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Consider The Graph Of The Function

Consider The Graph Of The Function

mohon bantuannya The picture is a graph of quadratic function......​

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1. mohon bantuannya The picture is a graph of quadratic function......​

Persamaan umum fungsi kuadrat :

f(x) = Ax² + Bx + C

Diketahui grafik fungsi f(x) melewati titik :

» (3 , 0)

=> f(3) = 0

=> A.(3)² + B.(3) + C = 0

=> 9A + 3B + C = 0 ( i )

» (–1 , 0)

=> f(–1) = 0

=> A.(–1)² + B.(–1) + C = 0

=> A - B + C = 0 ( ii )

» (0 , 3)

=> f(0) = 3

=> A.(0)² + B.(0) + C = 3

=> C = 3

Subtitusikan nilai C ke ( i ) :

9A + 3B + C = 0

9A + 3B + 3 = 0

9A + 3B = –3 ( iii )

Subtitusikan nilai C ke ( ii ) :

A - B + C = 0

A - B + 3 = 0

A - B = –3 ( iv )

Eliminasi ( iii ) dan ( iv ) :

( iii ) : 9A + 3B = –3

(iv) × 3 : 3A - 3B = –9

________________ +

12A = –12 => A = –1

Subtitusikan nilai A ke ( iv ) :

A - B = –3

–1 - B = –3 => B = 2

Substitusikan nilai A, B, dan C ke persamaan fungsi kuadrat :

f(x) = Ax² + Bx + C

f(x) = (–1)x² + (2)x + (3)

Jadi, persamaan fungsi kuadrat grafik tersebut adalah : f(x)=x²+2x+3

2. kak..pliss jawab dong...important!plisss find the trigonometric function of the graph. jawab yaa :


4 tan x°

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

perhatikan bahwa di kuadran I (sudut 0° sampai 90°) nilai sudutnya positif, maka fungsi trigonometri yang digunakan adalah sinus atau tangen

lalu pada sudut 90° sampai 180° (kuadran II) nilai nya negatif, maka fungsi trigonometri diatas cosinus atau tangen

dari kedua kesimpulan diatas, maka jelas fungsi yang dipakai adalah tangen. perhatikan bahwa

tan 45° = 1


4 tan 45° = 4

maka kemugkinan fungsi diatas berbentuk

4 tan x°


4 tan 135° = 4 tan (180° - 45°)  = 4 (-tan 45°) = 4.(-1) = 4×(-1) = -4 (sesuai)

4 tan 225° = 4 tan (180 + 45°) = 4 tan 45° = 4×1 = 4 (sesuai)

Jadi fungsi trigonometri yang dipakai adalah 4 tan x°

3. Diagram 5 shows the graph of a quadratic function y = f(x)

a. y = 21+4x-x²
    0 = 21+4x-x²
    0 = (7-x)(3+x)
    x = 7 atau x = -3

b. mencari sumbu simetri di turunan pertama:
    y = 21+4x-x²
    y' = 4 - 2x               ; subtitusi y' = 0 (karena pada titik puncak, m=0)
    0 = 4 - 2x
  2x = 4
    x = 2   ← sumbu simetri

4. What is the function of a park?A: What is the function of a restaurant?What is the function of a bank?A: What is the function of a jail?NADE MEDiWhat is the function of athe function of a brary?AWhat is the function or a no​

Function of:

Park: A park is an area of natural, semi-natural or planted space set aside for human enjoyment and recreation or for the protection of wildlife or natural habitats. Restaurant: a place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served on the premises.Bank: bank is used to save money of some people. many people save money because in bank their money is save well stored.Jail: Jails are an indispensable part of our criminal justice system. They serve many different roles. As you know, jails hold inmates while they await charges, trial or sentencing.Library: to show and can read many books as you can as you want and as you strong.

5. what the function of the brain?

artinya =apa kegunaan dari otak

jawab=a function of the brain is to moving a body(because,we need brain to moving the body),study,and goog thingking.

arti jawabannya=kegunaan otak yaitu mengerakkan badan(karena kita membutuhkan otak untuk menggerakkan tubuh),belajar ,dan berpikir dengan baik.

brainlest answer ya

6. 1.What the function of chair 2.What the function of whiteboard 3.What the function of lamp 4.What the function of broom 5.What the function of glass 6.What the function of refrigerator 7.What the function of stove 8.What the function of bowl 9.What the function of table 10.,What the function of spoon Mohon dijawab dalam bahasa indonesia yah


1. Apa fungsi kursi

2. Apa fungsi papan tulis

3. Apa fungsi lampu

4. Apa fungsi sapu

5. Apa fungsi kaca

6. Apa fungsi lemari es

7. Apa fungsi kompor

8. Apa fungsi mangkok

9. Apa fungsi tabel

10., Apa fungsi sendok


1.apa fungsi dari kursi

2.apa fungsi dari papan tulis

3.apa fungsi dari lampu

4.apa fungsi dari sapu

5.apa fungsi dari kaca

6.apa fungsi dari lemari es

7.apa fungsi dari kompor

8.apa fungsi dari mangkuk

9.apa fungsi dari meja

10.apa fungsi dari sendok

semoga bermanfaat

7. what ia the function of the form​

The function of the form is divided into four functions,that is..

