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A Helicopter Descends Until It Reaches The Ground

A Helicopter Descends Until It Reaches The Ground

An object at rest is dropped from a height of 10 m above the ground. how long will it take to hit the ground, and how fast will it be right before it reaches the ground?

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1. An object at rest is dropped from a height of 10 m above the ground. how long will it take to hit the ground, and how fast will it be right before it reaches the ground?


t = √2 s

v = 10√2 m/s


Selamat Belajar

2. some of the rainwater from clouds evaporates before .... a. reaching the ground b. to reach the ground c. reach the ground d. the ground reaches e. by reaching the ground

a. reaching the ground

semoga membantu^^c. reach the ground
klo a itu kan pake -ing dan klo pake -ing itu apa yg dilakukan saat ini.
semoga dpt membantu ya,,,klo slh sorry

3. A 0.8 kg brick is accidentally dropped from a building. It reaches the ground with a kinetic energy of 240 J. How tall is the building?


Tall of building is 30 m


Energy conservation law

m.g.h = Ek

h = Ek/m.g

h = 240 / ( 0,8. 10 )

h = 30 m

4. s How does the pudding bake wella until it is golden and syrupyb until it is yellow and hardyc until it is brown and thichuntil it is brown and delicious​

Jawaban &Penjelasan :

Bagaimana pudingnya bisa dipanggang dengan baik

a sampai berwarna keemasan dan manis

b sampai kuning dan kuat

c sampai berwarna cokelat dan tebal

d sampai berwarna coklat dan enak

Menurut saya jawabannya d until it is brown and delicious

Semoga Membantu


pertanyaan itu pudingnya rasa apa caramel atau coklat

5. A parachutist of weight 700 n jumps from a plane, which is 2000 m above the ground. how much gravitational potential energy will the parachutist have lost when she reaches the ground?

700 dan 2000 : 900

maaf kalo salah

6. A child drops a ball from a window.The ball strikes the ground in 3.0 seconds.What is the velocity of the ball the instant before it hits the ground?

hi, let me try to answer it for you.

there are 2 methods you can use to solve this problem. you can choose which one you preferred.
anyway, first we need to know the height.
to find it use the equation of:
[tex]h= v_{0}t+ \frac{1}{2}g t^{2} [/tex]
which v0 is the initial velocity (obviously zero as the child dropped it)
t is the time in second, g is the gravitational acceleration let say 10 m/s^2
hence the height will be:
[tex]h=0*3+ \frac{1}{2}*10* 2^{2} [/tex]
h=45 meters

now we can use the concept of mechanical energy:
[tex] \frac{1}{2}m v^{2}=mgh [/tex]
let us kill the m term, as both side have it, then:
[tex]v= \sqrt{2gh} [/tex]
such that v=30 m/s

another way, we can use this equation:
[tex] v_{t} ^{2} =v_{0} ^{2}+2gh [/tex]
with vt is the velocity at some point. v0 will be zero and hence:
[tex] v_{t}= \sqrt{2gh} [/tex]
which also give 30 meters.

hope it helps :D

7. In the water cycle, what happens to water after it evaporates from the ocean? * a. It seeps into the ground as ground water b. It condenses into clouds c. It is absorbed by plants d. It rains onto the land


B it condenses into clouds


semoga membantu dan jadikan jawaban tercerdas dan tambah lagi poinnya kalau bisa dan terima kasih

8. when the ..... reaches the cold lid, it turns back into a solid. The name of process is freezing

Kamu minta jawaban untuk mengisi titik-titik yang ada disitu? Boleh.

Jawabannya adalah: Temperature.

Jadi, kalimatnya akan menjadi, "When the temperature reaches the cold lid, it turns back into a solid. The name of process is freezing.

- Semoga dapat membantu. -
iyaa temperature Klo gasalah

9. Bagas : What vehicle is it? Doni : It is a helicopter. It is transportation​




hope it helps.........

10. Before the … hits the ground, the server strikes it.​


bola = ba l l

maaf kalo salah


11. Dou you see that big h on the ground?that a spot for helicopter.........landingbantu jawab​


That a spot for helicopter to landing

12. it is a... gardener digs the ground by using it

its hoe (cangkul)

digs garden = menggali kebunhoe = cangkul

tukang kebun menggunakan cangkul untuk menggali tanah

13. arti dari : when you are ready , ride alone , but first lower the seat until you can sit on it an put both feet flat on the ground

ketika Anda siap , naik saja , tapi pertama menurunkan kursi sampai Anda dapat duduk di atasnya sebuah put kedua kaki datar di tanahketika Anda siap, naik saja, tapi pertama menurunkan kursi sampai Anda dapat duduk di atasnya sebuah put kedua kaki datar di tanah.

hmm,,maaf kata "anda" diganti "kamu" ya,,smga membantu:)

14. Bagas : What vehicle is it?Doni : It is a helicopter. It is​


Air Transportation


Maaf kalo salah

15. Adrian threw a parachute toy at the rooftop. Within a few seconds it stays afloat before falling to the ground. What force acting on it in falling to the ground? *​


Andrian melempar parasut mainan di atap.

dalam beberapa detik itu tinggal unggah sebelum jatuh ke tanah.

kekuatan apa yg bekerja padanya saat jatuh ke tanah?

16. Adrian threw a parachute toy at the rooftop. Within a few seconds it stays afloat before falling to the ground. What force acting on it in falling to the ground? *​




sorry if wrong and hopefully useful for you or others

17. Let Us Tryrange these sentences.ground /to/the/ dropcover / take/a desk/ table / or / underuntil / the shaking / hold on/stops / to it​

1. Drop to the ground.

2. Take cover under a desk or table.

3. Hold on to it until the shaking stops.

18. If input = 12, list down the squence of numbers until the flow reaches stop

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Nilai i yang diprint adalah



19. When a rattlesnake is ready to defend it self, it A. Lies in a S-shape on the ground B. Lunges with the back part of its body C. Is partially of the ground D. Assumes it is prepared by thrusting its fangs into the ground E. Spewing its poison on the ground




from several available sources, the rattlesnake initially wagged its tail to warn the enemy, not attacking immediately.


20. in this season the snow white on the ground it is​

The season with the snow on the ground is Winter

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