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What Is A Disadvantage Of Shopping Online Apex

What Is A Disadvantage Of Shopping Online Apex

what is the disadvantage of cheating?

Daftar Isi

1. what is the disadvantage of cheating?

1. people won't trust anymore
2. and don't forget, karma does exist

2. what is the advantage and disadvantage of increasing friction?

The advantage of increasing the friction is we only give small force when do the break or other action that will decrease the thing's velocity. The disadvantange of increasing friction is we must give bigger initial force when do the acceleration or other action that will increase the thing's velocity. Pembahasan : Friction (Gaya Gesek)

Friction (gaya gesek) adalah suatu gaya yang terjadi karena benda bergesekan dengan bidang geraknya. Gaya gesek dibagi menjadi gaya gesek statis dan gaya gesek kinetis. Gaya gesek ini dapat diperbesar atau diperkecil jumlahnya sebagai berikut :

Saat kita memperkasar bidang sentuh benda atau memperkasar permukaan bawah benda, maka gaya gesek akan semakin besar.Saat kita memperhalus bidang sentuh benda atau memperhalus permukaan benda, maka gaya gesek akan semakin kecil. Keuntungan dan Kerugian Memperbesar Gaya Gesek Keuntungan

Saat melakukan pengereman atau apapun yang menyebabkan pengurangan kecepatan, kita hanya perlu memberikan sedikit gaya. Mengapa demikian ? Karena, saat terjadi gesekan yang besar, gesekan ini selalu memiliki kontak dengan benda yang bergerak. Gesekan ini selalu berusaha untuk mengurangi kecepatan benda dan saat melakukan pengereman, gaya gesek akan membantu prosesnya.


Saat melakukan percepatan atau apapun yang menyebabkan pertambahan kecepatan, kita harus memberikan gaya awal yang lebih besar. Mengingat gaya gesek ini akan selalu memiliki kontak dengan bidang sentuh, sehingga semakin besar gaya gesek, kita juga mengeluarkan gaya yang lebih besar saat memulai pergerakan suatu benda.

Detail Soal :

Kelas : 10

Mata Pelajaran : Fisika

Materi : Bab 6 - Hukum Newton (Gerak)

Kata Kunci : Pengaruh gaya gesek; keuntungan; kerugian

Kode Kategorisasi : 10.6.6

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut : Perbedaan gaya gesek statis dan kinetis https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12483258

3. What is disadvantage have a extended family...?

Apa ruginya memiliki keluarga besar …?

4. Answer the following questions? 1. What is culture? 2. What does advantage mean? 3. What does disadvantage mean? 4. What is the differences between advantage and disadvantage?


1.Culture is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behavior and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these groups.

"the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group."

2.a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position. or put in a favorable or more favorable position.

3.an unfavorable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success or effectiveness. or place in an unfavorable position in relation to someone or something else.

4.Advantage is an antonym of disadvantage. Disadvantage is an antonym of advantage.

As nouns the difference between disadvantage and advantage is that disadvantage is a weakness or undesirable characteristic; a con while advantage is any condition, circumstance, opportunity or means, particularly favorable to success, or to any desired end.

As verbs the difference between disadvantage and advantage is that disadvantage is to place at a disadvantage while advantage is to provide (someone) with an advantage, to give an edge to.


1. Budaya adalah istilah umum yang mencakup perilaku dan norma sosial yang terdapat dalam masyarakat manusia, serta pengetahuan, kepercayaan, seni, hukum, adat istiadat, kemampuan, dan kebiasaan individu dalam kelompok tersebut.

"adat istiadat, seni, institusi sosial, dan prestasi suatu bangsa, orang, atau kelompok sosial tertentu."

2. suatu kondisi atau keadaan yang menempatkan seseorang pada posisi yang menguntungkan atau unggul. atau menempatkan pada posisi yang menguntungkan atau lebih disukai.

3. keadaan atau kondisi yang tidak menguntungkan yang mengurangi peluang keberhasilan atau efektivitas. atau menempatkan dalam posisi yang tidak menguntungkan dalam hubungannya dengan seseorang atau sesuatu yang lain.

4. Keuntungan adalah antonim dari kerugian. Kerugian adalah kebalikan dari keuntungan.

Sebagai kata benda, perbedaan antara kerugian dan keuntungan adalah bahwa kerugian merupakan kelemahan atau karakteristik yang tidak diinginkan; con sementara keuntungan adalah kondisi, keadaan, kesempatan atau cara apa pun, terutama yang mendukung kesuksesan, atau tujuan yang diinginkan.

Sebagai kata kerja, perbedaan antara kerugian dan keuntungan adalah bahwa kerugian adalah ditempatkan pada kerugian sementara keuntungan adalah untuk memberi (seseorang) keuntungan, untuk memberi keunggulan.

5. what is the disadvantage of working in auditing compared to banking?


The disadvantage of working in auditing compared to banking

For students, the SAU (staff auditor) rank is rarely below the company. Companies usually ask for those who have experience and preferably have minimum experience as accounting in manufacturing companies and fluent in English with a minimum TOEFL> 520.

Working at KAP requires logical thinking and excellent stamina. In ordinary companies, the motto used is to work smarter, not to work harder, but in KAP what is used is to work smarter and work harder. Because smart work cannot replace hard work.

The advantage of working in a public accounting firm is that you see a lot of different companies, especially their audit services, often going out of town to audit clients. Experience in KAP makes you highly sought after by companies later, because you have mastered accounting according to applicable standards.

The drawback may be due to the excessive work load, companies usually require us to overtime. There is intense competition for career paths as a Professional Auditor.

