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Which Diagram Correctly Depicts The Trend In Electronegativity

Which Diagram Correctly Depicts The Trend In Electronegativity

In which sentence is the Simple Present used correctly​

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1. In which sentence is the Simple Present used correctly​



In which sentence is the Simple Present used correctly?


Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense

1.He loves to play basketball.

2.He goes to work everyday.

3.Does he go to school?

4.She Writes a book for her best friend.

5.He thinks he is very stupid.

6.It usually rains every day here.

7.It smells very delicious in the restaurant.

8.He gets up at 5 o'clock every day.


Simple Present Tense adalah jenis tenses yang digunakan untuk berbicara mengenai tindakan atau peristiwa yang berulang kali atau permanen, pernyataan atau suatu hal yang selalu benar.

#smoga membantu dan bermanfaat.

✧༺Selamat belajar༻✧

2. The status depicts a woman escaping the chains of tyranny which lie at her feet . What is the synonym of depicts?


synonym of depicts is Represent

3. Which of the force diagrams in the figure correctly displays all of the horizontal forces exerted on the cart by the surrounding air?


The force that propels a rocket is that the force provided by _______.

the expelled gas pushing on the rocket

When hitting a tennis ball with your racquet, the force on the ball has the same magnitude as the force on the _______.


A Volkswagen bug and a Volvo truck have a head-on collision. Which statement is true?

The magnitudes of both forces are the same.

A heavy crate is attached to the wall by a light rope, as shown in the figure. Another rope hangs off the opposite edge of the box. If you slowly increase the force on the free rope by pulling on it in a horizontal direction, which rope will break? Ignore friction and the mass of the ropes.

Both ropes are equally likely to break.

(Since the attached rope doesn't have to support any weight (as it did in the vertical case), the tension is the same in both ropes.)

Earth pulls on Moon. What is the reaction?

Moon pulls on Earth.

Which force is greater, the Earth's pull on the Moon, or the Moon's pull on the Earth?

Both pulls are the same

Since the Moon pulling on the Earth and the Earth pulling on the Moon are a reaction pair, the strengths of the two forces must be equal to each other.

If the cannon's recoil is the result of an equal and opposite reaction, why is the cannon's acceleration lower than the shell's acceleration?

The cannon has more mass than the shell.

(Since the cannon has more mass than the shell, it will have a lower acceleration because both objects experience the force. This can be understood from Newton's second law (a=F/m).)

Since movement of an object or system requires that a net force be applied to it, how can this occur if all action forces have opposite and equal reaction forces?

The action force doesn't act on the same object as the reaction force.

(Newton's second law can be applied to each of the objects. In fact, this explains why the two objects can have different resulting accelerations.)

n Lesson 3 of the tutorial, the horse is pulling a cart. What allows the horse to accelerate forward even though the cart is pulling back on the horse?

The force of friction the ground exerts on the horse is larger than the force the cart is pulling back on the horse.

(The net force exerted on the horse must be to the right if the horse accelerates to the right. The only two horizontal forces acting on the horse are friction (pushing forward) and the cart (pulling backward), so the friction force must be stronger.)

Which of the following is NOT a statement or consequence of Newton's third law?

There can never be only one force acting on an object

(Newton's third law doesn't specify how many forces can act on any one object (it just states that each of the forces will have a reaction force acting on other objects).)


sorry if wrong or don't understand

4. which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly? a. correctb. correctnessc. correctabled. correctlye. incorrectly

D. Correctly
Kalau gak salah

5. write the activities of the animals in column activities correctly

semuanya aktifitasnya sama yaitu sleeping,playing,and eating

6. Fill in thr blanks with "a/an/the" correctly!

6. The
7. An
8. The
9. An
10. The
11. The
12. An
13. The
14. The
15. The
16. An
17. An
18. The
19. A
20. An

*Sorry kalau ada yang salah

7. write the time correctly 05.15 in english​


five past fifteen


semangat ^^

8. disposable (line 8) in the text can be used correctly in the following sentence.​

Disposable (line 8) in the text can be used correctly in the following sentence, jika diartikan kedalam bahasa indonesia maka akan ada beberapa kemungkinan, karena kita harus melihat dari jenis kata nya. Silahkan disimak pembahasan berikut:


Disposable (line 8) in the text can be used correctly in the following sentence.

