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Give The Iupac Name For Each Compound

Give The Iupac Name For Each Compound

Give the name of the following compound!

Daftar Isi

1. Give the name of the following compound!


Answers. D. FePO4 following compound.

2. The words below are compounds. For each one, give the meaning of each member of the compound and that of the compound form. a. Handkerchief b. Hoodwink C. Postman​

I do not understand English :(

3. The words below are compounds. For each one, give the meaning of each member of the compound and that of the compound form. a. Handkerchief b. Hoodwink C. Postman​

I do not understand English :)

4. Draw Nets of a Cube and a Cuboid! (Give the name for each net) jawab pliss (gak usah pakai cara)


yang atas balok

yang bawah kubus

5. Mention the function of future tense!give example for each function


function of simple future is to tell someone about an activity that relates with future action.

example given is :

SHE WILL STUDY TOMORROW (dia akan belajar besok)


semoga membantu


6. Write the correct name of compound?


(Refer to Image)


7. Look at the pictures above and give the name of the natural phenomenon (natural disasters) for each picture.( lihatlah gambar diatas lalu tuliskan masing - masing gambar tersebut dengan bahasa inggris dengan huruf kapital /Besar semua)​














semoga membantu

maaf kalau salah

jadikan yang terbaik

8. 1. what are the functions of the simple present tense? give examples to your answer.2. what are the three types of the verb 'to be? give examples for each type.3. what it an adjective? give examples to your answer4. what are the functions of the 'going to' form? give examples for each function5. what are the functions of the 'will' form? give examples for each function​


1. Apa saja fungsi hati yang sederhana ini? Berikan contoh untuk jawabanmu. 2. Untuk apa tiga jenis kata kerja itu? Berikan contoh untuk setiap tipe.

3. Apa itu kata sifat? Berikan contoh pada jawaban kalian 4. Apa fungsi dari bentuk 'pergi'? Berikan contoh untuk setiap fungsi

5. Apa fungsi dari bentuk 'akan'? Berikan contoh untuk setiap fungsi

9. Explain what attributive, coordinative, and subordinative compound mean and give one example of each!​


Jelaskan apa arti atribut disifattif, koordinatif, dan subordinatif dan memberi satu contoh masing-masing!

10. write down the uses of modal "can" and "must" and give the examples for each

tuliskan penggunaan modal dapat dan harus dan berikan contoh untuk masing masing
semoga membantu☺☺

11. Write 3 example for complimenting or apreciating and give the meaning for each ! *​


artinya:Tulislah 3 contoh untuk memuji atau menghargai dan berikan artinya masing-masing !



bang gip alok donkkk awoakwokaowkaoakaoakowkaowkaoakaoakwoakoaoa

12. Name the base for each given begitu Begitu: AB Base : .........? A.B.C

Jika dicermati, soal mempertanyakan mengenai base atau basis (alas) dari sebuah bangun datar yang terdiri atas tiga titik sehingga bisa disimpulkan sebagai segitiga. Tiga titik yang dimaksud adalah A, B dan C. Pada soal, kata ‘begitu’ keliru dan seharusnya adalah ‘HEIGHT’. Apabila height-nya adalah AB maka base-nya adalah BC di mana sudut pusatnya adalah B.


Soal di atas ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris di mana siswa disajikan pertanyaan mengenai segitiga ABC. Jika AB adalah alas dari segitiga maka tinggi atau height segitiga tersebut adalah BC. Agar lebih memahami soal di atas, simak soal yang identik atau serupa pada gambar terlampir di jawaban ini.

Pelajari Lebih LanjutPelajari lebih lanjut tentang berapa banyak sudut yang dimiliki oleh bangun datar segitiga pada link berikut https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22820113



13. Give a recomendation for each problem


1. There are too many vehicles on the road

2. The amount of air pollution is increasing everyday

3. The registration fee for joining the school trip next year is expensive

4. The admission test for the chosen university is difficult

5. The city park is dirty and there are rubbishes everywhere. ini maksudnya

semoga membantu

14. Name of the compound

saya sama² bingung maaf yang banyak yaa

15. name the base for each given height.​


Base : PR

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

rumusnya = Alas dikali Tinggi

Formula = Base cross Height

16. Calculate the empirical formulae of the following compound.Please give solution


Ar Fe = 56
Ar O = 16

Mass of Fe = 11.2 grams
Mass of O = 16.0 - 11.2 = 4.8 grams

Ratio beween mass and Ar
Fe : O = [11.2/56] : [4.8/16]
Fe : O = 0.2 : 0.3
Fe : O = 2 : 3

Empirical formulae is Fe₂O₃

17. Give 10 examples for each of the following nouns! 1.noun= 2.compound noun= 3.collective noun= 4.proper noun= 5.concrete noun= 6.abstract noun=


1) man, woman, house, pencil, bottle, aunt, uncle, tissue, book

2) man servant, woman servant, beautiful singer, athletic dancer, apple tree, house keeper, seafood, training room, eyeball

3) group, team, gang, bunch, collection, series, class, jury, board, nest

4) Russian, The president, Tuesday, Google, Toyota, Queen, Tutanic, Himalayas

5) Soldier, Judge, Friend, Artist, Teacher, Student, Cat, Bear, Bed, Chair

6) Habit, manners, anger, jealousy, friendship, beauty, skill, energy, sleep, idea

18. 3. When the metal magnesium burns in oxygen gas, a compound is formed.(a) What is the name of the compound?​


materi stoikiometri


2Mg (s) + O2 (g) --> 2MgO (s)

MgO = Magnesium Oksida

19. each married couple...(have) their house built on the compound.

The use of "each" which is followed by plural noun states as the singular form.

Penggunaan "each" diikuti kata benda plural tetap menyatakan bentuk tunggal.

Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah "has"

20. Give the correct description for each profession!Tolong jawab ya makasih​


1.Farmer: Farmer is  is a person engaged in agriculture, raising living organisms for food or raw materials.

2.Fireman: Fireman/Firefighter help protect the public in emergency situations. They respond to a wide variety of calls: as well as fires, they assist at car crashes, chemical spills, flooding and water rescue.

3.Painter: Painters use paint, tools, and materials such as plaster, to change the appearance and texture of buildings, walls, and other structures

4.Train Driver: Train drivers are responsible for transporting both passengers and freight

5.Dress Maker: Dressmakers make made-to-measure clothing such as dresses, skirts, trousers and blouses for their customers

6.Postman: postman is to sort and deliver post to addresses on a set route on a daily basis

7.Vet:Veterinarians care for the health of animals and work to protect public health. They diagnose, treat, and research medical conditions and diseases of pets, livestock, and other animals.

8.Driver:Drivers undertake various transporting duties and typically work for hotels, restaurants and delivery services

9.Secrertary:Secretaries perform day-to-day administrative and secretarial duties in office environments

10.Mechanic:A Mechanic is responsible for inspecting and repairing vehicles, machinery, and light trucks


Semoga membantu :)

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