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The Half Life Of Radium 226 Is 1600 Years

The Half Life Of Radium 226 Is 1600 Years

waktu paruh radium-226 adalah 1600 untuk peluruhan 2,00 gram cuplikan radium sampai tersisa 0,125 gram diperlukan waktu

Daftar Isi

1. waktu paruh radium-226 adalah 1600 untuk peluruhan 2,00 gram cuplikan radium sampai tersisa 0,125 gram diperlukan waktu

2,00 → 1,00 (t = 1600)
1,00 → 0,50 (t = 1600)
0,50 → 0,25 (t = 1600)
0,25 → 0,125 (t = 1600)

maka diperlukan waktu 6400 satuan waktu.


2. The half-life of a 500g material is 1 year.a) Find the mass after n years, Tn. [4 marks]b) Find the smallest number of years that the mass is less than 1g[8 marks]​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

3. radium is one of the.... metals

Radium is one of the alkaline earth metals.jawabanya adalah .alkaline earth

4. 1. What is the theme of the song "for the rest of my life" ?2. Whag is the social function of the song "for the rest of my life" ?​


You Buckle up lego poopy

5. what are the important achievements in the early years of archimedes life?

Archimedes 287 BC to 212 BC
Archimedes screw, pi (mathematical constant), the principle of hydrostatic

Archimedes is known for his theory of the relationship between surface and volume of a sphere of the cylinder. He is also known as the theory and formula of the principle of hydrostatic and equipment to raise the water - 'Archimedes Screw' or Archimedes screw, which is still widely used in developing countries. Although a lever or ungkitan been discovered long before Archimedes was born, Archimedes who developed the theory to calculate the load required for these levers. Archimedes is also ranked as one of the ancient mathematicians and is the best and greatest of his era. Archimedes accurate calculation of the ball on the arch made in mathematical constants for Pi or Ï €.
Archimedes was born in 287 BCE in a port city of Syracuse, Sicily (now Italy). In his youth, Archimedes expected to get educated in Alexandria, Egypt.
The water is transferred upward through a thread on an Archimedes Screw
The story of Archimedes many told by people is the story of Archimedes time to find ways and formulas to calculate the volume of objects that do not have a standard form. According to the story, a crown for the king Hiero II has been made and the king ordered Archimedes to check whether the crown was really made of pure gold or silver containing added. Because King Hiero II do not trust the creator of the crown. When Archimedes soaking in the tub, he noticed that the water in the tub comparable to spill out of her body. Archimedes realized that this effect can be used to calculate the volume and content of the crown. By dividing the weight of the crown with the volume of water displaced, the density and the density of the crown could be obtained. Density of the crown would be lower than the density of pure gold when the creator of the crown to cheat and add a silver or metal with a lower specific gravity. Because too excited by this discovery, Archimedes jumped out of the tub, forgot to get dressed first, and ran out into the street and shout "EUREKA!" or 'I found it'.

6. waktu-paro radium adalah 1,62 x 10^3 tahun. Berapa lama atom radium meluruh dalam 1 detik dalam gram sampel radium? berat atom radium adalah 226 kg/mol​

semangat !!! Dead linenya

7. what is the meaning of life?​


life is struggle not destination



what is the meaning of life?

apa arti hidup?

-Life is a feature that distinguishes physical objects that have biological processes from physical objects that do not, either because those functions have ceased or because they never had that function and are classified as inanimate.

-Kehidupan adalah ciri yang membedakan objek fisik yang memiliki proses biologis dengan objek fisik yang tidak memilikinya, baik karena fungsi-fungsi tersebut telah berhenti atau karena mereka tidak pernah memiliki fungsi tersebut dan diklasifikasikan sebagai benda mati.

8. what is the meaning of life?


life is a place that requires a space as a living being entitled like humans and animals


sorry if wrong





It depends According to whom



Tergantung menurut siapa

Maaf kalo salah

9. life half is memory half is to continue artinya

separuh hidup adalah separuh ingatan akan dilanjutkan


separuh hidup adalah separuh ingatan akan dilanjutkan


insyaallah benar

10. what is the meaning of life???

bagaimana cara kamu hidup dan apa yang dapat kamu lakukan bagi orang lainartinya: apa arti hidup

11. the half of __ is 940



semoga jawabannya bener ya

12. 1. What are the important achievements in the early years of Alexander Graham bell life 2. What are the important achievements in the later years of Alexander Graham bell life

what do you mean yeeeeeeah

13. What is the purpose of the early life of marie

what do you mean?
..........what do you mean?

14. What is the thene of the song the time of my life


Apa tema lagu itu dalam hidup saya

15. . The angle of half circle is ...​

The angle of a half circle is 180°.



A circle has an angle of 360°. Cut it in half and you would get two half circles with each one of them has an angle of 180°. Cut one in half and you would get two quarter circles. We know that a quarter circle has an angle of 90°.

So, with basic arithmetic we can find the solution to the problem; The angle of a half circle is a hundred and eighty degrees (180°) because three hundreds and sixty, which is the angle of a circle in degrees, divided by two is equal to a hundred and eighty (360/2 = 180).



Some math problems involving circles:




Mapel: Matematika

Kelas: 8

Materi: Lingkaran

Kode: 8.2.7

16. the last month of the years is....

December is the last month of the year


semangat belajar

17. december is the... month of years

"Last"month of years
last month of the year

18. What is the meaning of life​

life adalah kehidupan

jadikan jawaban terbaik ya :)

what is the meaning of life = apa arti / maksud dari kehidupan ?

19. 2 According to the chorus of "Love of My Life', the word 'it' refers to b. The person in the 'Love of My Life' song feels sad because Life described in the chorus of "That's What Friends Are for is d. Life described in the chorus of Love of My Life is e Life described in the chorus of It's My Life is

According to the chorus of "Love of My Life", the word 'it' refers to the love that the person is asking to be brought back.

The person in the song feels sad because their love has been hurt and broken by the other person leaving them.

Life described in the chorus of "Love of My Life" is one that is filled with sadness and longing for the return of love that has been taken away.

The person in the song is pleading for the return of their love and expressing that the other person does not understand the significance and meaning of the love they share.

20. 28. Which does NOT change with time for a first-order reaction? (A) the amount of reactant that disappears in each half- life (B) the concentration of the reactant (C) the length of each half-life (D) the rate of the reaction

Pada reaksi order pertama yang tidak mengalami perubahan adalah :

C. The length of each half-life


Reaksi orde pertama adalah reaksi dalam orde menetap, laju reaksi berbanding lurus dengan konsentrasi salah satu reaktan. Reaksi orde pertama sering memiliki bentuk umum A → produk. Tingkat diferensial untuk reaksi orde pertama adalah sebagai berikut:


Jika konsentrasi A digandakan, laju reaksi menjadi dua kali lipat, jika konsentrasi A dinaikkan dengan faktor 10, laju reaksi meningkat dengan faktor 10, dan seterusnya. Karena satuan laju reaksi selalu mol per liter per detik, satuan konstanta laju orde pertama adalah detik timbal balik (s−1). Hukum laju terintegrasi untuk reaksi orde pertama dapat ditulis dalam dua cara yang berbeda: satu menggunakan eksponen dan satu menggunakan logaritma. Ingat bahwa hukum laju terintegrasi memberikan hubungan antara konsentrasi reaktan dan waktu.

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