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Two Conductors Are Made Of The Same Material

Two Conductors Are Made Of The Same Material

Gong are made of brass of dried goat skin and..."the same meaning of the underlined word is

Daftar Isi

1. Gong are made of brass of dried goat skin and..."the same meaning of the underlined word is

the same meaning of brass and dried goat skin
maybe the same meaning of driead goat skin is=parchment Jawaban yang tepat:Parchment
semoga membantu

2. materials iron and....... are......... conductors of .......

materials iron and copper(tembaga) are material conductor of electricity

semoga membantu
maaf kalau salah

3. which material are most belts Made of​




Usually a belt made of leather

4. Write two sentences using is made of and are made of!


this table is made of wood.

those chairs are made of plastic.


tolong jawaban tercerdas kak terimakasih


The eraser is made of rubber.

The pencils are made of wood.

5. which of the following statement is incorrect...A. A cell is the basic unit of lifeB. All cells are made up of the same basic componentsC. All cells perform the same functionD. A unicellular perform organism is made upJawab yg bener pls

Terjemahan pertanyaan tsb yaitu :

pernyataan berikut mana yang salah ...
A. Sel adalah unit dasar kehidupan
B. Semua sel terdiri dari komponen dasar yang sama
C. Semua sel melakukan fungsi yang sama
D. Uniseluler melakukan organisme terbentuk

jawabanya adalah : C

Maaf klo salah, semoga membantu :)

6. artinya the puppets are made of leather . there are two groups of puppets good characters and bad characters.

wayang terbuat dari kulit, ada dua jenis wayang yaitu yang mempunyai karakter baik dan karakter burukWayang terbuat dari kulit. Ada 2 grup wayang karakter baik dan karakter jahat

7. The distances of any two adjacent points on the circle below are the same. The measure of a where a is the angle between two rays inside the circle, is​


jarak dua titik yang berdekatan pada lingkaran di bawah ini adalah sama .ukuran a di mana a adalah sudut antara dua sinar di dalam lingkaran, adalah


maaf kalo salah

8. Three groups of three people are to be selected from nine people, of whom three are man teachers, two lady teachers and parents. Find the probability that i) the two lady teachers being in the same group. ii) one group consists of at least two of the man teachers.​



9. the material of making ondel-ondel are​


some materials such as Cock, Flanel cloth, piece of cloth, beads, wol yarn, doll's eye, needle , plastic and carboard. The equipments are glue and scissors.

10. .materials like iron and..... are......conductors of.

Jawaban : copper.... good...
Semoga membantu 
Makasih terbaiknya ^^

11. The tyres are made of…………………………..


Bahasa inggris : rubber

bahasa indonesia : Karet


12. what are the main classes of materials used in the production of common household items? give two examples of these items that are made up of each material.yg bisa jawab dgn benar dan rapih dan jelas dibaca, kukasih jawaban tercerdas ​


1. Wood/wooden

Examples : chair, table, bed, wardrobe

2. Clay/terracota

Examples : plate, glass

3. Plastic or silicone

Example : tumbler, flower vase

13. is the voltage of two identical lamps the same?​


kalo artinya:

adalah tegangan dua lampu identik yang sama

adalah tegangan dua lampu identik yang sama

14. What are the names of the two countriesNote: How come the flag is the same?​


Germany and Romania


The German-Romanian Treaty on Friendly Cooperation of 1992 forms the basis for the good and close bilateral relations between Germany and Romania.

15. Write two sentences using is made of and are made oftolong bantu​


is made of = the book is made of paper

are made of = the blankets are made of cotton and cloth

apa bedanya? kalo IS untuk satu benda saja dan ARE untuk 2 / lebih (pake 's' atau 'es' dibelakangnya)

16. the bag is made of used....material.​


the bag mad of used soft material.

           bilang tank u dongg :v


17. The first two terms of an arithmetic progression are 15 and 19 respectively. The firsttwo terms of a second arithmetic progression are 420 and 415 respectively. The twoprogressions have the same sum of the first n terms. Find the value of n.​


n = 91

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Jumlah n suku sama sehingga

Sn = ½ n (2.15 + 4(n-1)) = ½ n (2.420 + -5(n-1))

30 + 4n - 4 = 840 -5n +5

4n + 5n = 845-26

9n = 819

n = 91

18. The distances of any two adjacent points on the circle below are the same. The measure of a where a is the angle between two rays inside the circle, isjawab dengan benar ya pliss​


Jarak dua titik yang berdekatan pada lingkaran di bawah ini adalah sama. Besarnya a di mana a adalah sudut antara dua sinar di dalam lingkaran, adalah

gambar ny yg mana??

19. the nail clippers are a complex machine made up of two simple machines, label each simple machine


lever and screw

Penjelasan: maaf salah:((

20. man-made material are also called. material​




wdk lmao.................

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