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Rank The Following Compounds In Order Of Decreasing Boiling Point

Rank The Following Compounds In Order Of Decreasing Boiling Point

arrange the numbers -22,4,7 and -9 in decreasing order

Daftar Isi

1. arrange the numbers -22,4,7 and -9 in decreasing order


maaf kalo salah


2. what is the boiling point of water​

The boiling point of the water is 100°C or 212°F

3. The normal boiling point of water is 100.0 °C, and the heat of vaporization is ΔHvap = 40.7 kJ/mol. What is the boiling point of water in °C on top of Pikes Peak in Colorado, where P = 407 mm Hg?

Tekanan Uap, Temperatur awal dan Temperatur Akhir dalam persoalan Kimia


Diketahui :

T1 = 100°C

dirubah menjadi satuan Kelvin = 373 K

ΔHvap = 40.7 KJ/mol

diubah menjadi satuan J/mol = 40700 J/mol

P = 407 mmHg

diubah menjadi satuan atm = 0,5355 atm

R = 8,314 J/mol.K

nilai ketetapan

Ditanya : T2....?

Penyelesaian :

[tex]ln (\frac{1}{P2}) = (\frac{Hvap}{R} ) (\frac{1}{T2} - \frac{1}{T1} )[/tex]

[tex]ln (\frac{1}{0,5355}) = (\frac{40700}{8,314} ) (\frac{1}{T2} - \frac{1}{373} )\\[/tex]

ln 1,8674 = 4895,35 [tex](\frac{1}{T2} - \frac{1}{373})[/tex]

0,62455 = [tex](\frac{4895,35}{T2} - \frac{4895,35}{373})[/tex]

0,62455 = [tex]\frac{4895,35}{T2}[/tex] - 13,124

[tex]\frac{4895,35}{T2}[/tex] = 0,62455 + 13,124

[tex]\frac{4895,35}{T2}[/tex] = 13,7488

T2 = [tex]\frac{4895,35}{13,7488}[/tex]

T2 = 356,056 K

Dari perhitungan diatas didapatkan nilai dari temperatur water atauT2 on top of pikes peak in Colorado sebesar 356,056 K atau sama dengan 83°C

Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut terkait materi Tekanan Uap dapat dipelajari di https://brainly.co.id/tugas/16748342


4. CausemyA large number of soluter existing in a solutiona. the elevation of Saturated vapor pressureb. the elevation of Freezing point.c. the depressionpressured. the depression of boiling pointe. the depression of freezing pointOFOsmotic​

Jawaban: E. The depression of freezing point


Sifat koligatif larutan ada 4, yakni:

1) Penurunan Tekanan Uap

2) Kenaikan Titik Didih

3) Penurunan Titik Beku

4) Tekanan osmotik

Pilihan a salah, karena kenaikan tekanan uap bukan sifat koligatif larutan. Seharusnya the DEPRESSION of saturated vapor pressure.

Pilihan b salah, karena kenaikan titik beku bukan sifat koligatif larutan. Seharusnya the DEPRESSION of freezing point

Pilihan c salah, karena penurunan tekanan osmotik juga bukan sifat koligatif larutan. Seharusnya kenaikan tekanan osmotik, yakni the ELEVATION of osmotic pressure

Pilihan d salah, karena penurunan titik didih bukan sifat koligatif larutan. Seharusnya the ELEVATION of boiling point.

Pilihan e tepat, karena sesuai dengan penurunan titik beku, yang merupakan salah satu dari 4 sifat koligatif larutan.

Semoga membantu

5. arti dari to communicate activities in progress at the time of speaking,at one point of time in the past,and at one point of time in the past,and at one point of time in the future,in order#tolong dijawab ya

Aktifitas kelompok sedang di proses pada waktu berbicara,di satu nilai di setengah waktu dan di satu poin waktu di dalam nya.

Maaf kalau salah semoga membantu

6. The normal boiling point of 2-Propanol, (CH3) 2CHOH, is 83OC, while acetone, (CH3) 2C = O, is 56OC. The reason is that the boiling point of 2-propanol is higher because ....


boiling point of compound depends on its molecular forces. Stronger molecular forces, higher melting point it has. in 2-propanol, it contains -OH group that can form hydrogen bonding between other molecule while in acetone can't. Acetone just can form London forces or dipole-dipole forces, and we know that hydrogen bonding is stronger than London or dipole-dipole forces.


