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5 1 3 Final Exam Wrap Up English 11 Sem 1

5 1 3 Final Exam Wrap Up English 11 Sem 1

5. tonight -1-exam-going - am - the - to - until - study - finalAnswer: ....​

1. 5. tonight -1-exam-going - am - the - to - until - study - finalAnswer: ....​


Tonight I am going study until to the final exam


Semoga membantu

Tonight i am going to study until the final exam


Aku akan belajar hingga ulangan terakhir

semoga membantu ^^

2. 1.Good ……………………..in your English exam​


good job in your English exam


maaf klo salah




Good luck in your english exam

(semoga beruntung di ujian bhs inggris mu)

3. kimia kelas 11 sem 1


1. A. 2-metil pentana

B. 3,3,4-trimetil heksana

C. 2,3-dimetil pentana

D. 4 etil-4,5 dimetil nonana

2. Sifat fisika alkana adalah

Alkana merupakan senyawa non polar, sehingga tidak larut dalam air yang bersifat polar. Alkana akan mudah larut pada pelarut non polar seperti eter atau CCl4

Semakin panjang rantai utama maka akan semakin tinggi titik didihnya.  

Semakin banyak cabang akan menurunkan besarnya titik didihnya

Pada suhu kamar C1-C4 memiliki wujud gas, C5-C17 memiliki wujud cair, dan C diatas 17 memiliki wujud padat

Simak lebih lanjut di Brainly.co.id - https://brainly.co.id/tugas/2712409#readmore

3. Kegunaan senyawa alkana adalah

a. Untuk pembuatan LPG

b. Pendingin kulkas

c. Bensin

d. Minyak tanah.

e. Pelarut dalam percobaan


4. I...you can finish you final exam tomorrow


I think you


maaf kalau salah

5. Study hard before final exam, students, .. ?​


Study hard before the final exam, student, ..? prepare what is needed and learn

6. today is the final exam. They feel​


hari ini adalah ujian akhir. mereka merasa?


Hari ini adalah ujian akhir. Mereka merasa ??


maksudnya apa y kak

7. What is the text about?a. Education consultantb. Final exam preparationWhat will the student get from the seminar ?c. First semester exam preparationd. Learning English program​


D.learning english program

8. what has Candy prepared fot the final exam​

Candy must study hard so that she can pass the exam.


candy has to study very very hard so she can pass the exam

9. i'ii have my final exam

saya mempunyai ujian terakhir

10. contoh annoucement tentang final exam

Attention!This announcement is addressed to all 12 graders of SMA Englishiana Cerdas Bermartabat Bandar Lampung. Please attend the additional lessons that will be held on September 24th until March 28th, 2016 for having final preparation for the final exam. All students are required to take an additional class to be successful in national exam.

11. I......my final exam if school doesn't open


Saya ...... ujian akhir saya jika sekolah tidak buka

Has done (telah melakukan)

12. The final exam was harder than the others !


Apakah ini soal translation?

Jawabannya Ujian akhir ini lebih sulit dari yang lainnya

13. today is the final exam. They feel​





14. 2. Next week, the students will take the Final Exam.The teacher say to them: .....A. I wish you graduate from the Final ExamB. Thope you can pass the Final ExamC. Congratulate on your Final ExamD. Happy for your Final Exam​


A.I wish you graduate from the Final Exam

semoga membantu



15. apa artinya will have the final exam​

akan punya ujian terakhir

pertanyaan:Will have the final exam

jawaban:Akan memiliki ujian terakhir

{maaf kalo aku salah}

16. how to succesad in a final exam

in my opinion:
first, The end of the semester can be a hectic time and final exams coming up. You need to plan out your schedule, so that you have enough time to prepare for all of your exams.

second, Discipline in Learning
Undisciplined and procrastination in learning is destructive test preparation. To overcome this, you must have the key to success is self disciplined and battle with a delay. 

last, Eliminate all mind if the national exam will leak, because it will give hope vain for you in because the brain will be motivated to search for the key in many ways. Eliminate the thought, that makes you give up spirit, confidence in yourself

and don't forget pray to Allah to given the ease when answering the questions. ok?

^_^It easy 1. learn 2. create summary 3. prayed 4. sought 5. and resignation

17. what has Candy prepared for the final exam​






jawabannya adalah materi pelajaran

subject matter

18. sinonim dari write,wrap,put,prepare,exam,make,exit,talk,kill,lought,hit!

write = compose
wrap = cover
put = insert
prepare = develop
exam = test
exit = out
talk = say
kill = dump
lought apa?
hit = clash

kalau mau cari sinonim kata bahasa inggris, mendingan di thesaurus.comWrite = Form
Wrap = Package
Put = Lay
Prepare = Ready
Exam = Test 
Make = Create
Exit = Leave
Talk = Speak
Kill = Murder
Hit = Beat
Kalo lought gak tau :/ 

19. terjemahan dari on passing the final exam pressi​


terjemanan: lulus ujian akhir


maaf klo salah hehe


Lulis Ujian Akhir Ujian

20. 2. Next week, the students will take the Final Exam.The teacher say to them: .....A. I wish you graduate from the Final ExamB. Thope you can pass the Final ExamC. Congratulate on your Final ExamD. Happy for your Final Exam​


B. I hope you can pass the Final Exam

semoga membantu ..


A.I wish you graduate from the final exam

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