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The Most Diverse Classical Music Period Was The Apex

The Most Diverse Classical Music Period Was The Apex

Tolong koreksi ya saya pake google translate dan bahasa inggris saya tidak terlalu mahir terimakasih Classical music is a broad term that usually leads to music made or from the tradition of Christian music, western art and orkresta music. Classical music covers the period from the 9th century to the 21st century. The best thing about classical music is classical music being the basic element of all the music of the next era. Period of classical music that is baroque and rakoko era, classical era and romatic era. Music in the baroque era is Western classical music that was changed in the baroque era. Music in classical times is lighter, easier, and less confusing, and has a much clearer texture. Music in romatic times has a passionate musical composition and is much more expressive. Classical music instruments are many. Examples of classical instrument instruments such as harpsichord, piano, violin, brass and cello. Classical music does not use an instrument that releases a beat, but rather a solo game.

Daftar Isi

1. Tolong koreksi ya saya pake google translate dan bahasa inggris saya tidak terlalu mahir terimakasih Classical music is a broad term that usually leads to music made or from the tradition of Christian music, western art and orkresta music. Classical music covers the period from the 9th century to the 21st century. The best thing about classical music is classical music being the basic element of all the music of the next era. Period of classical music that is baroque and rakoko era, classical era and romatic era. Music in the baroque era is Western classical music that was changed in the baroque era. Music in classical times is lighter, easier, and less confusing, and has a much clearer texture. Music in romatic times has a passionate musical composition and is much more expressive. Classical music instruments are many. Examples of classical instrument instruments such as harpsichord, piano, violin, brass and cello. Classical music does not use an instrument that releases a beat, but rather a solo game.

Semoga membantu
Classical music is a broad term that usually means music made or from the tradition of Christian music, western art and music orchestra. Classical music covers the period from the 9th century to the 21st century. The best thing about classical music is it being the basic element of all the music of the next era. Period of classical music includes the baroque and rakoko era, classical era and romantic era. Music in the baroque era is Western classical music that was changed in the baroque era. Music in classical times is lighter, easier, and less confusing, and has a much clearer texture. Music in romantic times has a passionate musical composition and is much more expressive. There are many classical music instruments. Examples of classical instrument includes the harpsichord, piano, violin, brass and cello. Classical music does not use an instrument that releases a beat, but rather a solo game.
Semoga membantu:)

2. The classical music concert' id di ......that


nice to meet you sayank

3. the classical music concert was.... beautiful that it won the gold medal.A. soB. such​




the classical music concert was so beautiful that it won the gold medal.=konser musik klasik itu sangat indah sehingga memenangkan medali emas.


A. So

itu jawaban yang benar

4. She was listening to classical music ______ the radio. *a. inb. onc. atd. besideTOLONG BANTU YA KAKAK ABNG KU​


B. on



5. Make similar sentences from the notes below. (The restaurant- listen/ classical music) (The cinema- see/ good food) (On holiday- stay/ first class hotel)

1. I listen the classical music in the restaurant
2. She sees the good food in the cinema
3. My father and my uncle stay in the first class hotel on holiday

maaf kalo salah

6. He never listens to ....... classical music * an the a

He never listens to the classical music


He never listen to a classical music


maaf kalau salah, hope it helpful ☺️

7. What was the social historical background illuminating the enlightenment period?


European politics, philosophy, science and communications were radically reoriented during the course of the “long 18th century” (1685-1815) as part of a movement referred to by its participants as the Age of Reason, or simply the Enlightenment. Enlightenment thinkers in Britain, in France and throughout Europe questioned traditional authority and embraced the notion that humanity could be improved through rational change.

The Enlightenment produced numerous books, essays, inventions, scientific discoveries, laws, wars and revolutions. The American and French Revolutions were directly inspired by Enlightenment ideals and respectively marked the peak of its influence and the beginning of its decline. The Enlightenment ultimately gave way to 19th-century Romanticism

8. -------- impressive chapter in the book was the chapter on the desktop publishing theories. a. It was the most b. Most of the c. As d. The most e. Most


D. the most


9. artikan dong a. rock and roll was the name given by alan freed b. alan freed was the one who used the term rock and roll c. rock music is played and listened in most countries d. rock music is partof popular music today

a. Rock and roll adalah nama yang diberikan oleh Alan Freed
b. Alan Freed adalah orang yang menggunakan istilah rock dan roll
c. Musik rock dimainkan dan didengarkan pada kebanyakan negara.
d. Musik rock adalah bagian dari musik populer saat ini.

