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Assume That We Want To Construct A Confidence Interval

Assume That We Want To Construct A Confidence Interval

If we chose confidence level of 99%, what is the confidence interval?

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1. If we chose confidence level of 99%, what is the confidence interval?

If we chose confidence level of 99%, what is the confidence interval?


trust will not reach 100%, a maximum of 99%, from this population there is only a maximum of 95%

semoga membantu:)

maaf kal0 salah:(

2. I am confidence to ay that we are the. Tudent in thi cooll.


I am confidence to say that we are the students in this school.

3. A random sample of 10 chocolate energy bars of a certain brand has, on average, 230 calories per bar, with a standard deviation of 15 calories. construct a 99% confidence interval for the true mean calorie content of this brand of energy bar. assume that the distribution of the calorie content is approximately normal.

Jawaban:214.6 < μ < 245.4


4. from the dilogue.we can assume that.....​


A.Teddy agree with Dina.


A. Teddy Agree with Dina


Dina : Ted, aku rasa Sarah harus bertanggung jawab dalam kasus ini

Teddy: kamu sangat benar sekali

percakapan ini menyatakan bahwa tedi setuju dengan dina ( tedi agree with dina)

5. she needs to develop a bit more confidence​

dia perlu sedikit lebih percaya diri


Dia perlu lebih meningkatkan sedikit kepercayaan diri

6. From the dialogue we may assume that a dian agrees with ratna

Mohon maaf dialog nya mana ya?

7. TASK 2Assume that you are a secretary in an office. What would you say if you were inthese situations?1. You want to know who the caller is.2.You want the caller to wait when you get through the call to your boss.3.You want to tell the caller that your boss is not in today.4.You want the caller to leave a message.5.You want to know the caller's number.6. You want to end the call.​


lihat di google atau browsing dari internet kalau udah badmood mabar pubg aja hayuuk

8. From the dialogue we may assume that a dian agrees with ratna mhn bntuan nya kk


Dari dialog tersebut dapat kita asumsikan bahwa seorang dian sependapat dengan ratna

itu saya artikan ke bahasa Indonesia saja ya


jangan lupa follow yaa;)

9. from the dialong we may assume that ​


kulam. tersebutlah sebuah rumah di perumahan baru

10. We can assume that the product is ....a. healthy foodb. junk foodc fresh foodd. dietary food​


a.healthy food


pencet terima kasih

11. reading the announcement we can assume that

google translet aja gihsimulasi yaaa
pasti kannn

12. from the dialogue.we my assume that?​

C. Bella has no idea about the case

13. 4. We can assume that the productieA Healthy food C Fresh foodB Junk foodD Dietary food​


4. kita dapat berasumsi bahwa productie

A. makanan sehat

14. construct an essay that describes a place that you want to go but you haven't been yet (example: Disneyland, Antarctica, etc ). Describe the place and use ARTICLES in writing. Encircle the articles used on your paragraphs.​


buat esai yang menggambarkan tempat yang ingin Anda kunjungi tetapi belum Anda kunjungi (contoh: Disneyland, Antartika, dll ). Jelaskan tempat dan penggunaan ARTIKEL secara tertulis. Lingkari artikel yang digunakan pada paragraf Anda  

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Maaf klo salah

15. We can assume that the product is ...a healthy foodb. junk foodfresh foodd. dietary food​


A. Healthy food


Semoga membantu:)

Follow me

16. from the dialogue,we may assume that​


dari dialog, kita mengasumsikan itu

17. From the dialogue, we may assume that … *


dialognya mana klo ngga ada dialognya gimana mau jawab

18. What is the smallest sample size required to provide a 90% confidence interval for a mean, if it important that the interval be no longer than 2 cm? You may assume that the population is normal with variance 16 cm².1. Population mean or


Printtech inc. is introducing a new line of inkjet printers and would like to promote the number of pages a user can expect from a print cartridge. a sample of 10 cartridges revealed the following number of pages printed the smallest sample size required to provide a 90% confidence interval for a mean, if it important that the interval be no longer than 2 cm Dottie Kleman is the ""Cookie Lady."" She bakes and sells cookies at 50 different locations in the Philadelphia area. Ms. Kleman is concerned about absenteeism among her workers Population mean or

19. From the dialogue we may assume that


translate : dari dialog tersebut dapat kita simpulkan bahwa...

20. 2. Construct a 95% confidence interval for a normally distributed population mean for each of the following samples: Sample a: 1,1,1,2,7,8,8,8 Sample b : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Explain why these two samples produce different confidence intervals even though they have the same mean and range?


Buat interval kepercayaan 95% untuk rata-rata populasi yang terdistribusi normal untuk setiap sampel berikut:

Sampel a: 1,1,1,2,7,8,8,8

Sampel b: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

Jelaskan mengapa kedua sampel ini menghasilkan interval kepercayaan yang berbeda meskipun memiliki mean dan range yang sama?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

itu artinya kak seterusnya saya gak bisa

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