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What Is The Beta Of The Following Portfolio

What Is The Beta Of The Following Portfolio

Suppose that a portfolio is delta neutral and has a gamma of –3,000. The delta and gamma of a particular traded call option are 0.62 and 1.50, respectively. The portfolio can be made gamma neutral by including in the portfolio a long position of…. in the call option? The gamma of the portfolio is then? The delta of the portfolio will then change from zero to?

Daftar Isi

1. Suppose that a portfolio is delta neutral and has a gamma of –3,000. The delta and gamma of a particular traded call option are 0.62 and 1.50, respectively. The portfolio can be made gamma neutral by including in the portfolio a long position of…. in the call option? The gamma of the portfolio is then? The delta of the portfolio will then change from zero to?




because Suppose that a portfolio is delta neutral and has a gamma of –3,000

2. for what value of 'a' the roots of the equation 2x²+6x+a=0 ,satisfy the condition (alpha/beta)+beta/alpha)<2 {where alpha and beta are the roots of the equation}

A/B + B/A < 2
( A^2 + B^2 ) / AB < 2
{ ( A + B )^2 - 2AB } / AB < 2
{ (-6/2)^2 -2(a/2) } / a/2 < 2
( 9 - a ) / (a/2) < 2
2(9-a) < 2a
18- 2a < 2a
18 - 2a - 2a < 0
18 -4a < 0
-4a < -18
a > 9/2

3. Beta division had the following information asset base in beta division 400,000 operating income in beta division 50,000 cost of capital 12 percent target roi 15 percent margin for beta division 20 percent if the asset base is decreased by 100,000 with no other changes the return on investment of beta division will be.....


apple and pir

maaaf ya kak


1. Look at the picture carefully. Do you know the title of the folktale? It is a javanese folktale that you might heard in your childhood.

2. Find some information related to the picture. Use the following questions as a guideline.

a. Who are the main characters of the story?

b. Where did the story take place?

C. When did the story happen?

d. Is there any moral lesson from the story? If any, mention it.

3. Write a short folktale related to the picture with your own words.

4. Submit your work as a portfolio to the teacher.


I know but I'm busy I can't translate yet

5. if alpha and beta are the roots of 2x^2-4x-3=0, where alpha > beta, find the value of alpha - beta



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

2x² - 4x - 3 = 0

alpha - beta = (√D)/a

where D = b² - 4ac

a = 2

b = -4

c = -3


alpha - beta = √((-4)²-4(2)(-3))/2

alpha - beta = √(16 +24)/2

alpha - beta = √(40)/2

alpha - beta = 2√(10)/2

alpha - beta = √10

6. Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions.Miko Do you see my ruler?Zaenal : No, I don'tMiko : I have put it on my table.Zaenal Let me see around the floor!Boy Hi friends, what's going on?Zaenal : He is looking for his rulerBoy What color is your ruler?Miko Purple.Boy Is it yours? (showing the purple ruler)Miko : Yes, it is. How do you get it?Boy : I find it on my table. Take it.Miko Thank you so much.Questions:1. What is being looked for by Miko?Answer:2. Mention one expression of asking for attention based on the dialogue above!Answer:3. What is the color of Miko's ruler?Answer:4. Where is Miko's ruler?WYAnswer: ......................5. Who found Miko's ruler?Answer:9XPortfolioMake five opinions regarding the importance of freedom of speech in a school. After that, read youropinions in front of the class.​

1. His ruler



4.on boy's table

5. Boy

7. 47. Write sentences about what you can or can't do Use these verta. Cook riceb. Swim in the riverc. Sing a songd. Climb tree48. Put the sentences below in the correct order to make dialog() BetaYes, there is. The kitchen is quite clean() Susan How many bedrooms are there in the Villa?( ) Beta Yes, there's a stove too.) Susan Is there a stove?) Beta There are three bedrooms( ) Susan is there a kitchen too?49. Complete the following text with the words provided in theI (.....) a beautiful (........) named Proudy. She had white f​


47. a.cook rice

48. beta there threr bedrooms

49. i (like) a beautiful (your) name Producy. She had wihite F

8. This section assesses the impacts of increased R&D activities onthe solar energy development because the cost of solar energy isaffected by both cumulative installed capacity and cumulative R&Dcapacity led by government and business's R&D spending.The paper further studies the impacts of different annualaverage growth rates for the cumulative R&D capacity of solarpower on China's energy portfolio. This section assess the portfoliomix along the efficient frontier in 2030 under a new scenario inwhich the annual average growth rate for cumulative R&D of solarpower increases from 25% to 35% and including the environmentalcost of coal. The average growth rate of the cumulative R&D ca-pacity reflects the influence of the investment of governments orenterprises in the development of solar energy. The result isshown in Fig. 8. Compared to Fig. 6, under this new scenario, theshare of solar power in the optimal energy portfolio will have asignificant increase, from 8.12% to 12.83%, when the risk is 0.04,indicating the important impacts of increasing R&D on the fastdevelopment of solar power. The result is also consistent withWang's study, who said that the present status of solar in China isthat grid-connected solar photovoltaic capacity in China is stillmarginal and will be insignificant in the coming decade if policy isnot greatly changed [37].

