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Smithers Thinks That A Special Juice

Smithers Thinks That A Special Juice

Many people who live in New York City thinks that life in a large city offers special advantages. Dimanakah kata yang salah? A. People who B. Thinks C. Life D. Offers

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1. Many people who live in New York City thinks that life in a large city offers special advantages. Dimanakah kata yang salah? A. People who B. Thinks C. Life D. Offers


A. People who


Semoga membantu


c. Life


maaf kalau salah

tapi kak harusnya itu live bukan life

dan kata "people who" itu benar bukan salah

2. Aini thinks that ....


shes cool. sorry there was no way i could do that.


jawaban udah diatas.



3. zulaikha thinks that....dont't like her​


Zulaikha berpikir bahwa saya tidak menyukainya

Zulaikha thinks that I don't like her


zulaikha berpikir bahwa........ menyukai dia(zulaikha)

dia mengarah ke zulaikha





jawaban : bisa i,you,we,they


4. Edo thinks that siti's kithen is​


edo berpikir bahwa siti dapur adalah

5. Special characteristic that has cactus plant

Cactus is a plant whose habitat is in a place that tends to dry, hot with a minimum water supply throughout the year, for example in the desert. This plant has a characteristic in which the characteristics also have certain functions.Specific characteristics of cactus plants include: (a) this plant has a thorn-shaped leaf, (b) the stem has a waxy coat, (c) the trunk is composed by spongy tissue, and (d) has very long roots.

#semogaberhasilcactus is a thorny plant and live in the desert or an area that has a little water content of thorns in the cactus serves to store water a substance

6. the customer thinks that the Chocolate is ..... marsmallow ​


mixed with?


maaf klo salah

klo bener jadiin jawaban terbaik ya.. (≧▽≦)


the customer thinks that the chocolate is a marshmallow

7. Made : what do you think about our new teacher?ketut : i think he is very talk active. what does ketut mean?a. she thinks that their new teacher talks too much.b. she thinks that their new teacher is very active.c. she thinks that their new teacher is very attractive.d. she thinks that their new teacher needs to talk muchpilih salah satu a, b, c, dan d​


b. she thinks that their new teacher is very active.


maaf kalo salah

jawaban : kalau menurut saya jawabannya ( A ) maaf kalau salah


Made : apa pendapatmu tentang guru baru kita?ketut : menurutku dia sangat aktif berbicara. apa yang dimaksud dengan ketut?

A. dia berpikir bahwa guru baru mereka terlalu banyak bicara.

B. dia berpikir bahwa guru baru mereka sangat aktif.

C. dia berpikir bahwa guru baru mereka sangat menarik.

D. dia berpikir bahwa guru baru mereka perlu banyak bicara

pilih salah satu a, b, c, dan d

8. Ajid : "What do you think about our new teacher?"Uzi : "I think he is very talk active"What does Uzi mean?a. She thinks that their new teacher is very activeb. She thinks that their new teacher is very attractivec. She thinks that their new teacher needs to talk muchd. She thinks that their new teacher talks too much


Maaf kalau salah yaB.she thinks that their new teacher is very attractive

maaf kalo salah

9. many people who live in new york city thinks life in a large city offers special advantages


because the city of New York is very famous for its special success


Terjemah :

banyak orang yang tinggal di kota new york menganggap kehidupan di kota besar menawarkan keuntungan khusus

Terjemah jawaban :

karena kota New York sangat terkenal dengan kesuksesan khususnya

#semoga membantu

#maaf kalok salah

#tp semoga benar

10. Jack behaves and thinks in a way that isn’t modern. He is a/an .. person.


He is a person

maaf kalo salah


Jack behaves and thinks in a way that isn't modern. He is a/an .. person.


He is a person.

#I hope this work :)

11. When-that-help-she-thinks-problem-he-diane-has-a-can-him

When she thinks that he has a problem, Diane can help him

Don't forget the best answer ;)The Answer :

When She Thinks that He has a problem , Diane can help Him 
( Ketika dia berfikir bahwa Dia (Lk) memiliki Masalah , Diane dapat membantu nya )

12. Tom thinks that his car is....than my car​


Better,more expensive

Maaf kalau salah



Maaf kalo salah


13. Soal 6Ando: What do you thinkabout our new teacher?Wita: I think he is verytalkactiveWhat does Wita mean?a. She thinks that theirnew teacher is veryactive.b. She thinks that theirnew teacher is veryattractive.c. She thinks that theirnew teacher needs totalk much.d. She thinks that theirnew teacher talks toomuch.​


d. she thinks that their new teacher talks too much


maaf kalau salah

14. she always thinks about..... but you don't know that

She always think about you, but you dont know thatshe always thinks about you but you don't know that

15. Tim thinks that school is interesting​

translate:Tim berpikir bahwa sekolah itu menarik

karna soalnya kurang bisa dimengerti, itu aja ya kak yang bisa dibantu.. maaf kalau salah

16. Apa arti benny thinks that her aunt , dina is a good exampel because

benny thinks that her aunt = benny pikir dia tante nya

dina is good example because = dina adalah contoh yang baik karena

benny berpikir dia tantenya

dina adalah contoh yang baik karena

17. 23. Anto W hat do you think about our newteacher?Wat I think he is very talkactive,What does Wati mean?a She thinks that their new teacher isvery active.b. She thinks that their new teacher isvery attractive.c. She thinks that their new teacher needsto talk much.d. She thinks that their new teacher talkstoo much​


a. she thinks that the new teacher is very active

kenapa bukan d, talk too much? karena orang yang talkative belum tentu kebanyakan bicara, namun suka berbicara dan aktif

mohon maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu ^-^


d. She thinks that their new teacher talks too much.


Wati bertanya kepada Anto apakah gurunya talkactive atau tidak. Maka dapat dilihat, bahwa Wati merasa bahwa gurunya itu talkactive.

Talkactive adalah kondisi dimana kita terus-menerus berbicara yang kurang penting, alias cerewet. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah D

18. edo also thinks that because..........People get sick easily now

edo also thinks that because THE people get sick easily now
Hope it's rightEdo also thinks that because..........People get sick easily now

jawabannya "the"

19. bayu is telling us what is father thinks about fresh fruit,fruit juice,and canned fruit

terjemahan = bayu memberitahu kita apa yang
ayah berpikir tentang buah segar
, jus buah , dan buah kaleng

20. benny thinks that her aunt dina is a good example because

because her aunt dina likes to help people. For example, whenever there are sick people in our neighborhood, she will give them a visit.

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