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What Ended The Elective System Of Choosing A Caliph

What Ended The Elective System Of Choosing A Caliph

3.what ia the function of a system flowchart?​

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1. 3.what ia the function of a system flowchart?​


Flowchart sistem atau bagan alir sistem merupakan bagan yang menunjukkan proses pekerjaan di dalam sistem. Bagan ini akan menggambarkan arus pekerjaan secara mendetail dan menyeluruh. Jadi, Anda bisa melihat urutan-urutan proses/prosedur di dalam sistem.

Dalam bahasa inggris :

A system flowchart or system flowchart is a chart that shows the work process in the system. This chart will describe the flow of work in detail and comprehensively. So, you can see the sequence of processes / procedures in the system.

Maaf kalo salah

2. What is the issue of the text. Explain it? What is the background/reason of choosing that issue. Explain it ?

i dont know what you speakthe issue is abaut a famous star

3. what is the government system of vietnam

government system of Vietnam is monopoly
Marxist-Leninist one-party socialist republic

Republik Sosialis partai tunggal marxist-leninist

4. what is the importance of the reproductive system to males and females

The male reproductive system functions to produce and store, and deliver sperm to fertilize an egg. Meanwhile, the female reproductive system has a function to produce eggs and provide a place for the fetus during pregnancy. These two functions complement each other in the reproduction process.


Sistem reproduksi pria berfungsi untuk memproduksi dan menyimpan, serta mengantarkan sperma untuk membuahi sel telur. Sedangkan, sistem reproduksi wanita memiliki fungsi untuk memproduksi sel telur dan menyediakan tempat untuk janin selama kehamilan. Kedua fungsi tersebut saling melengkapi dalam proses reproduksi.

saya artikan itu ke dlm bhs indo tolong di teliti klo slh

semoga membantu:)

~no copy~~no Google~

5. What is the social function of the text human digestive system


Apa fungsi sosial dari teks sistem pencernaan manusia

6. what performs the function of the capitalistic price system in communist countries​


control the means of production, the price of goods or services to the wages of workers is largely determined by the state. The most prominent feature of a capitalist economy is the lack of state intervention. Everything is determined based on the will of the market.

7. what are the part and function of the root system​


Root, in botany, that part of a vascular plant normally underground. Its primary functions are anchorage of the plant, absorption of water and dissolved minerals and conduction of these to the stem, and storage of reserve foods.

8. 1.Mention the organ of human! 2.What the function of skeletal system? 3.Mention the part of Respiratory system? 4.Respiratory system is for......... 5.Mention the parts of skeletal system!

1. Brain, heart, liiver, stomach, lungs, pancreas2. -Provides a form to support the body (skeleton formation)
    -As a means of passive motion,
3. The airway, the lungs, and the muscles of respiration

9. What is the circulatory system? A. The body's breathing system B. The body's system of nerves C. The body's food-processing system D. The body's blood transporting system

d. the body's blood transporting system

10. what are some diseases of the respiratory system?​


maksud nya apa ya kasi tau dongk mungkin arti kah apa kalimat?

11. what isi the centre of solar system

the center of solar system is the SUN.Sun, as the centre of solar system

12. What is a correct way of naming an organism using the binomial system?


Scientific Names

Scientists use a two-name system called a Binomial Naming System. Scientists name animals and plants using the system that describes the genus and species of the organism. The first word is the genus and the second is the species. The first word is capitalized and the second is not.

13. what is the total momentum of the system before collision?


apa momentum total sistem sebelum tabrakan?

14. what is the total momentum of the system before collision brainly?


brainly homework for tomorrow morning at work today so I don't want to go to the job is to get the money

15. 5. What does Mr. Sugiarto pay a compliment to Mr Leo bright for? A. The independent third party B. The participality of the system C. The perfection of the system D. The professionalism of the staff E. The excellence of computer benchmark 6. The computer benchmarks will help the companies in... A. Contributing to the success of the industry B. Making critical purchase decisions C. Producing independent systems D. Choosing the third party E. Updating the software


5 . E

6. E


maaf kalo salah .. ..... .. . .. . .


5. E

6. B


semoga membantuu

16. What was amusing caliph?


"Amusing Caliph" in Indonesian is "Khalifah Lucu"

Hopefully my answer is helpful and useful^_^

17. What is the part of the reproductive system in which fertilisation occurs?


fallopian tubes

Fertilization of an egg by a sperm normally occurs in the fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg then moves to the uterus, where it implants to the uterine lining.

18. what is the unit of work in the metric system​


Dalam sistem metrik unit, di mana gaya diukur dalam newton (disingkat N), usaha diukur dalam newton-meter (N-m).


Maaf Kalau salah

19. Terjemahan dari cerita the caliph and the clown

Senin, 24 September 2012


  The caliph of Baghdad hired an intelligent and high spirited man as his court jester, and was much amused by his clever, witty comments. The clown was so well loved by his master that everyone at court showed him great respect. And so the caliph was much surprised one day when he heard his beloved clown crying out in distress from the throne room. The caliph hurried there and was astonished to find the guards beating the clown badly.
''Leave him alone at once!'' he orded. ''Why are you beating him?''
''We found him sitting on your throne, O majesty!''
the captain of the guards explained.
''out of my sight!'' commanded the caliph. ''For sure the jester did not do it with the intention of offending me.''
The clown, however, continued to weep and wail even after the guards had left.
''Stop it! said the irritated caliph.
''you're still in one piece, aren't you?''
'' i'm not crying for myself, my lord, i weep for you,'' the clown explained.
''For me?'' exclaimed the caliph in surprise.
''Certainly! if i get beaten so badly for having been only a few minutes on the throne, how many beatings must you have suffered in all the years that you have been there?''


THE Khalifah DAN Badut
Khalifah Baghdad menyewa seorang priacerdas dan semangat tinggi sebagai badutpengadilan, dan lebih geli oleh pandai, cerdaskomentar. Badut begitu dicintai oleh tuannya bahwa semua orang di pengadilanmenunjukkan rasa hormat yang besar. Dan jadikhalifah itu sangat terkejut suatu hari ketika dia mendengar nya badut tercinta menangis dalam kesusahan dari ruang tahta. Khalifah itu bergegas di sana dan terkejut menemukanpenjaga mengalahkan badut buruk.
'' Biarkan dia sendiri sekaligus'' orded! Dia. ''Mengapa Anda memukulnya?''
'' Kami menemukan dia duduk di atas takhtaAnda, O keagungan!''
kapten penjaga menjelaskan.
'' keluar dari pandangan saya'' diperintahkan!khalifah. '' Untuk memastikan si badut tidakmelakukannya dengan niat menyinggungsaya.''
Badut, bagaimanapun, terus menangis dan meratap bahkan setelah para penjaga telah meninggalkan.
'' Hentikan! kata khalifah teriritasi.
'' Anda masih dalam keadaan utuh, bukan?''
'' Aku tidak menangis untuk diriku sendiri,Tuanku, saya menangis untuk Anda,'' jelasbadut.
'' Bagi saya?'' Seru khalifah kaget.
'' Tentu saja! jika saya dipukuli begitu parahkarena telah hanya beberapa menit di atas takhta, berapa banyak pemukulan harus Andatelah menderita dalam semua tahun bahwaAnda telah ada?


20. what is the center of our solar system​




Sun is the centre of our solar system

(Matahari itu pusat tatasurya)


the sun


maaf kalo salah

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