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As A Parallel Plate Capacitor With Circular Plates

As A Parallel Plate Capacitor With Circular Plates

Problem– Parallel Plate Capacitor The plate capacitor is parallel to the dimensions 3 cm x 4 cm, 2 mm apart. The two plates are given a battery voltage of 60 V. Determine: (a) Capacitance; (b) The amount of charge on each plate; (c) Energy stored in capacitors (d) Energy density

Daftar Isi

1. Problem– Parallel Plate Capacitor The plate capacitor is parallel to the dimensions 3 cm x 4 cm, 2 mm apart. The two plates are given a battery voltage of 60 V. Determine: (a) Capacitance; (b) The amount of charge on each plate; (c) Energy stored in capacitors (d) Energy density


(a) C = 5,31 x 10-12 Farad

(b) Q = 3,186 x 10-10 Coulomb

(c) W = 9,56 x 10-9 Joule

(d) σ = 2,66 x 10-7 C/m


pada gambar.

2. make your own sentence with "there is" and "there are" with the following words!plate, platesanswer: ..................................​


there is plate on the table

there are plates on the table


tolong jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya


3. The correct sentence is ... a. There are two plates; b. There are two plate; c. There is a plate.; d. There is two plates.


A & C


Are = Benda lebih dari 1

Is = Benda sama dengan 1

Opsi B salah karenatwo plate seharusnya two plates (pakai s)

Opsi D salah karena menggunakan is dan bukan are

4. A businessman has 500 plates that are placed and aligned along a bridge. Every plate starts out upside-down. There are also 500 people nearby. The businessman asks the 1st person to go down the row and turn all plates upright. The 2nd person then goes down the row and turns upside-down every 2nd plate, starting with plate number 2. The 3rd person then changes the state of every 3rd plate, starting with plate number 3. If it is upright then the person turns it upside-down, and if it is upside-down the person turns it upright. The 4th person changes the state of every 4th plate, starting with plate number 4. Suppose this process continues for each of the 500 people nearby. At the end of the process, how many plates are in an upright position? Which plate numbers are they? tolong segera jawab dengan cara​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

ini bahasa Inggris atau MTK bg

Jawab: 22

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

yang upside adalah piring ke-angka kuadrat karna angka kuadrat faktornya ganjil.

banyaknya faktor: banyaknya dibalikan

dibalik ganjil: down jadi up

dibalik genap: down jadi down

5. a 3miu f capacitor is conected to a 12v battery.energi is stored in the capacitor ...j

C = 3×10^-6 F
V = 12 V
W .... ?

W = 1/2 CV²
W = 1/2 × 3×10^-6 × 12²
W = 216×10^-6 J

6. What ia parallel structure with comparisons.?​


Parallel structures with comparisons When comparing, you point out the differences and similarities between two things, and those similarities and differences must be parallel.



Parallel structure, parallel construction, or parallelism are the parallels between two or more words, sentences, or other language units in a series. An example can be seen in the following sentence:

You need to buy a computer, put it on the table, and turn it on.

The sentences are not parallel because the "turn it on" part is different from the other parts. This part is an interjection, while the other part (buy and install) is a verb. These inequalities become evident when the sentence is broken down into its parts:

1.You need to buy a computer.

2.You need to mount it on the table.

3.You need to turn it on.

Artinya =

Struktur paralel, konstruksi paralel, atau paralelisme adalah kesejajaran antara dua atau lebih kata, kalimat, atau unit bahasa lain dalam suatu rangkaian. Contohnya dapat dilihat pada kalimat berikut:

Anda perlu membeli komputer, meletakkannya di atas meja, dan menyalakannya.

Kalimatnya tidak sejajar karena bagian "turn it on" berbeda dengan bagian lainnya. Bagian ini merupakan interjeksi, sedangkan bagian lainnya (buy and install) adalah verba. Ketidaksamaan ini menjadi nyata ketika kalimat dipecah menjadi beberapa bagian:

1.Anda perlu membeli komputer.

2.Anda perlu memasangnya di atas meja.

3.Anda perlu menyalakannya.