bagian ini menilai dampak dari peningkatan kegiatan Litbang di.

pengembangan energi matahari karena biaya energi matahari.

dipengaruhi oleh kapasitas terpasang kumulatif dan R & D kumulatif.

kapasitas yang dipimpin oleh pengeluaran R & D pemerintah dan bisnis.

makalah ini mempelajari lebih lanjut dampak dari berbagai tahunan

9. 1. What causes Capital Flight to happen? 2. Do you think it is better for the government to have more FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) than FPI (Foreign Portfolio Investment)?

What causes Capital Flight to happen? (Apa yang menyebabkan terjadinya Pelarian Modal?) - Pelarian modal (keluar negeri) dapat terjadi karena modal asing tersebut banyak diinvestasikan ke dalam aset-aset finansial seperti saham dan obligasi melalui bursa-bursa perdagangan suatu negara. Karena mudahnya untuk memperjualbelikan aset-aset finansial ini di bursa saham maka tinggi pula resiko Capital Flight (Pelarian Modal) yang akan dilakukan oleh investor asing apabila terjadi sesuatu kondisi yang memaksa mereka untuk menjual seluruh aset-asetnya.Do you think it is better for the government to have more FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) than FPI (Foreign Portfolio Investment)? (Sebagai pemerintah, apakah lebih baik memiliki lebih banyak FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) daripada FPI (Foreign Portfolio Investment)? - Sebagai pemerintah adalah lebih baik memiliki lebih banyak FDI daripada FPI karena FDI lebih bersifat jangka panjang dan tidak dapat dijual begitu saja.


FPI (Foreign Portfolio Investment) adalah suatu jenis investasi asing dimana investor menaruh investasinya melalui bursa-bursa saham dengan membeli saham-saham dan obligasi-obligasi yang menjanjikan di suatu negara yang dapat memberi keuntungan untuk jangka waktu yang tidak terlalu lama.

FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) adalah suatu jenis investasi langsung oleh investor asing di luar dari negaranya. Investasi ini dapat berupa:

1. Membeli atau membangun sebuah pabrik

2. Mendirikan/membangun warehouse (pergudangan)

3. Membeli gedung

Investor FDI cenderung memiliki visi jangka panjang dan memang serius berminat dan memiliki kepercayaan terhadap kondisi negara yang akan mereka investasikan. Investor FDI umumnya berasal dari korporasi-korporasi dan institusi-institusi besar karena memang memerlukan investasi yang tidak sedikit. Sebagai pemerintah suatu negara, FDI harus lebih diutamakan daripada FPI karena FDI tidak mudah untuk dijual belikan seperti FPI. Sebuah investor FDI biasanya memiliki intensi untuk berbisnis mencari keuntungan jangka panjang dan mereka cenderung membina hubungan baik dengan pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah. Sebaliknya, dari sudut pandang pihak investor, jenis investasi FDI lebih berisiko daripada FPI untuk alasan yang sudah disebutkan di atas yaitu aset-aset investasi mereka mudah untuk dilikuidasi seperti FPI apabila sesuatu terjadi pada negara tujuan investasi tersebut.  

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Penjelasan tentang FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) dan FPI (Foreign Portfolio Investment) https://brainly.co.id/tugas/45797688

Penjelasan tentang FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) https://brainly.co.id/tugas/13777422

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

10. How is the wall?Answer: is greenIs it clean?Answer: and comfortableDoes Tiara's house have a wide yard?Answer:Portfolio Test OFind other examples of adjective!​

what examples of adjective

11. What is defined as the primary structure of protein? a) three dimensional structure b)beta sheets c) alpha helices d) amino acid sequences


d) amino acid sequences


maaf kalau ada yang salah

semoga membantu^^

12. An issue of common stock is selling for $57.20. The yearend dividend is expected to be $2.32 assuming a constant growth rate of 6%. What is the required rate of return of this stock in case you are hoping it to include in your portfolio?




maaf kalau salah ya selamat mengerjakan

13. PortfolioWrite a dialogue of invitation in a piece of paper you can choose the event as you wish! Then, act itout in front of the class!Attitude ScalePut a check list (✓) in the following table based on your choice and give the reason!No.Statements True False Argument 1.Writing the expression of instruction is easy and useful.2 Making a dialogue about the expression of invitation isreally fun and interesting.3. Practicing the expression of asking and giving is usefulfor daily life.​



Tulis dialog undangan di selembar kertas Anda bisa memilih acara sesuai keinginan! Lalu, lakukan

di depan kelas!

