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Why Do Salts Have Different Ratios

Why Do Salts Have Different Ratios

Why do different habitats have different food chains?

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1. Why do different habitats have different food chains?


A habitat provides what living things need to survive: food, water, shelter, and space. Food chains show the way living things depend on each other for food.


jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa ~ ;)

2. why do you think religions have different belief


Because different religion have diffirent background history


beacuse someone's different opinions and religious beliefs

3. why do children have different shapes and sizes bahasa indonesianya

Mengapa anak anak memiliki bentuk dan ukuran yang berbeda-beda?

mengapa anak anak mempunyai bentuk dan ukuran yang berbeda?
(maaf klo salah)

4. Do parents and children often have different ideas about careers? How are their ideas different?

Talking about careers, children and parents may have different ideas about that. But, we can't say that it happens often because, parents nowadays are mostly educated. So, they suppose to understand about self-desicion.

For some cases, there are still different ideas about careers. Parents and children mostly have different opinion about where to work. May be in big companies, in the goverment, etc. Parents mostly hope that their kids can go to big companies or having jobs at an honorable place.

In the end, eventhough there are different ideas about careers, children must choose their path seriously and wisely.

Semoga membantu ya! :)


5. 1. Do you usually engage in debates? Why? Why not?2. Do you think disagreeing with someone can be beneficial? Why? Why not?3. Do you think it is necessary for a company to have people with different opinions? Why? Why not?4. Why it is important to learn about different opinions and perspectives?Coreco​


Ini adalah opini saya, untuk jawaban kembali pada anda

1. No, I dont usually engage in debates. Debate need wide knowledge and communication skill which I dont really confindent in there.

2. Disagree with someone can be a benefit. We can know the problem in every point of view, and we can discuss it to find the best solution against it.

3. Yes, its necessary. As I said in number 2, we can discuss our opinions to find the best solution against it.

4. With learning in different perspective we become more tolerant, also it will open and widening our knowledge

6. explain why our body removes water and salts frim our blood​


jelaskan mengapa tubuh kita menghilangkan air dan garam dari darah kita


Semoga Bermanfaat Kak^_^

7. what do you have on your tongue to help you taste different foods ​




Those are called papillae and most of them contain taste buds. Taste buds have very sensitive microscopic hairs called microvilli Those tiny hairs send messages to the brain about how something tastes, so you know if it's sweet, sour, bitter, or salty.


Ujung dan tepi lidah

Sesuai namanya, bagian ini meliputi lidah bagian depan (ujung) serta kanan dan kiri (tepi). Ujung dan tepi lidah bisa bergerak dengan bebas ke depan, belakang, kanan, maupun ke kiri.

Punggung lidah

Permukaan atas lidah disebut juga dengan punggung lidah. Pada bagian ini terdapat banyak papillae, yaitu bintik-bintik kecil yang memberikan tekstur lidah. Kadang pada lidah bisa tampak terdapat kerak, kondisi ini normal dan lebih sering terjadi pada orang tua.

Permukaan papillae terdiri dari ribuan kuncup perasa (taste buds), yaitu sel saraf yang terhubung otak, sehingga kita bisa merasakan rasa, suhu, maupun tekstur benda yang masuk ke dalam mulut kita, termasuk makanan.

Pangkal lidah

Pangkal lidah menempel pada dasar rongga mulut dan terletak di belakang sehingga tidak bisa dilihat dari luar mulut. Pangkal lidah bisa bergerak, tapi pergerakannya tidak bisa sebebas bagian ujung dan tepi lidah.

Bagian-bagian lidah yang disebutkan di atas punya peran yang sangat penting dalam membantu lidah untuk menjalankan fungsinya. Jika terjadi masalah pada salah satu bagian tersebut, lidah tidak bisa menjalankan fungsinya dengan baik.

Macam-Macam Fungsi Lidah

Seperti yang sudah disebutkan di atas, lidah memiliki fungsi utama sebagai indera pengecap, alat bantu berkomunikasi, mengunyah, dan menelan makanan. Berikut ini adalah penjelasan lengkapnya:

1. Alat pengecap

Semua papillae pada lidah memiliki alat perasa untuk merasakan makanan, minuman, atau apa pun yang masuk ke dalam mulut. Secara umum, lidah bisa mengecap empat rasa utama, yaitu manis, asam, pahit dan asin. Rasa kelima adalah umami atau gurih yang umum dapat dirasakan pada monosodium glutamate atau MSG.

2. Membantu berkomunikasi

Lidah bekerja sama dengan bibir dan gigi untuk membuat suara yang keluar dari dalam tenggorokan menjadi jelas dan mudah untuk dipahami oleh lawan bicara. Tanpa lidah, perkataan seseorang akan sulit dipahami.

3. Membantu mengunyah makanan

Karena bisa bergerak bebas di dalam mulut, lidah berfungsi membantu mengolah makanan dan minuman dari padat menjadi lembek, sehingga mudah untuk ditelan.

4. Membantu menelan

Setelah makanan dikunyah dan menjadi halus, lidahlah yang akan mendorong makanan ke dalam tenggorokan, lalu masuk ke dalam lambung dan diolah oleh organ pencernaan.

5. Membantu mengisap

Fungsi lidah sebagai alat bantu mengisap cairan paling jelas terlihat pada bayi. Bayi menggunakan lidahnya saat mengisap air susu ibu.

