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An Escritora Is Someone Who Has A Marvelous Gift With

An Escritora Is Someone Who Has A Marvelous Gift With

Excercise1. Someone who pwrforms is a........ 2. Someone who plays the guitar is a...... 3. Someone who employs people is an.... 4. Someone who participates in something is a..... 5. Someone who invents things is an.... ​

Daftar Isi

1. Excercise1. Someone who pwrforms is a........ 2. Someone who plays the guitar is a...... 3. Someone who employs people is an.... 4. Someone who participates in something is a..... 5. Someone who invents things is an.... ​


1. a worker

2. a guitarist

3. a boss

4. a participant

5. an inverstor


1. Orang yang melakukan pekerjaan disebut (pekerja).

2. Orang yang bermain gitar disebut (pemain gitar).

3. Orang yang mempekerjakan orang lain disebut (bos).

4. Orang yang berpartisipasi dalam sesuatu disebut (partisipan).

5. Orang yang menginvestasikan sesuatu disebut (investor).

2. 1. Someone who paints is a2. Someone who photographs pictures 3. Someone who reports news is a4. Someone who writes a book is a5. Someone who collects things is a 6. Someone who sails in the sea is a7. Someone who directs people is an8. Someone who types letters is a9. Someone who plays a guitar is a10. Someone who writes novels is a​


1. Painter/artist

2. Photographer

3. Reporter

4. Author

5. Collector

6. Sailor

7. Director

8. Writer

9. Guitarist

10. Novelist

3. ADJACTIVE clause with who Complete the sentence with your own words.1. A baker is a person who...​ makes bread, cakes, pies, etc2. A mechanic is someone who...3. A barthender is person who...4. A philatelist is someone who...5. a spendthirft is somebody who...6. an astronomer is a scientist who...7. a carpenter is person who...8. a miser is someone who...​


ADJECTIVE clause with who.

Complete the sentence with your own words.

1. A baker is a person who  makes bread, cakes, pies, etc.

2. A mechanic is someone who repairs cars, motorcycles, etc.

3. A bartender is person who serves drinks at the cafe.

4. A philatelist is someone who collects stamps.

5. A spendthrift  is somebody who spends improvidently or wastefully.

6. an astronomer is a scientist who studies planets, stars, galaxies, asteroids, black holes, and other celestial bodies.

7. a carpenter is person who makes chairs, tables, or furniture.

8. a miser is someone who hoards his or her own wealth and doesn't share or spend any of it


5. A spendthrift diartikan pemboros.

8. A miser diartikan orang yang pelit.

Pelajari lebih lanjut pengertian adjective clause pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/2996537


4. Complete the sentences below!1. Someone who is truthful and who does not cheat or steal is called.....2. Someone who is easy to get along with is called....3. Someone who is nice to other people is called.....4. Someone who does not talk very much is called....5.Someone who is not afraid of danger is called ...6. Someone who has good manners is called ....7. Someone who works very hard is called....8. Someone who only thinks about his/herself is called....9. Someone who has pleasant personality and easy to get friends is called....10. Someone who always cares towards other people is called....bantuin mas/mbak ini saya tau arti pertanyaan nya cuma ga tau jawabannya ​


1. Orang yang jujur dan tidak menipu atau mencuri disebut.....

2. Seseorang yang mudah bergaul disebut....

3. Seseorang yang baik kepada orang lain disebut.....

4. Orang yang tidak banyak bicara disebut ....


Seseorang yang tidak takut akan bahaya disebut...

6. .Seseorang yang memiliki budi pekerti yang baik disebut ....

7. Seseorang yang bekerja sangat keras disebut ....

8. Seseorang yang hanya memikirkan dirinya sendiri disebut ....

9. Seseorang yang berkepribadian menyenangkan dan mudah mendapatkan teman disebut....

10. Seseorang yang selalu peduli terhadap orang lain disebut ....



5. Quiz (+50): "An acquaintance is someone who is nice to you. A friend is someone who cares about you. A best friend is someone who lives it all with you." Tense yang dipake apa? (a) Past tense (b) Past perfect (c) Future (d) Present to-be (e) Future continuous


(d) Present to-be


setau saya, present to-be itu sama aja kayak simple present tense nominal. rumusnya:

+ (s)+(is/am/are)+(a/n/a)

- (s)+(is/am/are)+(not)+(a/n/a)

? (is/am/are)+(s)+(a/n/a)+(?)

nah, bisa dilihat di paragraf di soal:

"An acquaintance is someone who is nice to you. A friend is someone who cares about you. A best friend is someone who lives it all with you."

setelah subjek terdapat to be is/am/are, jadi sudah jelas bahwa opsi jawabannya adalah (d) Present to-be.

contoh lainnya:

→ 7o7 is a Brainly user.