1. To record a qustomer enquiry

2. To apply for something

3. To make a booking or reservation

4. To ask people for their opinions(questionnaires)

moga betul jawabanya....

8. The function of the hooks of the seed is..​

The function of the hooks are many plants produce fruits or individual seeds which have hooks or spines. Eventually, the seed may fall off, or be rubbed off by the animal. If conditions are right the seed will germinate and grow into a new plant.

Tidak tahu ingin menjawab apa,pertanyaan tanpa teks sulit ditebak

9. Answer the questions correctly! 1. What is the function of door? 2. What is the function of clock? 3. What is the function of vase? 4. What is the function of stove? 5. What is the function of pencil case? bantu jawab​


1. Doors are generally used to separate interior spaces (closets, rooms, etc.) for convenience, privacy, safety, and security reasons. Doors are also used to secure passages into a building from the exterior, for reasons of climate control and safety.

2. Clocks may also have the facility to make a loud alert signal at a specified time, typically to waken a sleeper at a preset time; they are referred to as alarm clocks.

3. Vases as little more than vessels for flowers, but they in fact have multiple uses in modern culture.

4. Kitchen stoves rely on the application of direct heat for the cooking process and may also contain an oven, used for baking. "Cookstoves" (also called "cooking stoves" or "wood stoves") are heated by burning wood or charcoal.

5. A pencil case can also contain a variety of other stationery such as sharpeners, pens, glue sticks, erasers, scissors, rulers and calculators. ... The intent of having a pencil case is for easy portability of small items such as pencils.


Hope this helps^^

Can u make it the brainliest answer? thx

10. the function of the book is

my name to book iam to your book1. Help us to increase knowledge
2. To increase experience
3. Book is windows of world

11. In an AC circuit, the current / is given by l = 4.8sin(60pi - pi/2) Find the amplitude, period, and phase shift of this function, and then graph the function through two cycles.


cari aja di google

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


12. Diagram 2 shows the graph of the quadratic function f(x)= a(x+1)² +8+2k where a and k are constants.a) State, (i) the range of values of a, (ii) the equation of the axis of symmetry of the curve. (b) Find the value of k. ​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]f(x) = a(x+1)^2+8+2k[/tex]

[tex]f'(x) = 0 = 2a(x+1) \to a = 0\cup x = -1 \to x = -1, a\neq 0\\f(-1) = 12 = a(0)^2+8+2k\to k = 2\\f(x) = a(x+1)^2+12[/tex]


[tex]f''(x) \equiv 2a > 0\to \boxed{\boxed{a > 0}}[/tex]


[tex]f(x) = a(x+1)^2+12 = a(x-(-1))^2+12\to \boxed{\boxed{x_p = -1}}[/tex]


[tex]f'(x) = 0 = 2a(x+1) \to a = 0\cup x = -1 \to x = -1, a\neq 0\\f(-1) = 12 = a(0)^2+8+2k\to \boxed{\boxed{k = 2}}[/tex]

13. the function of the book id

to gain new knowledge

14. what is the function of "the"​

untuk memperjelas kata benda/menyatakan kata benda

15. what ia the function of the wordrobe?​


Fungsinya untuk menampung sejumlah pakaian yang terdiri atas jas, blazer, baju kerja


Untuk menyimpan pakaian supaya terorganisir dan bersih.

16. kalau sudah ada of boleh lagi pake the ,kaya the function of the wardrobe is,

boleh dong kan ini contoh nya

The glass of the table.





ini terjemahannya

fungsi teks diatas adalah..


semoga membantu

18. identify the function of the letter!

the function is to invite people
fungsinya adalah untuk mengundang atau mengajak seseorang ke suatu tempat atau acara

19. 1) what is the function of hospital ? 2) what is the function airport? 3) what is the function of cinema? 4) what is the function of harbour? 5) what is the of rail iway station? 6) what is the function of book store? 7) what is the function of muxum?

1.For Take People sick
2.For Up AirPlane
3.For Watching Film's
4.For Placing A Boath
5.For Up A Train
6.For Buying Book
7.For Top Up The Knowledge1. For take People Sick.
2. For a airplanes
3. for watching films.
4. for placing a boat.
5. for train.
6. for buying a book.

Maaf kalo salah ya :) yang no. 7 aku ga ngerti apa itu muxum

20. identify the function of the letter!

the function is to invite people
fungsinya adalah untuk mengundang atau mengajak seseorang ke suatu tempat atau acara

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