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The Monthly Sales For Yazici Batteries Inc Were As Follows

The Monthly Sales For Yazici Batteries Inc Were As Follows

Mane Company operates in five identifiable segments, V, W, X, Y, and Z. During the past year, sales to unaffiliated customers and intersegment sales for each segment were as follows:

Daftar Isi

1. Mane Company operates in five identifiable segments, V, W, X, Y, and Z. During the past year, sales to unaffiliated customers and intersegment sales for each segment were as follows:


bukan mane tapi many


Banyak Perusahaan yg beroperasi di lima segmen yang dapat diidentifikasi, v, W, X, Y, & z. Selama tahun lalu, penjualan kepada pelanggan yang tidak terafiliasi & penjualan antar segmen untuk setiap segmen adalah seperti berikut ini :


many : banyakcompany : perusahaanoperates : beroperasiin : difive : limaidentifiable : bisa diidentifikasisegments : segmenduring : selamapast year : tahun lalusales : penjualanunaffiliated : terafiliasicustomers : pelangganintersegment : antar segmeneach : setiapwere : adalahas : sepertifollows : berikut ini

2. Terjemahan based on the situation above,the proper dialogue with the offer for such circumstance is as follows


Artinya :

Berdasarkan situasi di atas, dialog yang tepat dengan situasi yang sering terjadi adalah sebagai berikut.

3. Joyce's monthly income consists of a basic salary of $500 and a commission of 4% on her sales for the month. If her income is $1220 for a particular month, find her sales for that month.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

So find the 4% of her sales first

Total income - basic salary

= 1220-500


720 is equal to 4% of her sales



Do it with cross multiplication



So her sales is 18000$ for that month

4. the.... to make fried rice are as follows

jawab = the way to make fried rice are ase follows

jadi=wayJawabannya adalah steps

5. ... marketing is concerned, the best thing to do is to talk with the sales manager.a. as muchb. as far asc. as ford. thuse. so that ​


D Thus kalau ngak salah

6. Arti terjemahan here are the of people's jobs , as follows



disini adalah pekerjaan rakyat, sebagai berikut.


semoga membantu^_^

7. .... marketing is concerned, the best thing to do is to talk with sales manager. a. as muchb. as far asc. as ford. thuse. so that

d. thus

mungkin kalo salah maaaf

8. calculate the total sales for the year ended 31 december 2010

hitung total penjualan untuk tahun berakhir 31 desember 2010

9. 1. What are these the instructions for?A. Changing the batteriesB. Replacing coverC. Repairing batteriesD. Setting the date​


a.changing the batteries

10. I am writing to ...... For the sales excecutive

letter of delivery of goods

Jawaban:Aku menulis untuk eksekutiv seles

Penjelasan:maaf apbila salah krna manusia tempat kesalahan

11. Jamie's monthly rental for her apartment was $1600. Patrick's monthly rental was 9/10 of Jamie's monthly rental. Patrick's landlord increased his monthly rental by 25%. Find the increase in Patrick's monthly rental.​


Jamie's monthly rental for her apartment was $1600. Patrick's monthly rental was 9/10 of Jamie's monthly rental. Patrick's landlord increased his monthly rental by 25%. Find the increase in Patrick's monthly rental.

Meaning = Sewa bulanan Jamie untuk apartemennya adalah $1600. Sewa bulanan Patrick adalah 9/10 dari sewa bulanan Jamie. Pemilik rumah Patrick meningkatkan sewa bulanannya sebesar 25%. Temukan kenaikan sewa bulanan Patrick.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4/10 × 1600 = 1440.

Thanks for the points.

Hopefully Helpful and Hopefully Helpful friends

12. 1. Some of the European languages... French, italia, and spainsh come from latin.a. such asb. for examplec. asd. for instance2. The situation id slowly improving last month....., the company achieved record sales in Europea. asb. for examplec. such asd. like​




semoga membantu maaf kalo salah


13. 3)Describing the animal's characteristics There are several animal characteristics, as follows


cats have four legs, two eyes, two ears, and one nose.

Cats also have hair and whiskers. And cats also have pads on their paws.and he also have tail


semoga membantu.

