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Kyra Has A Rock Collection

Kyra Has A Rock Collection

Ray has got a larger coin collection than Dan. Sue’s coin collection is larger than Ray’s. Who has got the largest coin collection of all?a. Ray has got the largest coin collection of all.b. Sue has got the largest coin collection of all.c. Dan has got the largest coin collection of all.d. All has got the largest coin collection of all.​

Daftar Isi

1. Ray has got a larger coin collection than Dan. Sue’s coin collection is larger than Ray’s. Who has got the largest coin collection of all?a. Ray has got the largest coin collection of all.b. Sue has got the largest coin collection of all.c. Dan has got the largest coin collection of all.d. All has got the largest coin collection of all.​


B)Sue has got the largest coun collection of all

semoga membantu


b. Sue has got the largest coin collection of all


the answers was b because ray coins largest than dan and Sue's coins more largest than ray. Meanwhile, Ray coins are larger than Dan coins. So automatically the Sue coin is the largest of all.


jawabannya adalah b karena koin ray lebih besar dari dan dan koin sue lebih besar dari ray. Sementara itu, koin Ray lebih besar dari koin Dan. Jadi secara otomatis koin Sue adalah yang terbesar dari semuanya.

2. has-of-collection-wayang-it​




3. Please make a conclusion at the dialogue below.. And, please select in the dialog below, which one is included in the recount text discussion..Situation: Kyra was in Verona, Italy last week. She had a family business. And right now, she is telling awesome experience to Rita when she was there. What is that? Check this out!Rita: "Hey Kyra, I thought you were in Italy."Kyra: "Hey Rita. Yeah that was true. But I’ve been home since 2 days."Rita: "How was Italy?"Kyra: "Wow… It was fantastic overall. But the most wonderful thing that I loved when I watched Adele concert in Verona."Rita: "Really?!"Kyra: "Yup."Rita: "Tell me, how was the concert?"Kyra: "That was amazing. Adele was all out in that concert. I took a picture of her. Look at this. What do you think about her?"Rita: "This is a nice picture, Kyra. She has white skin and pointed nose. She has an incredible voice."Kyra: "In my opinion, She never changes her hairstyle."Rita: "Yups, She has medium blonde hair."Kyra: "What did she wear?"Rita: "I watched her that she wore a black long dress and she wore gold earrings."Kyra: "Yups, you’re right. She has a tattoo. Do you know it?"Rita: "Yes, I can see on her left hand. What was the best song that she sang on that concert?"Kyra: "In my own opinion, “Hello” was an incredible song in that concert."Rita: "Yeah. I would say that if I watched it in Verona."Kyra: "I’m sure about it."Rita: "Let’s watch her concert on youtube."Kyra: "I’m sorry Rita because I have a plan with my mom."Rita: "Alright. That’s no problem. See you, Kyra."Kyra:"See you too."​


Recount text:

Kyra: "Wow… It was fantastic overall. But the most wonderful thing that I loved when I watched Adele concert in Verona."

Kyra: "That was amazing. Adele was all out in that concert. I took a picture of her. Look at this. What do you think about her?"

Rita: "I watched her that she wore a black long dress and she wore gold earrings."

Kyra: "In my own opinion, “Hello” was an incredible song in that concert."

The conclusion : Kyra and Rita both admire Adelle, but Kyra was lucky because she had a chance to watch Adelle's performance's live in Verona, Italy.


Recount text adalah sebuah teks yang menyampaikan kepada pembaca tentang sebuah cerita, aksi atau aktivitas atau sebuah teks yang menceritakan kembali sebuah acara atau pengalaman yang terjadi di masa lampau. Semoga membantu ya.

Musik rock telah populer ... sejak lebih dari 50 tahun

5. Ryan has 5326 stamps in his collection. Budi has three times than Budi

Untuk translaternya :

Ryan memiliki 5.326 prangko dalam koleksinya. Budi memiliki tiga kali dari Budi

6. john has ... old stamps in his collection. it's worth a lot of money now?

collect or buy


7. "sasya has many collection of book,magazines and novel she likes" terjemahkan yaaaa​


sasya memiliki banyak koleksi buku, majalah dan novel yang disukainya


Maaf kalo salah

8. Yang berisi gambar atau simbol yang telah diprogram dalam microsoft Office disebut... A= web collection B= folder C= office collection D= My collection


A= web collection


Semoga betul

9. Which one is a set? a. The collection of fancy cars. b. The collection of aircrafts. c. The collection of unique paintings. d. The collection of beautiful flowers in a garden.


b. The collection of aircraft's.

