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Water Is To Moisten As Spade Is To Dig

Water Is To Moisten As Spade Is To Dig

The ground’s impossible to dig, it is as .....hard/hardly as stone

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1. The ground’s impossible to dig, it is as .....hard/hardly as stone

the ground's impossible to dig, it is as hard as stone.


Jawab : the underlined word it's refers to your hand

3. Water is believed as the (important) substance to consume

Air dipercaya sebagai zat (penting) untuk dikonsumsi

Air dipercaya sebagai zat (penting) untuk dikonsumsi

4. dinda needs some water to drink she is

Jawabannya = thirsty (haus). Jadikan jawaban terbaik yahh!

5. structure " this water is so hot to drink

structure " this water is so hot to drink


bangunan "air ini sangat panas untuk di minum

6. We use this to water flowers.what is it ?

water and fertilizerWater and watering can

7. The water is.... To swim


The water us coldto swim

8. why is water vital to humans?

because humans can't life without water

9. 1.mirror is used to2. towel Is used to3. theet brush is used to4 Shampoo is used to5. Soap is used to6.Water is used to7.Shower is used to8toilet is used to9tub is used to10 dipper is used to?​


1.berkaca 2.wipe the body 3.brushing teeth4.clean hair5.to take a shower6.for drink7.to clean up8.to pee 9.to hold water 10.to draw water


# semoga membantu maaf kalau salah

10. 6. A bathtub is known to hold as much as 50 litres of water. In the bathtub,12500 cm3 of water has been filled. How many liters of remaining water isneeded to fill the tub completely?​


37,5 litres


1 litres = 1000cm³

12500cm³=12,5 litres

the water needed to fill the bathtub completely

=50 litres-12,5 litres

=37,5 litres

11. dinda needs some water to drink. she is

very thirsty

begitu ya maksudnywDinda needs some water to drink. She is thirsty.
(Dinda butuh air untuk diminum. Dia haus)

12. 30. look at the picture below! it's function is ....a. to dig a ricefieldb. to plough a ricefieldc. to carry a farmerd. to water a ricefield​

Maaf sebelumnya kak gambarnya mana ya?

Look at the picture below! it's function is ....
Answer :
b. to plough a ricefield

Mungkin seperti ini, maaf kalau salah
Semoga membantu

13. According to the passage, which of the following is true about water cycle?a. The water cycle is also known as the rain cycleb. The water cycle is also known as the recyclec. The water cycle is also known as the hydro carbond. The water cycle is also known as the hydrologic cyclemohon bantuannya ​


a. The water cycle is also known as the rain cycle

14. 3. Water that is underground is called4. The water we can drink is calledRead. Complete the definitions.1. Water in lakes, rivers, and swamps is called2. Water in the clouds or sky is referred to as​

3. surface water

4. purified water

1. freshwater


15. A washing machine is.....used towash laundry,as.....and sheets.the term is mostly.... to machine that use water as..... to dry cleaning

Mesin cuci adalah ..... digunakan towash laundry, seperti ..... dan sheet.bagiannya sebagian besar .... untuk mesin yang menggunakan air sebagai ..... untuk membersihkan kering

16. 30. Look at the picture below! It's function isa. to dig a ricefieldb. to plough a ricefieldC. to carry a farmerd. to water a ricefield​


A.to Dig a ricefield


maaf kalo salah ya

17. To use water to clean soap or diet from something is


is it the right sentences?

18. sand is chosen as one of the media of hydrooonics because it is like a sponge easy to hold water​


Pasir dipilih sebagai salah satu media hidroonois karena seperti spons yang mudah menahan air

semoga membantu


Biar Enak Kita Terjemahakan saja Yukkk ^_____^

Pasir dipilih sebagai salah satu media hidrooonik karena merupakan spons yang mudah menahan air


Selamat Belajar

19. Data:The boat is full of water. it is going to sin​


perahunya penuh dengan air. perahunya akan tenggelam

20. water is believed as the.... (important) substance to consume

Water is believed as the most important substance to consume.

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