6. To my mind a friend is someone who is good fun to be with


Di pikiranku, seorang teman adalah seseorang yang baik dan menyenangkan untuk bersama



yaaa....Semoga membantu!!(*˘︶˘*).。*♡


Sahabat adalah teman yg sangat berarti ketika kita susah,ketika kita di hina.Menurutku teman itu seperti sawdara bagi ku karena dia sudah membantu ku tapi jika dia kesusahan kita harus berusaha membantu dia walaupun kita tidak kuat melawan musuh teman kita kita harus berusaha membanti itulah yg dinamakan sahabat sejati.



7. Someone who has good manners is called


i dont know heheheheh


8. 1.someone who has good manners is called...2. someone who works very hard is called...3.someone who only think about themeselves is called...4.someone who has pleasant personality and easy to get friend is called...5. someone who behaves caring towards other people is called...6. someone who is truthful and who does not cheat or steal is called...7. someone who is easy to get along whit is called...8.someone who is nice to other people is called...9. someone who does not talk very much is called...10. someone who is not afraid of danger is called....11. someone who has good in learning is called...12. someone who always behaves differently every time you meet them is called...13. someone who has bad manner and impolite is called...14. someone who always gets up late and goes to school late is called...15. someone who always talk very much is called...tolong jawab ya.sama terjemahnya plis namti di jadikan yg terbaik..jawab ya

1. Well mannered
2. Hardworker
3. Selfish
4. Gentle
5. Kind
6. Honest
7. Outgoing
8. Do gooder
9. Quiet
10. Brave/courageous
11. Smart.
12. Two faced
13. Rude
14. Tardy
15. Talkative

9. someone who leads a school is a....someone who leads a country is a...​





semoga membantu

maaf klo salah


a. Headmaster / Principal

b. President

Maaf ya kalau salah, semoga jawabanku menjadi yang terbaik ya :)

10. 1. Look at the picture below!YourDREAMhas come trueCongratulationfor your new homeWe write this greeting card when ....a. there is someone who got marriedb. there is someone who won the contestXC. there is someone who has built a newhoused. there is someone who got a reward​

My answer is D. For this question.


d. there is someone who got a reward

11. Write defenition.1.Steward is someone who...2.Nurse is someone who..3.Housewife is someone who...4.Headmaster is someone who​

1.Steward is someone who looks after the passengers on a vehicle especially in serving food.

Steward adalah seseorang yang menjaga penumpang di dalam kendaraan khususnya dalam menyajikan makanan.

2.Nurse is someone who looks after someone who is sick or has a injury

Nurse adalah seseorang yang merawat seseorang yang sedang sakit atau mengalami cedera

3.Housewife is someone who is a woman which stays at home and takes care of the house and children.

Housewife adalah seseorang yang merupakan perempuan yang tinggal di rumah dan mengurus rumah serta anak-anak.

4.Headmaster is someone who​ is in charge of the school

Head master adalah seseorang yang bertanggung jawab atas sekolah

Maaf jika ada kesalahan, Happy learning~

12. tolong diartikan ya.!! 4)someone who has good mamers 6)someone who is always sensible 7)a person who is very tidy 8)somebody who is uked by many people 11)someone relaked and happy to accept thing 12)An inactive person who avoids works 13)someone who behause in a caring why 14)someone who is good at learnings thinhs 18)someone who is a bit foolish,or who doesn't be have in a serious way

4) seseorang yang memiliki sikap yang baik
6) seseorang yang selalu masuk akal
7) orang yang sangat rapi
8) seseorang yang digunakan oleh banyak orang
11) seseorang santai dan senang menerima hal
12) Orang yang tidak aktif yang menghindari pekerjaan
13) seseorang yang berperilaku peduli
14) seseorang yang pandai di pembelajaran hal
18) seseorang yang sedikit bodoh, atau yang tidak punya keseriusan