14. In the month of September, Matlock Industries sold 800 units of product. The average sales price was $30. During the month, fixed costs were $6,300 and variable costs were 70% of sales. Instructions (a) Determine the contribution margin in dollars, per unit, and as a ratio. (b) Using the contribution margin technique, compute break-even point in sales dollars and sales units.


Pada bulan September, Matlock Industries menjual 800 unit produk. Harga jual rata-rata adalah $30. Selama bulan tersebut, biaya tetap adalah $6.300 dan biaya variabel adalah 70% dari penjualan.


(a) Tentukan margin kontribusi dalam dolar, per unit, dan sebagai rasio.

(b) Dengan menggunakan teknik margin kontribusi, hitung titik impas dalam dolar penjualan dan unit penjualan.

gk tau jawabannya,,,jd gw nulis terjemahannya aja

15. 1. What are these the instructions for?A. Changing the batteriesB. Replacing coverC. Repairing batteriesD. Setting the date​


What are these the instructions for?

The instructions for changing the batteries.


Teks yang berhubungan dengan soal di atas adalah

1. Remove the back cover, using a small screwdriver to loosen the screw.

2. Remove batteries and replace with two new AAA batteries. Use the + and - signs to position correctly. Dispose of used battery properly.

3. Replace the cover and tighten the screw with the screwdriver.

4. Reset the time using the side buttons.

Note : The GMX 200 is guaranted to keep time accurately for one full year from date of purchase. Should it malfunction in any way during this time period, your money will be refunded in full.

Pelajari lebih lanjut arti dari teks prosedur di atas pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/36726228


16. Miss Suzzie is a marketing executive whose salary paid based on the commission rate as follow : 20% for the first 1,000 Rupiah sales.25% for the second 1,000 Rupiah sales30% for the sales above 2,000 RupiahCalculate the total salary received if the total marketing in a month is 2,400 Rupiah​


Rp 570

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

arti: Ibu Suzie merupakan eksekutif pemasaran yang digaji dengan eketentuan sebagai berikut:

a) 20% untuk penjualan 1000 rupiah pertama

b) 25% untuk penjualan 1000 rupiah kedua

c) 30% untuk penjualan yang lebih dari 2000 rupiah

tentukan total gajinya jika jumlah marketing dalam sebulan Ibu Suzzie sebesar 2400 rupiah

untuk memenuhi ketentuan a (alias agar ketentuan a terpakai/ tercapai), maka kita jumlah marketing Ibu Suzzie dlm sebulan minimal Rp 0 dan maximal Rp 1000 (lewat dari maksimal, masuk ke ketentuan berikutnya), karena dikatakan pd ketentuan tsb Rp 1000 pertama

untuk memenuhi ketentuan b, maka jumlah marketing Ibu Suzzie  harus lebih dari 1000 Rp dan maksimal Rp 2000 (lewat dari mksimal masuk ke ketentuan berikutnya)

untuk ketentuan ketiga harus lebih dari Rp 2000

jadi, jumlah marketing Ibu Suzzie dpt dobagi sebaai berikut

a) Rp 1000 (karena sudah melebihi maksimalnya, jadi yang dianggap 1000nya saja)

b) Rp 1000 (karena lebih dr maks, maka yg dianggap 100nya sj)

c) Rp 400 (yang dianggap yang melebihi Rp2000)

total gaji

a + b + c = (1000 * 20%) + (1000 * 25%) + (400 * 30%)

= 200 + 250 + 120 = 570 Rupiah

semoga benar. klo slh cb bilangin kk

17. a. changing the batteries b. Replacing cover c. repairing batteries d. setting the date


A. Changing the batteries


in the instructions above, it shows you the process of changing a certain battery from the clock.

"Remove and replace with two new AAA batteries"

the word replace is related to changing.

18. Budi Waluyo is interviewing Robinson Elohase for a job as the office Manager of Jasmine Investments,Inc.(disuruh isi titik2)​


1. Sit down

2. Experience

3. a large company

4. by e-mail within a week

5. working in a team

6. fair working condition

7. in particular

semoga bermanfaat:)

jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

19. Her scores were as follows: 60, 70, 90, 80, 100, 80, 90, 70, 80, 100 The mean of her scores on the weekly math quizzes is​



20. 3)Describing the animal's characteristics There are several animal characteristics, as follows

3) Mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri hewan

Ada beberapa ciri hewan, sebagai berikut


maaf klk slah

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