7. The shape of a Plate is... (answer it with indonesian language)


Lingkaran (Circle)

Tolong Jadikan Jawaban Yang Terverifikasi Ya Kak, Terimakasih!


lingkaran( cirlie)


maaf kalau salah ya

8. mengarang cerita dengan menerapkan parallel structurr with coordinate conjuction, parallel structire with comparison coordinate connectors, adjective and adverbs.Tolong dibantu ya kak ​


mengarang cerita dengan menerapkan parallel

struktur paralel dengan konjungsi koordinat, struktur paralel dengan konektor koordinat perbandingan, kata sifat dan kata keterangan


ini aku jawab aku bakal folow kamu

9. Q: Does she wash plates? A: Yes,... (5 Poin) a. She washes plates b. She wash plates c. She to wash plates d. She is washing plates​


a. she washes plates


karena kalimat di atas adalah kalimat simple tense, dan untuk subyek "she" menggunakan verb 1 dengan s/es untuk kalimat positif untuk menjawab dengan tense tersebut.

10. amir has breakfast with a plate of a rice b burger c milk​


c.milk for brekfast.maaf kalo salah

11. Inmy kitchen, (1) ... a cup of milk onthe table. (2)... also some fruits on the table,such as apples, oranges, and bananas. Inaddition, on the left of the table, (3)... a platerack. In the plate rack, (4) ... some plates,such as plastic and glass plates. In the rightof the plate rack, (5)... a toast rack. I alwaystoast some breads.TOLONG BANTU​


(1) there is

(2) there are

(3) there is

(4) there are

(5) there is


in my kitchen (1) there is a cup of milk on the table.

(2) there are also some fruits on the table such as apples, oranges, and bananas.

Inaddition, on the left of the table, (3) there is a plate rack.

In the plate rack, (4) there are some plates, such as plastic and glass plates.

in the right of the plate rack, (5) there is a toast rack. I always toast some breads.

semoga jawaban saya dapat membantu, ya !

12. An outfielder experiments with two different trajectories for throwing to home plate from the position shown: (a) v0 = 42 m/s with θ = 8° and (b) v0 = 33 m/s with θ = 13°. For each set of initial conditions, determine the time t required for the baseball to reach home plate and the altitude h as the ball crosses the plate.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Semoga dapat membantu ya

13. how many plates are there on the table? a. there are on plate b. there are five plate c. there are five plates d. there is two plates


C.there Are five plates


Karna plates lebih dari piring yang lebih dari satu

14. Find the linear equation g, if line g: A) Parallel with line y=5x-2 and running through (4,0) B) parallel with y axis and running through (4,-3)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

parallel lines means that both of the line have same slope (m). If a point in the line is known Linear equation of that linear line can be calculated with formula:

[tex] \boxed{y = m(x -x_{1}) + y_{1}}[/tex]



If the other line's equation is y = 5x -2. The slope is the coefficient of x if only y's coefficient is 1.

Since y's coefficient is already 1, therefore:

m = 5

also, the linear passes point (4, 0), the equation calculations will be:

[tex]y = 5(x - 4) + ( 0)[/tex]

[tex]y = 5x - 20 [/tex]

[tex]y = 5x - 20[/tex]


for question B. the line is parallel with y axis therefore the slope of the line is ∞

so the function will be x = ...

since the line passes (4, -3) the value of x will be static so the function will be

[tex] \boxed{x = 4}[/tex]

15. In the plate rack,… (6)….some plates, such a plastic and glass plates. In the night of the plate rack …(7) …a toast rack. I always toast some bread *​


6. there are

7. there is


these are the answers.

16. 1.he hits the plate with HIS…..and…. 2.the carrot is……the plate

1. He hits the plate with his fork and spoo.
2. The carrot is on the plate.

semoga membantu ^^

17.  It has three circular lamps with .................colours tolong artikan mau di kumpul sekarang​

ia memiliki tiga lampu bundar dengan ... warna


maaf kalo salah

18. 5.多 8A parallel-plate capacitor consists oftwo strips of aluminum foil, each withan area of 0.20 m, separated by adistance of 0.10 mm. The spacebetween the foils is empty. The twostrips are connected to the terminals ofa battery, which produces a potentialdifference of 200 volts between them.a. What is the capacitance of thiscapacitor?b. What is the electric charge oneach plate?c. What is the strength of the electricfield between the plates?apa rollerblade konser Queen of just right of aluminium foil retreat and ​


a.what is the capacitance of this capacitor

19. The correct sentence is ...a. There are two plates.b. There are two plate.c. There is a plate.d. There is two plates.The correct sentence is....a. There are cups.b. There are cup.C. There is a cups.d. There is a cup.​


1. A There are two plates

2. A There are cups

20. a.12. There are twenty four ... in the kitchen.bowlb. bowlsplated. platesC.​




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