10. the baby(was/were)crying while the mother(was/were)listening to the music​


senam irama mengandung unsur gerakan yang sangant indah dengan diiringi


the baby was crying while the mother was listening to the music.

11. What was the spirit of the poetry of the enlightenment period of English literature?


The Enlightenment's emphasis on reason shaped philosophical, political and scientific discourse from the late 17th to the early 19th century. Matthew White traces the Enlightenment back to its roots in the aftermath of the Civil War, and forward to its effects on the present day.


maaf klo salah

12. Aside from the current state of classical music and the modern orchestra, one must also consider what classical music itself gives to the world. If one attends a symphony, such as Beethoven's 9th, one will find themselves impressed by the sheer magnitude of emotion and soul-feeding tonalities offered by the masters of classical composition. Beethoven himself once stated, "Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of a woman." - compelling words from a man who was nearly deaf by the time he wrote his Fifth symphony.what is the main idea in this paragraph??​


The main idea in this paragraph is that classical music, especially works by composers like Beethoven, has the ability to evoke strong emotions and touch the soul. This is exemplified by the quote from Beethoven himself that music should inspire both excitement and tears in listeners.

13. Tolong koreksi saya pake google translate dan bahasa inggris saya tidak mahir terimakasih Classical music also has world-wide figures. The classical music character Johann Pachelbel, a German Baroque composer. George Friedrich Handel is a British composer. Johann Sebastian Bach is a composer who changes music to musical instruments organs. Wolfgang Aamadeus Mozart is an important and famous composer of European classical music in history. Ludwig van beethoven a classical music composer from Germany. Nicolo Pagaini is a music writer and violinist, viola and guitar from Italy. Classical music also has benefits for those who listen to it. Some of the benefits of classical music are for entertainment, learning aids, improving physiological responses and improving iq. classical music is also very beneficial for pregnant women, if the listening will be very good effect on the baby. the tranquility and harmony of classical music will reduce the stress of the mother and the baby calm. listen to this classical music while on a break or while yoga morning.

Musik klasik juga memiliki figur dunia. Karakter musik klasik Johann Pachelbel, seorang komposer Baroque Jerman. George Friedrich Handel adalah seorang komponis Inggris. Johann Sebastian Bach adalah seorang komposer yang mengubah musik menjadi alat musik organ. Wolfgang Aamadeus Mozart adalah komposer musik klasik Eropa yang penting dan terkenal dalam sejarah. Ludwig van Beethoven merupakan komposer musik klasik asal Jerman. Nicolo Pagaini adalah seorang penulis musik dan pemain biola, viola dan gitar dari Italia. Musik klasik juga memiliki manfaat bagi mereka yang mendengarkannya. Beberapa manfaat musik klasik adalah untuk hiburan, alat bantu pembelajaran, peningkatan respons fisiologis dan peningkatan iq. Musik klasik juga sangat bermanfaat bagi wanita hamil, jika mendengar akan sangat berpengaruh baik pada bayi. Ketenangan dan keharmonisan musik klasik akan mengurangi tekanan ibu dan ketenangan bayi. Dengarkan musik klasik ini saat sedang istirahat atau saat yoga pagi.

14. .... the plot of the film was poor,l really loved the music​

Eventhe plot of the film was poor, I really loved the music

Walaupun alur cerita dari film ini tidak bagus / kurang / jelek, Aku sangat menyukai musiknya

15. The music was very loud / loudly.?


The music was very loud / loudly?

Jawabannya:The music was very loud

Artinya:Musik ini sangat keras


Kenapa memakai loud bukan loudly?

Loud = Keras

Loudly = Dengan keras

Tetapi soalnya very loud/loudly

Jadi jawabannya lebih tepat loud bukan loudly


Loudly is an adverb, loud is an adjective
Maaf klo salah:)

16. What are the classical of songs? The classical of songs are=............​


Musik klasik merupakan istilah luas yang biasanya mengarah pada musik yang dibuat di atau berakar dari tradisi seni Barat, dan musik orkes, mencakup periode dari sekitar abad ke-9 hingga abad ke-21.


