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How Many Groups Of 3/8 Are In 1

How Many Groups Of 3/8 Are In 1

How many groups are in tak kadal lobang ​

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1. How many groups are in tak kadal lobang ​


two groups. that the answere

2. how many groups are in tak kadal lobang game​


2 groups.


the game is carried out by 2 groups. after the group leader (commander) draws a suit, the winning group can start first and the lost keeps guard.

3. 4. How many groups are in tak kadal lobang game? a. One group b. Two groups C. Three groupsd. Four groupsberapa itu​


jawabannya yaitu b. Two groups

4. There are ... groups in tak kadal lobang game


two, or more


terserah pilih angka berapa pun yang lebih dari 1

5. there are a lot of......groups in your country.tolong dijawab​

there are a lot of kpop groups in your country.

there are a lot of social groups in your country.

there are a lot of formal groups in your country.

tinggal dipilih aja yes, semoga membantu:)

6. 1. What are the two groups doing? 2. What is the Topix of the conversation? 3. Why are the two groups having the conversation? 4. In what way do the two groups oppose each other? 5. Which side are you on? Group 1 or group 2? Explain.​


1. arguing (it can actually be another one)

2. does 16 - year-old should be allowed to participate in a general election

3. because they have different opinions about the topic

4. in a friendly way and not harming anyone

5.group 1 because 16 year old has experienced almost all things adulthood experienced and they are mature enough


maaf kalo ada yang salah

7. 3. What are the differences of groups of sentences in number 1 and 2? Identify the tenses and purposes ofthose sentences.​



Apa perbedaan kelompok kalimat pada nomor 1 dan 2? Identifikasi tenses dan tujuan dari

kalimat-kalimat itu.


maaf kalo salah ya :)

8. Two - are - in - there - groups - game - the


There are two groups in the game

There are two groups in the game.

9. 3 children were absent and the remaining children formed groups of 4 . how many groups of 4 children ? ​

3 children were absent and the remaining children formed groups of 4 . how many groups of 4 children ? 4:2= 2

10. 2.How many groups are there in Tak Kadal Lobang game ? Juki : There are ... groups a. one b. two c. three d. four​


General Knowledge:

B. Two


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran General Knowledge (pengetahuan umum) tentang permainan tak kadal lobang dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Permainan tak kadal lobang terdiri dari dua grup. Permainan ini berasal dari daerah Betawi. Permainan ini sangat populer jaman dulu kala, sebelum internet dan game online melanda. Permainan ini mengajarkan kerjasama tim dan keterampilan sosial lainnya.

Semoga membantu ya.

11. during a game, 4056 people were told to get into groups of 9. how many groups of 9 were there and how many people were left?​

4056:9= 450, left with 6

so there were 450 groups of 9 and there were 6 people left.

12. Q..who is the president of Indonesia??Who is the 5th president of Indonesia??how many ethnic groups are there in Indonesia?nt: slmt mengerjakan...​

Jokowi Dodo is the president of Indonesia.

Megawati was the 5th president of Indonesia.

There are 1340 ethnic groups in Indonesia.

the president of Indonesia is Joko Widodo.

The 5th president of Indonesia was Megawati.

There are 1340 ethnic groups in Indonesia.

semoga membantu ^^

13. Teachers divided students into groups of 3. Each group of 3 wrote a report that had 9 pictures in it. The students used 585 pictures altogether. How many students were there in all?​

Jawab :
Each group of three created (or used) 9 pictures, so that means three pictures per students. Dividing 585 students by 3 pictures per student means that three are 585/3 = 195 students.

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat :)
Jadikan jawaban terbaik yah….