7. Arrange the numbers in decreasing order. 78 808, 75 245, 81 152, 87 025.


87.025, 81.152, 78.808, 75.245

8. What number of atoms of nitrogen are present in 1.00 g ofeach of the compounds in Exercise 53​


1.00 g NH3 x (1 mole NH3 / 17.0 g NH3) x (6.023 x 10^23 molecules NH3 / 1 mole NH3) x (1 atom N / 1 molecule NH3) = 3.54 x 10^22 N atoms

9. A 2.00-g sample of a large biomolecule was dissolved in 15.0 g carbon tetrachloride. The boiling point of this solution was determined to be 77.85 oC. Calculate the molar mass of the biomolecule. For carbon tetrachloride, the boiling-point constant is 5.03oC .kg/mol, and the boiling point of pure carbon tetrachloride is 76.50oC

we will use boiling point formula:

ΔT = i Kb m

when ΔT is the temperature change from the pure solvent's boiling point to the boiling point of the solution = 77.85 °C - 76.5 °C = 1.35

and Kb is the boiling point constant =5.03

and m = molality

i = vant's Hoff factor

so by substitution, we can get the molality:

1.35 = 1 * 5.03 * m

∴ m = 0.27

when molality = moles / mass Kg

0.27 = moles / 0.015Kg

∴ moles = 0.00405 moles

∴ The molar mass = mass / moles

= 2 g / 0.00405 moles

= 493.8 g /mol

10. rearrange the following paragraph into good order of text!

4 - 1 - 3 - 2

Dicek lagi yaaaa

11. A decrease in the size, price, or amount of something or the act of decreasing something​

Penurunan ukuran, harga, atau jumlah sesuatu atau tindakan penurunan sesuatu

12. The arrangement of the following numbers 0, 1, -8, 10, -10 in descending order is?


The arrangement of the following numbers 0, 1, -8, 10, -10 in descending order is?

(Susunan bilangan berikut 0, 1, -8, 10, -10 secara berurutan adalah?)

answer :

-10, -8, 0, 1, 10,



13. why the boiling point in the mountain is 80 degrees


mengapa titik didih di gunung adalah 80 derajat?

air yang di didihkan di daerah dataran tinggi/pegunungan cenderung lebih cepat mendidih ketimbang air yang dididihkan di dataran rendah karena adanya perbedaan tekanan udara luar di antara dua daerah/dataran tersebut.

Answered By:


14. rank the following five quantities in order from the largest to the smallest. if two of the quantities are equal, give them equal rank in your list. a. 0.032 kgb. 15 gc. [tex]27x10 {}^{2} mg[/tex]d. [tex]4.1x10 { - }^{8} [/tex]e. [tex]2.7x10 {}^{8} [/tex]

Peringkat berikut lima quantities dalam rangka dari terbesar untuk terkecil. Jika dua dari jumlah yang sama, memberi mereka sama peringkat di daftar Anda.<br />Sebuah. 0.032 kg<br />B. 15 g<br />C.<br />[ tex ] 27x10 { } ^ { 2 } mg [ /tex ]<br />D.<br />[ tex ] 4.1x10 { - } ^ { 8 } [ /tex ]<br />E.<br />[ tex ] 2.7x10 { } ^ { 8 } [ /tex ]

15. A decrease in the size price or amount of something or the act of decreasing something !


Artinya :: Penurunan harga ukuran atau jumlah sesuatu atau tindakan penurunan sesuatu !

16. The boiling point of water is ... degree celcius *


The boiling point of water is 100 degree celcius

17. the melting point of gold is 1,064'c , and the boiling point 2,660'c a)express these temperatures in kelvins, and b)compute the difference of the two in celcius degrees and in kelvins

a. 1064 C = 1064 + 273
= 1337 K
2660 C = 2660 + 273
=2933 K
b. 2660 - 1064 = 1596
2933 - 1337 = 1596

18. arrange the following parts of letter into correct order!​


B - A - D - C


Part B sebagai pembuka

Part A dan D sebagai isi

Part C sebagai penutup

Semoga membantu~

19. What changes take place in the movementand arrangement of particles during thefollowing processes?(a) Melting(b) Boiling​


nggak ngertiiiiiiiiiii

20. Word order of adjectivesobserve the following examples and pay attention to the order of the adjectives (modifiers). remember the common word order of adjectives before a noun.​


Urutan kata kata sifat perhatikan contoh berikut dan perhatikan urutan kata sifat (pengubah). ingat urutan kata umum kata sifat sebelum kata benda.


sorry sis where is the problem

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