13. Activity 6Work in pairs. Match the words with theirmeanings.1. bravea.someone who is truthful and whodoesn't cheat or steal2. chattyb.someone who is quiet and a littlebit nervous around other people3. easy-goingsomeone who talks a lot4. clever5. lazy6. friendly7. kind8. honestd. someone who has good mannerse. someone who behaves differentlyevery time you meet themf. someone with lot of commonsense and knowledgeg. a person who is very tidyh. someone who is a bit foolish orwho doesn't behave in a seriouswaysomeone who is not afraid ofdangersomeone who is impolitek someone who is relaxed and happyto accept thingsI. an inactive person who avoids work9. moody10 neat11 polite12 shy13. rudesomeone who behaves in a caringway towards other peoplesomeone who is good at learningthings14 wisen.someone who is not clever15 silly16 stupidsomeone who is kind and helpfulsomeone who only thinks abouthimself17 selfish​

1. brave -> (i) someone who is not afraid of


2. chatty -> (c) someone who talks a lot

3. easy-going -> (k) someone who is relaxed and happy to accept things

4. clever -> (n) someone who is good at learning things

5. lazy -> (I) an inactive person who avoids work

6. friendly -> (p) someone who is kind and helpful

7. kind -> (m) someone who behaves in a caring way towards other people

8. honest -> (a) someone who is truthful and who

doesn't cheat or steal

9. moody -> (e) someone who behaves differently every time you meet them

10. neat -> (g) a person who is very tidy

11. polite -> (d) someone who has good manners

12. shy -> (b) someone who is quiet and a little

bit nervous around other people

13. rude -> (j) someone who is impolite

14 . wise -> (f) someone with lot of common

sense and knowledge

15.silly -> (h) someone who is a bit foolish or who doesn't behave in a serious way

16. stupid -> (o) someone who is not clever

17. selfish -> (q) someone who only thinks about


14. 1. a teacher is someone who ...2. a chef is someone who ...3. a photographer is someone who ...4. a vendor is someone who ...5. a tailor is someone who ...

1).Teaching Students
2).Cooking any Foods
3).Tqke photo
5).Sew something
Semoga Bermanfaat:)1. a teacher is someone who teaches students
2. a chef is someone who cooks foods
3. a photographer is someone who takes photograph
4. a vendor is someone who sells things on the street
5. a tailor is someone who makes clothes

semoga membantu##

15. Apakah arti someone who has good manners is called

Jawaban:Seseorang yang memiliki tata krama yang baik disebut


16. someone who has good manner is ... (10 letters)


politeness semoga membantu :)


17. A person who behaves III a uA person with bad mannersSomeone who is not very talkativeSomeone who is very tidySomeone who is good at learning thingsA truthful person who doesn't cheat or stTask 10Rearrange the jumbled words into a correct sentence!very - she-me-is-to-kind1.2.be-minded-close-don't-So3.young-she-woman-an-is-energeticwer4.has - personality-an-she-outgoing4. Let's associate​


1. she is very kind of me

2. don't be so close minded

3. she is an energetic young woman

4. she has an outgoing personality

semoga terbantu, maap kalo salah✌


1. very - she-me-is-to-kind

she is very kind to me

2. be-minded-close-don't-So

don't be so close minded


she is an energetic young woman

4. has - personality-an-she-outgoing

she has an outgoing personality


Idk whether its true or not, but I hope it can help u, gudluck :)

18. someone who is employed by someone is an.... ​


Someone who is employed by someone is an employee.

Semoga membantu :)

Someone Who is employed by someone is an worker/employed

19. someone who walk with one leg is called..



A person having only one foot (or leg).

20. 6.Who is the song addressed to?A. It's addressed to someone who is in a troubleB. It's addressed to someone who is missingC. It's addressed to someone who gets a giftD. It's addressed to someone who fall in love​


A. its addressed to someone who is in trouble


maaf kalau salah


A. It's addressed to someone who is in a trouble


The message of Lean On Me is that helping others in their time of need isn’t just selfless charity. It’s in our own interest. Withers wrote the song in the form of a direct appeal to a friend: Call on me when you need a hand, “For it won’t be long, 'Til I’m gonna need, Somebody to lean on.”

That is just the spirit we need right now. This crisis has brought home how interlinked we all are, how vulnerable and how dependent on each other.

At a time when something as simple as mingling with friends might put them in danger, we need to be thinking harder than ever about how our actions affect others – and about what we can do to help them.

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