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A Sample Of Caco3 Was Reported As Being 30

A Sample Of Caco3 Was Reported As Being 30

Mrs. Lexiputri has reported a report of weather.The passive sentence of the sentence above is....a.A report of weather has been reported by Mrs. Lexiputri.b.A report of weather was reported by Mrs. Lexiputri.c.A report of weather will be reported by Mrs. Lexiputri.d.A report of weather is reported by Mrs. Lexiputri.e.A report of weather is being reported by Mrs. Lexiputri.​

Daftar Isi

1. Mrs. Lexiputri has reported a report of weather.The passive sentence of the sentence above is....a.A report of weather has been reported by Mrs. Lexiputri.b.A report of weather was reported by Mrs. Lexiputri.c.A report of weather will be reported by Mrs. Lexiputri.d.A report of weather is reported by Mrs. Lexiputri.e.A report of weather is being reported by Mrs. Lexiputri.​


B. A report of weather . . .


maaf kalo salah

2. being outside has more risk of being the victim of crime as well as being at home.give your opinion about that topic

Berada di luar memiliki lebih banyak risiko menjadi korban kejahatan sekaligus berada di rumah.

Berikan pendapat anda tentang topik itu!

Pendapat : Pendapat saya adalah mungkin adalah tidak! Sebaiknya, bagi anak2 jangan berkeluaran di luar rumah bila si anak belum mengenal lingkungannya

Semoga terbantu!^^

3. "She was taking a photo in front of me." Change that sentence into passive. in front of me, a photo was being taken by her in front of me, a photo was being taking by her in front of me, she was being taking a photo. in front of me, a photo being taken by her


"She was taking a photo in front of me."

Change that sentence into passive.

(Ubahlah kalimat tersebut menjadi pasif.)


a. In front of me, a photo was being taken by her.

(Di hadapanku, sebuah foto sedang diambil olehnya.)


Kalimat soal di atas merupakan kalimat past continuous.Kalimat pasifnya juga harus sesuai dengan pola past continuous.Pola kalimat pasif past continuous adalah:(S + was/were + being + V3)(A photo + was + being + taken ...)Subjek = A photo (sebuah foto)Was (karena subjek tunggal a photo)BeingTake (V1) - Took (V2) - Taken (V3) ✔

4. 5. Make a sentences of Reported commands​

artinya:membuat kalimat dari perintah yang dilaporkan

5. Being known as the ‘Ferrari of dinosaurs' means Tyrannosaurus Rex: A: wore shoes. B: was a quick and agile creature. C: was a hunting machine. D: was the most ferocious of dinosaurs. E: None of these.


B. Was a quick and most agile creature.

6. translate this sentence into indonesian , a woman screaming as she was being attacked by a monster

Seorang wanita sedang berteriak ketika Ia diserang oleh monster (raksasa).Seorang wanita menjerit saat ia sedang diserang oleh sebuah raksasa.

Semoga membantu.

7. 1. Even though construction costs are high, a new dormitory … next year. A. Will buildB. Will be builtC. Will be buildD. Will be buildingE. Will have been built2. A bracelet … around the wristA. WearB. WearsC. Is wornD. Is wearingE. Will be worn3. The hunter fatal accident … in the newspaper yesterday. A. ReportedB. Is reportedC. Was reportedD. Is being reportedE. Was being reported​


1. B (Will be built)

2. C (Is worn)

3. C (Was reported)







8. your-being-congratulations-on-as-elected-the ambassador of Green Mivement

congratulations your elected as ambassador of Green MovementSelamat, hari Anda terpilih sebagai duta besar Green Mivement

9. I look at it as being a conductor of an orchestra kalimat pasdivenya apa ya?


a conductor of an orchestra being be looked by me

10. why... go to the zoo? it was reported that a new born panda is being shown to public


do you want to


did you

11. 1. Anies Rasyid Baswedan was born on 7 May 1969. 2. He was also a rector of a private university before being appointed as a minister. 3. He is an Indonesian academic, activist, and politician. 4. Before being a governor, he served as Minister of Education and Culture. 5. He has currently served as Governor of Jakarta since October 2017. Arrange the sentences above based on the appropriate procedural text….



Penjelasan: maap kalo salah

12. He seems _______ as surprised by the news as we were. (A) to being (B) was (C) to was (D) to have been


B) Was

#semoga membantu

13. 1. Many coffee beans ........ in my uncle's farm last year. A. is produced B. are produced C. was produced D. were produced 2. The project.......... before the end of the year. A. is reported B. can be reported C. is being reported D. must be reported 3. Starry Night....... by Van Gogh. A. paintedB. is painted C. was painted D. had been being painted 4. Look! The ball........... by the little kid enthusiastically. A. well be chasedB. is wein be chased C. was chased D. is chased 5. Nowadays, cellphones......... all over the word. A. are used B. has been used C. are being used D. has to be used 6. The plastic bags......... since the beginning of the year. A. have banned B. has been banned C. were being banned D. has been being banned 7. The hall........... last night. A. was decorated B. is decorated used C. has been decorated D. will be being decorated ​


1. D were produced

2. D must be reported

3. A painted

4. C was chased

5. B has been used

6. C were being banned

7. A was decorated


Maaf klo ada yang salah

14. Tolang yg ini juga being-congrulatulations-for-as-elected-the ambassador-you-of Yg ini juga You-thank-for-great-us-teacher-being-a-for

1) Congratulation for you of elected as being of the ambassador

2) Thank you for being as a great teacher for us

15. Dalam 500 ml sample air ternyata mengandung 0,0014 gr CaCO3 . Hitunglah konsentrasi CaCO3 dalam ppm. Hitung juga molaritasnya.


ppm = massa zat terlarut (mg) / V larutan (L)

ppm = 1,4/0,5

= 2,8 ppm

16. why if i go down by 1/3, that's the same thing as being 2/3 of what i was before ?


sorry bro i'm not very smart hehe looks like you have to learn kek

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

apa yang palsu?

17. Our plan ... by the members of theCommittee at the momenta. is being consideredb. is consideredc. was consideredd. was being considerede. will being considered​




rencana kami sedang dipertimbangkan di luar panitia saat ini

Present Progressive Tense

Our plan is being considered by the members of the committee at the moment. (A)



Present progressive tense adalah bentuk kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah aksi yang sedang terjadi pada bersamaan dengan waktu kalimat tersebut diutarakan.

Konstruksi kalimat yang menggunakan present progressive adalah

S + am/is/are + present participle (v-ing)

Penanda present progressive adalah antara lain kata-kata seperti:


right now

at the moment

at present




Note: Kalimat dalam soal menggunakan bentuk pasif karena subjek kalimat merupakan penerima aksi, bukan pelaku aksi.


Learn more about present progressive tense:


Learn more about passive in the present progressive




Subject: English

Category: Structure and Written Expressions

Sub-category: Present Progressive Tense, Passive

Level: SHS XI

Code: 11.5.8 (passive voice)

Keywords: present progressive, passive

18. .....human being, being a good to others is an obligation. a. sinceb. thereforec. asd. howevere. because of​


C. as

Maaf kalo salah ya kak hehe

19. A basket of rambutans .... by them a. Wasn't being bought b. Was being bought c. Weren't being bought d. Were being bought

were being bought (d)

20. why...go to the zoo? it was reported that a new born panda is being shown to public

gan jwbnya why did you go to the zoo?
maaf klo salah karena saya hanyalah manusia

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