10. Sinta has many collection of books, magazines, and novels. She likes ....​


sinta has many collection of books, magazines, and novels. she likes reading book


Sinta has a large collection of books, magazines and novels. She likes all of his books

Arti dari jawaban tersebut

Sinta memiliki banyak koleksi buku, majalah, dan novel. Dia menyukai semua bukunya


Buku adalah kumpulan/himpunan kertas atau bahan lainnya yang dijilid menjadi satu pada salah satu ujungnya dan berisi tulisan, gambar, atau tempelan. ... Dalam bahasa Indonesia terdapat kata kitab yang diserap dari bahasa Arab (كتاب), yang memiliki arti buku.


Majalah adalah penerbitan yang dicetak menggunakan tinta pada kertas, diterbitkan berkala, misalnya mingguan, dwimingguan, atau bulanan. Majalah berisi bermacam-macam artikel dalam subyek yang bervariasi, yang ditujukan kepada masyarakat umum dan ditulis dengan gaya bahasa yang mudah dimengerti oleh banyak orang.


Novel adalah salah satu jenis karya sastra yang berbentuk prosa. Kisah di dalam novel merupakan hasil karya imajinasi yang membahas tentang permasalahan kehidupan seseorang atau berbagai tokoh. Cerita di dalam novel dimulai dengan muncunya persoalan yang dialamai oleh tokoh dan diakhiri dengan penyelesaian masalahnya.


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11. 3. Kyra: Hi, Miss Tika. How areyou?Miss Tika : Hi, Kyra. ...a. Good morning8. Good nightc. Good eveningd. I'm fine. Thanks.​




karena menanyakan kabar.



d.I'm fine. Thanks



Kyra:Hai.Bu Tika.Apa kabar?

Miss Tika:Hai,Kyra.Aku baik baik saja,terima kasih.



12. Based on the following collections, a set is …. A. a collection of beautiful paintings B. a collection of three-wheeled vehicles C. a collection of tiny animalsD. a collection of vast oceans ​


D. a collection of vast oceans ​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Maaf kalau salah

13. In 1964, __________of Henry Ossawa Tanner’s paintings was shown at the Smithsonian Institution. A was a major collection B that a major collection C a collection was major D a major collection


In 1964, a major collection of Henry Ossawa Tanner’s paintings was shown at the Smithsonian Institution.

Arti dari kalimat di atas adalah "pada 1964, sebuah koleksi utama lukisan Henry Ossawa Tanner dipamerkan di Smithsonian Institution"


Untuk mengisi kalimat rumpang di atas, kata yang dibutuhkan merupakan noun phrase, karena terdapat kata of yang merupakan satu rangkaian frasa.

Kalimat di atas merupakan kalimat pasif, sehingga tidak diperlukan auxiliary verb lagi pada objek kalimat tersebut.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai passive voice pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/25313919


14. john has ... old stamps in his collection. it's worth a lot of money now?


15. Sinta has many collection of books, magazines and novels. She likes ... ​

she likes to reading. or Sinta is a reader


Selain itu, kostum penari itu juga hadir dengan sepasang sayap yang memiliki filosofi bahwa kostum ini adalah bentuk bulu dari burung merak jantan yang sedang mengembang.

16. 2. Arrange these sentences into a meaningful descriptive text!a. It also has a collection of novel and anthropologies ofshort stories.b. There is a library in my school.c. Beside reading, students can also access any information through internet connection set in thelibraryd. It is not very large, but it has a complete collection ofbooks.e. It has a collection of newspaper, tabloid and teenmagazinesmohon bantuannya kak makasii ​



maaf klau salah


There is a library in my school. It is not very large, but it has a complete collection of books. It has a collection of newspaper, tabloid and teen magazines. It also has a collection of novel and anthropologies of short stories. Beside reading, students can also access any information through internet connection set in the library.

17. Sinta has many collection of book magazines and novel she likes mustova's hobby is.


reading because Sinta has a lot of books

18. 10. the public ... of surabaya hasa complete collection of books.a. zoob. museumc. harbord. library​


d. library

semoga membantu


d. library


karena ada kata booksyang artinya bukuberarti tempat nya adalah library.

19. Sinta has many collection of books, magazines and novels. She likes


She likes reading


karena Sinta memiliki banyak koleksi buku ,majalah, dan novel. Dapat disimpulkan kalo Sinta suka membaca

20. Rara has many collection of books, magazines and novels. She likes ...


Rara has many collection of books, magazines, and novels. She likes to read very much.

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