Skala Sikap

Letakkan check list (✓) pada tabel berikut ba

14. PortfolioHardworking EthosHardworking EthosYour friend has a problem of uploading video in social media. Please write the stages to helphim. Tell the steps in front of the class.​

For example the sosial media is Facebook

- Open Facebook Mobile app.

- Tap "What's on your mind?" to start a new post.

- Tap the "Camera" button at the bottom of the post field.

- Tap the video that you want to upload.

- Tap "Done" to add the selected video to your post.

- Wait for a minute and then your video already uploaded on Facebook.

15. Beta Corporation wishes to maintain an Internal Growth Rate (IGR) of 5 percent and a dividend pay-out ratio of 30 percent. The current profit margin is 15%, and the corporation uses no external financing sources. What must total asset turnover be?



16. if alpha and beta are the roots of 2x 2x^2-4x-3=0, where alpha > beta, find the value of alpha - beta


mungkin maksud soalnya itu jika alpha dan beta adalah faktor dari :

(2 kali 2 ) x^2 - 4x -3 = 0 dimana alpha lebih besar dari beta , maka alpha dikurang beta adalah.....

4x^2 - 4x - 3 = 0 ( ax^2 + bx + c = 0 )

caranya ada 2

teorema vieta bilang

x1 + x2 atau alpha tambah beta =  -b/a

x1 + x2 = --4/4

x1 + x2 = -1

x1 . x2 = c/a

x1 . x2 = -3/4

(x1+x2)^2 = x1^2 + 2x1x2 + x2^2

(-1)^2 = x1^2 + 2. -3/4 + x2^2

1 = x1^2 + x2^2 + -3/2

1 + 3/2 = x1^2 + x2^2

5/2 = x1^2 + x2^2

(x1-x2)^2 = x1^2 - 2x1x2 + x2^2

(x1-x2)^2 = 5/2 - 2. -3/4

(x1-x2)^2 = 5/2 + 3/2

(x1-x2)^2 = 4

x1 - x2 = -2 atau 2

atau cara ke 2

tinggal langsung faktorkan

4x^2 - 4x - 3 = 0

4x^2 - 6x + 2x -3

2x ( 2x -3) 1 (2x-3)

(2x + 1) (2x-3)

x1= -1/2

x2= 3/2

sedangkan alpha itu yg besar jadi

alpha = 3/2 dan

beta = -1/2

jadi alpha - beta = 2

kenapa di yang cara pertama bisa 2 sama -2 karna di yang pertama bisa aja x1 alpha atau begitu sebaliknya

semoga membantuuu

jadikan jawaban terbaikk yahh :)

17. 10. What is the name of the company which needs new employers? a. Central Capital. b. Central Future. c. Sona Topaz Tower. d. HRD Central Capital. 11. The position below is needed by the company, EXCEPT .... a. Portfolio officer. b. Cleaning service. c. Customer service. d. Administration officer. 12. GPA is the abbreviation for ..... a. Grade Point Average. b. Global Point Achievement. c. Grade Positioning Average. d. Global Positioning Achievement.​


10. Apa nama perusahaan yang membutuhkan majikan baru?

A. Ibukota Pusat.

B. Masa Depan Tengah.

C. Menara Sona Topaz.

d. HRD Central Capital.

11. Posisi dibawah ini dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan, KECUALI ....

A. Petugas portofolio

B. Petugas kebersihan.

C. Pelayanan pelanggan.

D. Petugas administrasi.

12. IPK adalah singkatan dari ....

A. Nilai rata-rata

B. Pencapaian Poin Global.

C. Rata-rata Pemosisian Kelas.

D. Pencapaian Pemosisian Global.

18. Given the following holding-period returns, compute the average returns and the standard deviations for the zemin corporation and for the market portfolio !


Jawaban Tertera pada lampiran

19. ı need to help very urgent Firm’s total cost function is of the form of TC=2Q +14 (i.e., a firm’s fixed costs are 14 and the variable costs are 2 per unit). The corresponding profit function is of the form [tex]\pi =\alpha Q2+\beta Q+f\\[/tex] The firm makes a loss of 6 when Q = 1 and a profit of 4 when Q = 6 Find [tex]\alpha ,\beta ,f[/tex] find the break even points and hence the find tke maximum profit find an expession for total revenue and deduce the demand function


%34:( kakak itu kan nama saya

20. Wow, the quilt that you've made is beautiful. Beta ..... . Yes, i'm absolutely sure

Wow, selimut yang kau buat indah. Betta ...... Ya, aku tentu sajaWow, the quilt that you've made is beautiful. Beta, ARE YOU SURE? Yes, i'm absolutely sure. (bila yang diminta melengkapi jawaban, pada kata berikutnya menjawab response of certainty. sehingga ungkapan yang dibutuhkan adl asking for certainty)

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