is the work of the doctor?


We use chair to sit

We use table to put something on it

We use medicine to heal our ill

Police's work is to keep an area is still safe

Doctor's work is to examine and give medicine to patient (s)

ExercisesWe use chair to?We use table to?We use medicine to?What is the work of the police?What is the work of the doctor?

AnswerSitPut things and foodsHealKeep people safety and disciplineTreat patients

20. use the correct object pronoun in the table to complete the sentencesplease jawab ya......​


1. Our

2. Her

3. Me

4. You

5. They

6. It

7. Them

8. Them

9. Us

10. Him

Maaf banget kalo salah

( jangan lupa follow aku dan kasih jawaban terbaik ya)

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