Untuk mengartikan kalimat diatas kita harus melihat inti bahasan dalam kalimat tersebut.

Disposable merupakan inti pembahasan yang memiliki arti :

Jika merupakan bentuk kata benda (Noun) maka artinya Benda sekali pakai. Jika merupakan bentuk kata sifat ( Adjective) maka dapat diartikan sifat dari suatu objek yang hanya dapat dipakai sekali kemudian dibuang (contoh : Disposable plastic bags [kantong plastik sekali pakai]) dan bisa juga berarti dapat digunakan secara gratis ( contoh : We got disposable book for everyone [ Kita mendapatkan buku gratis untuk semua orang]

jadi, kemungkinan arti dari keseluruhan kalimat 'Disposable (line 8) in the text can be used correctly in the following sentence' pada soal adalah :

"Benda sekali pakai (pada baris 8) dalam teks dapat digunakan pada kalimat berikut ini."

Agar lebih jelas bisa dilihat dari kata maupun kalimat sebelum dan sesudah 'Disposable'

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang translation https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22467138

Detail Jawaban

Kelas: VII SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Understanding the context

Kode: 7.5.8

Kata kunci :

word to word translation , disposable

9. know the letters of the word.say the word correctly.write the word correctly.remember the word.find the word in the dictionary.do a test.​


tahu huruf dari kata tersebut. ucapkan kata dengan benar. tulis kata dengan benar. ingat kata itu. temukan kata tersebut di kamus. lakukan tes.


Apakah ini jawabannya?

10. Answer this question correctly to mark the module complete. Which capabilities belong to which tagging solutions? Match each item with the correct answer.


A tag management solution or system (TMS) allows you to keep all the tags on your website inside of a single master set of code. That means your employees no longer need to work directly with the code for each tag that needs to be added, deleted, or modified


semoga membantu, good luck

11. Match the expression in the left side anf the responses in the right side correctly.












12. Which of the following word is spelled correctly? Milege Expectant Oversite Aknowledge​


Oversite dan Expectant.


Milege seharusnya Mileage dan Aknowledge​ seharusnya acknowledge.

Semoga membantu, mohon kalau bisa brainliest answer.

13. find the other pronouns to fill in the table correctly!​


Subjective pronouns:





Objective pronouns:






Possesive Adjective:





14. Find the other pronouns to fill in the table correctly!​


1. i - me - my - mine

2. you - you - your - yours

3. they - them - their - theirs

4. we - us - our - ours

5. he - him - his - his

6. she - her - her - hers

7. it - it - its - (tidak ada/tidak dipakai)

15. "disposable", in the text can be used correctly in the following sentence.


"disposable", dalam teks dapat digunakan dengan benar dalam kalimat berikut


maksutnya disposable dapat digunakan dengan benar atau tepat dalam kalimat yang mana

16. apa arti choose the best answer in the brackets correctly?

pilihlah jawaban yg benar di dlm tanda kurung dg benarPilih jawaban terbaik dalam kurung dengan benar

17. fill in the blanks correctly into a present Tense.​


1 teaches

2 goes

3 grandfather doesnt drink coffee every morning

does grandfather drink coffee every morning?

4 the tour guide doesnt talk to the tourist

does the tour guide talk to the tourist?

5 mr john doesnt speak japanese in the meeting

does mr john speak japanese in the meeting?

18. Find the other pronouns to fill in the table correctly!​


1. They me your her


Maaf saya cuman bisa segitu doang

Maaf kalo salah ya

1. I , me , my , mine
2. you , you , your , yours
3. they , them , their , theirs
4. we , us , our , ours
5. he , him , his , his
6. She , her , her , hers
7. It , it , its , -

19. Which of the following statements correctly describes the motion of the car shown by the velocity time graph

Mana dari pernyataan-pernyataan berikut benar menjelaskan gerakan mobil yang ditunjukkan oleh kecepatan waktu grafik.

20. pronounce the following words in turns, correctly ​


2.untuk mendengar


4.lembaran kerja



7.untuk mengatur

8.ibu jari

9.waktu bebas





14.untuk memilih


16.masa depan

17.sekali lagi



20.dengan tulus

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