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3 Tens + 24 Ones

3 Tens + 24 Ones

math28 has......ones and.....tens​

Daftar Isi

1. math28 has......ones and.....tens​


eight , two

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

28 has eight ones and two tens.

2. 1. 425.98 = 40 tens + 20 ones + hundredths:…… 2. 2105.453 = 20 hundreds + 5 tens + 450 tenths + 1000 hundredths+thousandths:……


1. 425.98 = 40 tens + 20 onez + hundredths:520

2. 2105.453 = 20 hundreds + 5 tens + 450 tenths + 1000 hundredths + thousandths:107.550

3. What is in numeral : 3 millions, 40 ten thousands , 35 thousands, 17 tens and 25 ones.



3 Millions = 3.000.000

40 Ten Thousands = 40 / 10000

35 Thousands = 35.000

17 tens = 170

25 = 2

Semoga Helping!

4. What is in numeral : 3 millions, 40 ten thousands , 35 thousands, 17 tens and 25 ones.


3million 3.000.000

40ten thousands 400.000

35thousands 35.000

17tens 170

25ones 25


5. 3 tens 6 hundredth =

30 600

maksud dari soalnya apa ya?30.600
itu soal bahasa inggris gan :v

6. 6 hundreds 2 tens = 5 hundreds .....tens

1 hundred =10 tens
6 hundreds 2 tens = 5 hundreds 2 tens + 1 hundred
=5 hundreds 10tens + 2 tens
=5 hundreds 12 tens
6 hundress 2 tens = 5hundreds 12tens

7. Tens petunjuk merupakan tens yang berisi arahan. sehingga di dalam tens tersebut me handing kata-kata


Pengarah menyuruh/memerintah

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf klo salah

8. bahasa inggris tentang presen tens pastens continu tens

Simple Present, Present Continuous Tense and Past Tense

Simple Present Tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan habit (kebiasaan), unchanging situation, general truths and fixed arrangement.

Simple present dibentuk dengan menggunakan verb-1, tetapi jika subyeknya adalah orang ketiga tunggal malam pada verb-1 ditambahkan -s contohnya : take-takes, live-lives, eat-eats

contoh kalimat simple present:

He drinks coffee every morning.I work in Jakarta.Water freezes at zero degree.He catches the bus to school every morning.Mother cooks dinner every night.

Present Continuous Tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang sedang dilakukan pada saat ini.

Verb yang digunakan adalah verb-1+ing dan auxilliary verb yang digunakan adalah is/am/are/

contoh kalimat present continuous tense:

He is writing a letter.I am washing the dishes.The students are studying in the classroom.People are walking in the street during the parade.I am enjoying the view in front of me.

Simpe Past Tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dan sudah selesai.

Bentuk umum dari Simple Past Tense:

(+) Subject + Verb-2

(-) Subject + did not + infinitive without to

(?) Did + Subject + infinitive without to

Contoh kalimat simple past tense:

I went to the library yesterday.I didn't go to the library yesterday.Did I go to the library yesterday?Anna bought this car two weeks ago.Endra posted the letter three days ago.

Keterangan waktu yang menunjukkan simple past tense diantaranya yesterday,  a week ago, two days ago, this morning.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Untuk belajar lebih lanjut mengenai materi diatas, silakan kunjungi link berikut ini:





Detil tambahan

Kelas: 9

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Past, present and future tense

Kode: 9.5.5

Kata kunci: simple present, present continuous

9. Double 6 tens is ... tens​


12 tens

Semoga membantu :)



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Semoga membantu

10. which value is equal to 3 hundreds? 3 units ; 30 units; 30 tens; 300 tens​


30 tens = 3 hundreds

30 x 10 = 300

Pertanyaan : Manakah opsi yang setara dengan angka 3 ratus? 3 unit ; 30 unit ; 30 sepuluh ; 300 sepuluh

Penyelesaian :

3 ratus = 300

3 unit = 3

30 unit = 30

30 sepuluh = 30 x 10 = 300

300 sepuluh = 300 x 10 = 3000

Kesimpulan : Opsi yang setara dengan 3 ratus (3 hundreds) adalah 30 sepuluh (30 tens)

11. 12) 20 thousands 40 tens 3 ones in1 point*numeral isO a) 2 043O b) 20 043O c) 20 403O d) 20 430​


c.20 403 itu adalah jawabannya

12. I have four digits. My ones and hundreds digit are the same, which is two more than my tens digit. My tens digit is 4. I am between 8 000 and 9 000. What number am I?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Let's represent ones, tens, hundreds as Z, Y and X respectively.

So, the number is 8XYZ.

We know that Y = 4.

And X = Z = Y + 2 = 6.

So we have X = 6, Y = 4 and Z = 6.

The number is 8646.


13. 3 contoh past tens ​


-I went to jakarta last month

- I ate pizza last night

- I played galasin last week

*semua jawaban berdasarkan verb 2 dan past tense * yg berarti past yaitu masa lalu kebalikan nya future test

14. 7 tens plus 5 tens = .... tens = ... hundred ... tens

7 tens plus 5 tens = 1 tens 2 hundred 0 tens

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

mungkin begitu kalo gak pake tens dan hundred begini mungkin 70 + 50 = 120

15. buat contoh perfect tens 1.caused 2.died. 3.dropped buat contoh past tens 1.met 2.got 3.made​

1. cause 2. die 3. drop

1. met 2.got 3. made

kalau salah ini keblalikannya

1. meet 2.get 3. make

16. 3 kalimat verbal simple present tens (+)(-)(?)

(+)I have a book
(-)I have not a book
(?)Do I have a book?1.
+They cook rice everyday
- They do not cook rice everyday
? Do they cook rice everyday?

+ She buys some fruit in the market
- She does not buy some fruit in the market
? Does she buy some fruit in the market?

+ She calls her mother
- She does not call her mother
? Does she call her mother?

17. Place values number 4 from 45 is .... a. onesb. tensc. as many as​




4 as tens or 40

5 as ones or 5

so 40+ 5 = 45

18. Activity 3 dan 4 Di jadikan past tens

4.wasn't gave

8.wasn't want
9.wasn't caught


like yaww

19. I think of a number between 80 and 100. Its tens digit is one more than its ones digit. What are all the possible numbers?

only 2 numbers... 87 and 98 ...

i hope its right..

20. Pertanyaan gramar Simple tens dan simple present tens


Task 1:

1. negative: she didnt work everyday

interrogative: did she works everyday?

positive: she works everyday

2.Negative: They didnt go to Jakarta

interrogative: they don't go to Jakarta?

positive: they went to Jakarta

3.Negative: you are not artist

Interrogative: Are you an artist?

Positive: you are an artist

Past Tense:

1.(-) My father was not a Soldier

(+) My father was a Soldier

(?) is my father a soldier?

2.(-) My mother not making a cake

(+) My mother Made a cake

(?) Did my mother make a cake?

3.(-) Illa didnt cry last night

(+) Illa cried last night

(?) Did Illa cry last night?

4.(-) Ellin didnt Made homework

(+) Ellin Made a homework

(?) Did Ellin make a homework?


kalo ada salah mohon perbaiki ya hehd

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