Note: In general, KAP does not open vacancies in newspapers. So you should keep your cover letter showing

Artinya :

Untuk para freshgraduate posisi SAU(staff auditor) ini jarang diminta oleh perusahaan. Perusahaan biasanya meminta yang sudah berpengalaman dan diutamakan berpengalaman minimal sebagai akunting di perusahaan manufaktur serta fasih berbahasa inggris dengan minimal TOEFL >520.

Bekerja di KAP dibutuhkan logical thinking serta stamina yang prima. Kalau di perusahaan biasa motto yang dipakai adalah work smarter not work harder, tetapi kalau di KAP yang dipakai adalah work smarter and work harder. Karena kerja cerdas tidak bisa menggantikan kerja keras.

Kelebihan bekerja di KAP adalah banyak mengetahui aneka macam perusahaan terutama perlakuan auditnya, sering bepergian keluar kota untuk mengaudit klien. Pengalaman di KAP membuat Anda sangat dicari oleh perusahaan nantinya, karena anda dianggap telah menguasai akuntansi sesuai standar yang berlaku.

Kekurangannya mungkin karena load pekerjaan yang melebihi, perusahaan biasanya mengharuskan kita sering lembur. Persaingan yang ketat didalamnya untuk jenjang karir sebagai Auditor Profesional.

Note: Pada umumnya KAP jarang membuka lowongan disurat kabar. Jadi sebaiknya Anda tetap melayangkan surat lamaran.

Penjelasan: Semoga Membantu, Maaf Jika Ada Yg Kurang Tepat

6. 300 N10(a) What is the mechanical advantage of thecombined pulley?[1](b) How much force is needed to move the300 N load?[1](C) What is the disadvantage of this pulleysystem?[2]​


300 N


(a) What is the mechanical advantage of the

combined pulley?


(b) How much force is needed to move the

300 N load?


(C) What is the disadvantage of this pulley



7. What is the lesson we can learn from the writer's experience about online shopping?


we can be more careful in choosing goods so as not to be deceived.


I hope this helps!!

don't forget to follow my account

8. 1. what is shooping online ?2.do you enjoy shopping ?3. what is selling online ? 4. do you shop online?​


1. shooping online is activity that you do to buy things at the internet

2. yes,because i can but things that i want

3. selling online is an activity you do to sell things at the internet

4. yes,because shopping onlike make it easier to get things that i want

1. shoping on the online shop

2. yes i do

3. everything yaou want, it is almost there

4. yes i so. l love tiktok shop nd lazada

9. Apa kerugian dari landai?What is the disadvantage of the ramps?tolong jawab yaTolong jawab ya please makasih ​


one disadvantage of some of the ramps is that passenger need to walk a relatively long way up the ramps and then double back to reach the boarding shelters. the floor of the brigde are mostly tread plates although some are made from concrete


maaf jika salah

10. 41. What does paragraph three mainly talk about?A. There are various advantages to online shopping. B. It is difficult for people to shop at malls and markets.C. Everyone prefers online shopping due to their busy schedules.D. Online shopping offers better bargains compared to regular shopping.​


A. there are various advantages to online shopping


karna ada gagasan pokok nya yang di tengah atau di mana-mana ada

11. what is the purpose of making shopping list?

To remember things that you need to buy
Untuk mengingat apa yang harus kamu beli
.............Semoga bermanfaat............

12. what the advantage and disadvantage of visit a castle ?​

ini bahasasa indonesianya

Luas wilayah dan letak strategis. Negara Indonesia terletak di sepanjang garis khatulistiwa dan memiliki luas perairan hampir 2/3 dari seluruh wilayah Indonesia. ...

Sumber Daya Alam. ...

Penduduk yang besar dan budaya yang beragam. ...

Keberhasilan pembangunan. ...

Komitmen Pemerintah.

Penjelasan:ini bahasa inggrisnya

Area and strategic location. The state of Indonesia is located along the equator and has a water area of almost 2/3 of the entire territory of Indonesia. ...

Natural resources. ...

Large population and diverse culture. ...

Development success. ...

Government Commitment

13. what is differences of shopping at supermarket and market

Market: itu kayak pasar becek 
supermarket: kayak indomaret,Alfamart,ETCsupermarket can't bargain but market can.
*smga bermanfaat*

14. What is the advantage and disadvantage about hydrocarbon combustion?

We can use hydrocarbons as fuel. Hydrocarbons can be burned to release energy.
Can be cheap.
Provides energy quickly and is moderately reliable.
The amount of carbon dioxide released can be controlled.
The amount of other gases released, such as sulfur impurities, can also be reduced by being refined further (although this process would be expensive).

Although there are far more disadvantages than advantages of burning hydrocarbons, the main advantage is that it enables us to use energy that we utilise in our everyday lives, whether it be using electricity or driving a car. The disadvantages, however, can have devastating affects on the environment that will be irreversible, such as global warming. This endangers the lives of organisms living on Earth. Global dimming and 'acid rain' are also key problems. Fortunately, these issues can be resolved by refining the hydrocarbons to remove impurities, such as sulfur and nitrogen. 

15. disadvantage of yeasts

Artinya kerugian dari ragi.

16. What is the meaning of shopping list?​

shopping list is a list of purchases to be made


Shopping list is a list of items needed to be purchased by a shopper.

17. what is the purpose of shopping list?

to remember things that we needed. (and buy)

18. 6. Pajak Melati is shopping centre ofsecondhand clothes. The meaning of"shopping centre" is...​

artinya pusat perbelanjaan

19. buat teks analytical exposition tema the trend of online shopping

apa itu teks analytical exposition

20. The example of the wind disadvantage is

tornado ( angin puting beliung )
deflation ( pengikisan batu akibat angin )

maaf kalau salah

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