Maaf klo salah jadikan jawaban terbaikmu makasih

17. the farm was flooded with the.....that most of the harvest was lost​


The farm was flooded with the, Result that most of the harvest was lost.

kata yang paling tepat untuk mengisi kolom kosong pada soal adalah result yang berarti hasil


Dari penjelasan pada soal ada kemungkinan ada tanda koma (,) yang kurang diperjelas atau tidak diperlihatkan sebelum kolom yang kosong.

Sebelum menjawab soal ini ada baiknya untuk memahami isi dan maksud dari keseluruhan teks akan memberikan informasi apa. Sehingga dari pilihan jawaban yang ada dapat dipilih dengan kata yang paling tepat untuk diisi dan disesuaikan dengan keseluruhan kalimat.

Jika struktur kalimat lengkapnya: the farm was flooded, with the .... that most of the harvest was lost, yang memiliki arti penjelasan lahan pertanian telah terendam banjir, dengan .... yang membuat hampir semua panen gagal. Kalimat tersebut ingin menginformasikan bahwa telah terjadi banjir pada lahan pertanian yang membuat hampir semua panen pada lahan tersebut mengalami kegagalan. Sehingga, kata yang paling tepat untuk mengisi kolom koosng itu adalah result. Kalimat yang lengkap akan menjadi seperti ini, the farm was flooded, with the result that most of the harvest was lost. Yang artinya, lahan pertanian telah terendam banjir, dengan hasil yang membuat hampir semua panen gagal

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai vocabulary exercise https://brainly.co.id/tugas/23666370


18. Tolong bantu jawab yah . Beethoven and mozart.................(be) The most famous composers in the classical era.


Beethoven and mozart WERE the most famous composers in the classical era.


Menggunakan to be "were" karena subject nya bentuk plural "Beethoven adn mozart".


Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : To be

Kelas : 7

Kode Soal : 7.5

Kode Kategorisasi : 7.5.1

Beethoven and mozart were the most famous composers in the classical era

Menggunakan were karena subjek nya jamak dan telah terjadi dimasa lampau (past tense)

19. Tolong koreksi saya pake google translate dan bahasa inggris saya kurang mahir terimakasih Classical music also has world-wide figures. The classical music character Johann Pachelbel, a German Baroque composer. George Friedrich Handel is a British composer. Johann Sebastian Bach is a composer who changes music to musical instruments organs. Wolfgang Aamadeus Mozart is an important and famous composer of European classical music in history. Ludwig van beethoven a classical music composer from Germany. Nicolo Pagaini is a music writer and violinist, viola and guitar from Italy. Classical music also has benefits for those who listen to it. Some of the benefits of classical music are for entertainment, learning aids, improving physiological responses and improving iq. classical music is also very beneficial for pregnant women, if the listening will be very good effect on the baby. the tranquility and harmony of classical music will reduce the stress of the mother and the baby calm. listen to this classical music while on a break or while yoga morning.

Classical music also has world-wide figures. The classical music character Johann Pachelbel is a German Baroque composer. George Friedrich Handel is a British composer while Johann Sebastian Bach is a composer who changes music to musical instruments organs. Wolfgang Aamadeus Mozart is an important and famous composer of European classical music in history. Ludwig van beethoven was a classical music composer from Germany. Nicolo Pagaini was a music writer and violinist, viola and guitar from Italy. Classical music also has benefits for those who listen to it. Some of the benefits of classical music are for entertainment, learning aids (what do you mean??), improving physiological responses and improving iq. classical music is also very beneficial for pregnant women because it'll have a good effect on the baby. The tranquility and harmony of classical music will reduce the stress of the mother and the baby calm. listen to this classical music while on a break or while yoga morning.

semoga membantuuClassical music also has world-wide figures. The classical music character, Johann Pachelbel, is a German Baroque composer. George Friedrich Handel is a British composer , while Johann Sebastian Bach is a composer who changes music to musical instruments organs. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is an important and famous composer of European classical music in history. Ludwig van Beethoven was a classical music composer from Germany. Nicolo Pagaini was a music writer, violinist, viola player and guitarist from Italy. Classical music also offers benefits to those who listen to it. Some of the benefits of classical music are for entertainment, learning aids, improving psychological responses and improving IQ. Classical music is also very beneficial for pregnant women because it'll leave a good effect on the baby. The tranquility and harmony of classical music will both reduce the stress of the mother and make the baby calm. We should listen to classical music while on a break or while doing morning yoga.

20. She was listening to classical music ______ the radio. a.in b.beside c.in front of d.behind​

A. in

Maaf kalau salah



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