6. Membantu menyentuh

Ujung lidah merupakan salah satu bagian tubuh yang paling sensitif sehingga bisa merasakan tekstur benda atau makanan di dalam mulut. Hal ini dapat melindungi kita dari hal-hal yang berbahaya pada mulut kita, misalnya duri ikan atau benda asing kecil yang tidak sengaja masuk di makanan.

Selain itu, dengan fungs ini lidah juga bisa membantu mencari sisa-sisa makanan yang tertinggal di dalam mulut.

7. Melindungi mulut dari kuman

Di dasar lidah, terdapat kumpulan sel-sel pelindung bernama tonsil lingual. Sel-sel ini berada di belakang rongga mulut. Bersamaan dengan amandel, tonsil lingual bertugas melindungi tubuh dari gangguan kuman-kuman yang bisa masuk melalui mulut.

Lidah memiliki fungsi yang sangat penting untuk tubuh kita. Tanpa lidah yang sehat aktivitas sehari-hari kita pun bisa terganggu. Macam-macam gangguan atau penyakit yang bisa terjadi pada lidah di antaranya bau sariawan, herpes stomatitis, hingga kanker lidah.

Agar lidah dapat menjalankan fungsinya dengan baik, selalu jaga kebersihan lidah dan kesehatan mulut dengan rutin, yaitu dengan menyikat gigi atau menggunakan obat kumur. Bila Anda mengalami keluhan terkait lidah dan mulut, berkonsultasilah dengan dokter gigi untuk mendapatkan pemeriksaan dan penanganan yang tepat.


jadikan yang terbaik ya ya

8. Why did the children have very different attitudes?


there are some reason why the children have different attitudes

1. because habitually

2. they didn't get education about attitudes

3. broken home

9. what did frank do to have his car look different


apa yang Frank lakukan agar mobilnya terlihat berbeda?

10. diza:.......do we need? asep:we need two teaspoonful of salt. a.how many salt b.how many salts c.how much salt d.how much salts

c .how much salt

utk menanyakan uncountable noun, menggunakan how much. dan kata bendanya tdk ditambahi dg -s

11. why do you think music is important and how does if affect different people?


because i think music make me feel happy

i don't know how people forgive that


Because music important to people and culture


Maaf kalo salah, semoga membantu :)

12. - Quiz Malam -Test your IQ in science-------------------------------------------------------------1. Why do different habitats have different food chains?2. What's the producer in a forest food chain?3. What's the producer in a marine food chain?​


Perhatikan cairannya lebih dekat.

Seperti zat padat, zat cair ada di sekitar kita. Sekitar 70% permukaan bumi ditutupi air laut. Tubuh manusia hampir dua pertiganya terdiri dari air.

Mari kita jawab:

Saya berharap dapat bekerja sama dengan Anda.

13. bantu jawab tolong :( 4. Have you ever supervided peopel? Do you think you were (are) an effective manager? Why or why not?5. What must happen to ensure that managers and employees from different cultur can work together successfully?6. What do you know about japanese management style?7. Why do you think the japanese have been so succesfully economically?

4.yes, yes, we work a team not as workers.

5. communication. know and understand their culture, learn their advantages and disadvantages

6. Kaizen

7. in the future? Womenomics. On industrial level? They have a good business ethics and it pays off

14. Adika has two dogs. They have different colours, black and white. Do they have different species? Explain the reason!


Dogs all belong to the same species. Dogs, which are well known for their hybrid varieties, are all found under the umbrella of a single species, Canis familiaris.

15. do zebra have different pattern

apakah zebra memiliki pola berbeda?

tensesnya present tense

16. why do the sentences use different "to be"??​


The different use of "to be" in sentences depends on two things:

1. The subject of the sentence


I am here

You are here

He is here

Different "to be" because of different subject (I/You/He)

2. The tense of the sentence.

I am reading Harry Potter novel at the moment. (present continuous tense)

I wasreading Harry Potter novel when my mother arrived last night. (past continuous tense)

I havebeenreding Harry Potter novel for three hours now. (present perfect continuous tense)

I will be reading Harry Potter when you arrive home tomorrow morning. (future progressive tense)

In this case different "to be" is used because of the difference in tense.


Ada 8 bentuk "to be" yang dikenal:






Penggunaan "to be" yang berbeda-beda adalah tergantung pada:

1) subjek kalimat

2) tense kalimat

LIhat contoh di atas.

Semoga bermanfaat

17. Eng: Why do the chicken egg and quail egg have different characteristics? What organelle does take role and why? Indo: Mengapa telur ayam dan telur puyuh memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda? Organel apa yang berperan dan mengapa? Jawaban English dan Bahasa Indo tidak apa apa.


karna hewannya beda dan juga dengan berbeda hewan juga berbeda cara karakteristik hewannya


maaf jwb cmn 1, jdikan yg terbaik maaf klo salah sobat ku:)

18. 4 por12. Why do the layers of soil havedifferents strength and stiffness?O a. they contain different materialООb. they receive different pressureO c. they are located in different heightO d. they are influenced by the vegetation​



12. Why do the layers of soil have

differents strength and stiffness?

O a. they contain different material


b. they receive different pressure

O c. they are located in different height

O d. they are influenced by the vegetation

B.they receive different pressure


thanks for you

19. Why do in the family happen different opinionss?


we just misunderstood

sorry if the answer is wrong

20. why can each school have different rules?

because every school have different mission and vision on their school. so every school have different rules for complete their mission and visionEvery school has difrent rules because they're focusing on what their vision and mission is, although sometimes many schools has the same mission and vision because is what the school things that is the right way to do..

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