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The Snow Man Wallace Stevens Analysis

The Snow Man Wallace Stevens Analysis

Apa artinya? Tambah jawabannya: Do you know a build the snow man?

1. Apa artinya? Tambah jawabannya: Do you know a build the snow man?


Apakah anda tahu membangun manusia salju

Apakah Anda tahu membangun manusia salju?

2. Hello, Mrs. Stevens. My name is Jane Phillips. I'm the. Director.




self introduction

3. analysis the scarlet letter​

suara merah tua itu analisa

4. snow white is the pretties

Salju putih adalah yang cantik, maybe, :)Snow White is the pretties girl

Maaf ya kalau salah ^^

5. When the winter came, the snow…… *​


D spread a shout


iam shout


The snow.... Spread a white sheet

(Belibet amat katanya)

Jelas:The snow Falling


Entahlah, Sheet itu kertas, White itu putih, salju itu Seperti titik Hujan yang putih.

6. 2. Snow is the water that....3. The average amount of a snow is crystals.4. Snow happens in the air because ....5. What is the name of the text above?​

2. Freeze

3. 200 crystals

4. The weather in the cloud is too cold

7. Bantu Jawab.. Snow comes every. .....When the spring comes, the snow will melt.

Snow comes every. Winter When the spring comes, the snow will melt.Winter (musim dingin)

8. 1) snow covered the puncak jaya mountains2) Adi sent a letter yesterday3) the man has cleaned the office Ubahlah menjadi kalimat pasif ​


The Puncak Jaya mountains are covered by snow.A letter was sent by Adi yesterday.The office has been cleaned by the man.


Passive voice adalah bentuk pasif dari suatu kalimat, yang diawali dengan subjek dikerjakan (bukannya mengerjakan) sesuatu. Ditandai dengan penggunaan Verb 3.

Semoga membantu ya

9. the dollhouse short story character analysis


the dollhouse short story character analysis


Analisis karakter cerita pendek rumah boneka

10. correct the errors (error analysis)

1) Yoko lives in Japan
5) She enjoys her job
6) I don't know Joe
7) Mike doesn't like milk. He never drinks it
8) Tina doesn't speak Chinese. She speaks Spanish
9) Are you a student?

11. The ground was covered with snow It_____(snow) heavy for several hours.​


Tanah tertutup salju. Salju turun deras selama beberapa jam.


Tanah tertutup salju Itu (salju) lebat selama beberapa jam.

12. How to Make the Snow?​


Bagaimana cara membuat salju?

How to make the snow?

Salju dari alam.

Snow from to wake

13. 1)What is the purpose of the text snow white 2)What is the GENERIC stucture of the TEXT snow white 3)What kind of the TEXT it is (snow white) Butuh sekarang pleasee

1...to tell about snow white
2... generic stucture is description
3... description...

semoga membantu
maaf jika ada yg kurang

14. Snow covered the mountainsAnswer:​


salju menutupi gunungnya

maaf klo salah


Salju menutupi pegunungan



gua gak tau maksud nya

15. the snow fails in the...​


a. winter


semoga membantu maaf kalok salah ☺️


A. Winter

winter is so cold that it makes snow

16. [tex]\huge\blue{snow \: comes \: every \: ..... \: when \: the \: spring \: comes, \: the \: snow \: will \: melt}[/tex]​




Winter artinya musim dingin, musim dimana salju akan turun

17. error analysis. correct the errors

1. Yoko lives in Japan
2. Ann usually come to class on time
3. Peter uses his cell phone often
4. Amy carries a notebook computer to work every day
5. She enjoys her job
6. I don't know Joe
7. Mike doesn't like milk. He never drinks it.
8. Tina doesn't speak Chinese. She speaks Spanish.
9. Are you a student?
10. Does your roommate sleep with the window open?
11. Yes, I do.
12. Where do your parents live?
13. What time is your English class begin?
14. Olga doesn't need a car. She has a bicycle.
15. Does Pablo do his homework every day?

Semoga benar yaaa1. Yoko lives in japan
2. Ann usually comes to class on time
3. Peter often uses his cellphone 
4. Amy carries a notebook computer to work everyday
5. She enjoys her job
6. I don't know joe
7. Mike doesn't like milk. He never drinks it
8. Tina doesn't speak chinese. She speaks spanish
9. Are you a student??
10. Does your roommate sleeps with the window open??
11. B: Yes, i do 
12. Where do your parents live??
13. When will your english class begins??
14. Olga doesn't need a car. She has a bicycle
15. Do pablo does his homework everyday??

18. the message of the snow white story ?

1. do not trust any strangers...
2. we must to help each other...

i hope that could help you...We should be kind to others, we should be more carefull to someone that we dont know, and we should'nt be evil to others ^_^
(Kita harus berbuat baik kepada orang lain, kita harus lebih berhati hati pada seseoarang yang tidak kita kenal, dan kita tidak boleh berbuat jahat kpd org lain)
*maaf kalau salah

19. what did snow maiden's friends do after the snow maiden died ?​



20. the snow fell(silent/silently)




kenapa menggunakan silently bukan silent ?
karena dibelakang kata Fell sebagai satu kata kerja terdapat kata objek jadi itu adalah kata kerja dari suatu objek jadi ada penambahan 2 huruf ly agar arti dari Silent = Diam menjadi Silently = Dengan Tenang/Diam atau Tanpa suara

Jika diartikan

The Snow Fell Silently
(Salju turun Tanpa Suara)

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