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Classify Each Chemical Compound Listed In The Table Below Koh

Classify Each Chemical Compound Listed In The Table Below Koh

1. classify each of the above costs using the table format given below. be sure to total the amounts in each column. example: direct materials $216,000

Daftar Isi

1. 1. classify each of the above costs using the table format given below. be sure to total the amounts in each column. example: direct materials $216,000



2. Recognizing compound nouns. in each blank below, write the compound noun from the sentence. 1. My father wants to build new bookshelves. ​


Mengenali kata benda majemuk. di setiap kosong di bawah, tulis kata benda majemuk dari kalimat. 1. Ayah saya ingin membangun rak buku baru.

</s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> orang </s>

3. arti write them in the table below,then mention the things you have in each rooms​


tulislah dalam tabel di bawah ini kemudian sebutkan hal-hal yang Anda miliki di setiap kamar


artinya tulislah dalam tabel di bawah ini, kemudian sebutkan hal-hal yang Anda miliki di setiap kamar

4. 2.Classify the polygons below into two grpups in any way.Then fill the blanks below​


group a e polygon that have 4 angles and G that have 4 angles too

Group B f polygons that have 3 angles and h polygons that have 7 angles

Maaf banget kalau salah

5. Look at the table below! Fill in the blanks!


1. 14 (fourteenth) bowls.

2. 6 (six) spoon.

6. The words below are compounds. For each one, give the meaning of each member of the compound and that of the compound form. a. Handkerchief b. Hoodwink C. Postman​

I do not understand English :(

7. Suppose a firm in each of the two markets listed below were to increase its price by 25 percent. In which pair would the firm in the first market listed experience a dramatic decline in sales, but the firm in the second market listed would not ?


Misalkan sebuah perusahaan di masing-masing dari dua pasar yang tercantum di bawah ini akan menaikkan harganya sebesar 25 persen. Pada pasangan manakah perusahaan di pasar pertama yang terdaftar mengalami penurunan penjualan yang dramatis, tetapi perusahaan di pasar kedua yang terdaftar tidak?


maaf kalo salah :")

corn and satellite radio

i hope this helps! ♡

8. Look at the table and fill in the with your own ability or disability in each areas below.


Lihatlah meja dan isi dengan kemampuan Anda sendiri atau cacat di setiap area di bawah ini.


inggris:Look at the table and fill in the with your own ability or disability in each areas below.

Indonesia:Lihatlah meja dan isi dengan kemampuan Anda sendiri atau cacat di setiap area di bawah ini.

9. work in pairs. read the clauses on the table below match each clause column A with suitable clauses in column B​

5 g

6 i

7 j

8 e

9 f

10 h

work in pairs










10. The words below are compounds. For each one, give the meaning of each member of the compound and that of the compound form. a. Handkerchief b. Hoodwink C. Postman​

I do not understand English :)

11. find a fairy tale end reurite it, then explain each part of the story in the table below. jawabannya bahasa Indonesia​


orientasi : orientasi terdapat pada awal cerita, yang fungsinya untuk pengenalan waktu, tempat, dan karakter tokoh dalam alur cetita

komplikasi : bagian dimana ada masalah atau konflik

resolusi : bagian penyelesaian masalah atau konflik

koda : pesan moral dari pengarang, tidak semua pengarang mencantumkan koda


Semoga membantu.maaf kl salah

12. Classify the food stuff that diana's mom has bought in the table below??shopping list diana's mom:Yang termasuk staple food, vegetables, spices, fruit dan dairy product adalah​


Staple Food (Makanan yang sering dimakan secara rutin): Rice, flour, eggs, oil, noodles, sugar

Vegetables (Sayuran): Spinach, cabbage, carrots

Spices (Penambah rasa dari tanaman): Ginger, salt, pepper, coriander

Fruit (Buah): Grapes, apples, lemons

Dairy Product (Bahan2 dari susu): -

13. study the weekly shopping list below. then classify the groceries into countable or uncountable on the table terjemahannya : ​


pelajari daftar belanja mingguan di bawah ini. kemudian mengklasifikasikan belanjaan menjadi terhitung atau tidak terhitung di atas meja


semoga bermanfaat maaf kalo salah

14. Soal:1. Please read the dialogue below carefully then analyze the information which make up the proceduraltext. Analyze the procedures using entries listed in the table below!Text 1would vol​


maaf gak bisa bantu jawab


disuruh baca percakapan/dialog dibawah pertanyaan, tapi kamu tidak lampirkan percakapannya

15. write sentences in the table below

I get three rulers
I have one dictionary
I have five pencils
I'm use two erasers
I have one pencil case
I get one hat
I have two bags2.I have three rulers 
3.I have one ditctionary
4.I have five pencils
5.Ihave two erasers
6.I have one pencil case
7. I have one hat
8.I have two bags
maaf klo salah

16. classify based on part of speech in the table.1- 10​


parts of speech


 .noun                             verb                           adjective

 -everything                           -                              good

 -                                      know                              right

  - dream                               -                                 -              


-                                           -makes                         worth

-  darkness                           -pushing                

-angels                                   - believe                           -    

-anything                                  -help                              -

-                                           -fail

-reality                                  -help

semoga membantu

17. Look at the table below!Fill in the blanks!


1.16 bowls

2.6 spoons


spoon sendok

bowl mangkuk

18. From the table below, find the average number of marbles each boy has.


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

average =

(5 x 58) + (8 x 63) + (6 x 79) + (11 x 52) + (10 x 80)

(5 + 8 + 6 + 11 + 10)

= (290 + 504 + 474 + 572 + 800) / 40

= 2640/40


19. work in pairs. read the clauses on the table below match each clause column A with suitable clauses in column B​


A with suitable clauses in column



20. Write your activities in the table below.


Write your activities in the table below.


Mom : cooking foods for family

Dad : repairing broken things

Brother : helping dad

Sister : cleaning the house

Me: Washing the dishes


hope it help!

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