14. 1. How many groups of internasional student are learning Balinese traditional music now?2. In what countries are schools and universities have established gamelan orchestras?3. In Bali,who dominated gamelan groups in the past4. Why do many foreigners come to Bali yo learn gamelan music?5. How Many types of Balinese gamelan are currently played by international artists?Mention some of them.6. What are the benefits for Bali fron the international interest in learning gamelan music?7. At the end of the text, the author's hope?8. Which one is better, western music or Indonesian traditional music? Give your reasons selamat mencoba

1. 300 groups of international students and artists who are now learning Balinese tradition gamelan music
2. Australia, the United States, Germany, Italy, France, Britain and Japan have established groups of gamelan
3. to be dominated by male
4. to learn gamelan music directly from the owners.
5. There are 17 types of Balinese gamelan that are currently played by international artists. Among the gamelan types are gong, kebyar, pelegongan, angklung, baleganjur, joged bumbung, jegog, gender wayang, sclonding and many others.
6. international interest in learning gamelan music has greatly benefitted Bali in terms of the cultural preservation of gamelan music and in promoting tourism.
7. The flourishing of gamelan music should encourage Indonesian youth to love their music tradition in addition to appreciating other types of Western music.
8. traditional music, because to preserve Indonesian culture.1) There are 300 groups of international students and artists Who are learning balinese traditional music now.

2) Countries are school and university have enstablished like Australia, the united state, Germany, italy, britain, france and japan.

3) In Bali, gamelan Group dominated by male, are now reaching out to wider players, woman and children.

4) Because to learn gamelan music directy from its masters.

5) There are 17 types of balinese gamelan currently played by international artists such as gong, kebyar, pelegongan, angklung, baleganjur, joged bumbung, jegog, gender wayang, selonding and many others.

6) The benefits for Bali are in terms of the cultural preservation of gamelan music and in promoting tourism.

7) Author's hope is the flourishing of gamelan music should encourage Indonesian youth to love their music tradition in addition to appreciating other types of western music.

8) As Indonesian youth, of course i choose Indonesian traditional music Because to keep Indonesia culture survive and not lose.

15. Work in groups of four. Make the definitions of these animals. One of your group members will report the work to the class.! 1. Lizards are ....................... 2. Whales are ....................... 3. Rats are ........................... 4. Frogs are ......................... 5. Parrots are .............................

1. Lizards are a reptile animals that usually crawl on a wall of the house, their colour is usually grey but some of them have a chocolate black colour.They often eat a mosquito that fly around them.

2.Whales are a mammal animals which they have a mammry gland.They live on a sea.Whales are usually jump on the sea.

3.Rats are a mammal animals.They are a faster runner.A trench rats are different with a rats that usually find in a general house. A trench rat si more bigger than a rats in a general house.

4. Frogs are an amphibian animals and they live in two environment such as in the water and in the land.When they are on a tadpole cycle, they breath using their gills but when they are on the adult cycle, they use their lungs.

5.Parrots are a bird which they can speak like a human general.They speak by imitate what a human speak.The also have a big beak. Some of them are a rare parrots, example like Beo Nias.

16. 1. What does the text tell us?2. How many types of test are there mentionet in the text? what are they?3. What is the synonym of interview?4. In an open ended test, what is the student required?5. In the multilogue, the students are put into groups. Why?Minta tolong jawab pertanyaan soal nomer 1 sampai 5 cara jawabnya lihat di foto

1 Apa yang teks memberitahu kami?2. Berapa banyak jenis tes yang ada mentionet di dalam teks mereka?3. Apa adalah sinonim dari wawancara?4. Dalam satu terbuka berakhir, apa yang siswa yang dibutuhkan?5. Dalam multilogue, siswa yang dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok. Mengapa?

17. Hiroyuki wants to split a collection of crayons into groups of 14. Hiroyuki has 518 crayons . How many groups will be created ​


518 : 14 = 37 groups

18. In the pancreas, there are groups of cells that make insulin. What describes these cells?

Ini jawabannya musti pake inggris apa Indonesia? :)

INA : sel beta pada bagian organ yg disebut pulau langherhans

EN: Beta cells produced by pancreatis langerhans islets

19. How to upload users including groups in moodle


If you wish to add users to groups, you can do this as a site admin or manager from Site administration>Users>Accounts>Upload users. See Upload users If the groups do not already exist, they will be created.



protein, carbohydrates, and fats.

i hope i'm helping :D


CARBOHYDRATE : To give you energy

PROTEIN : For muscle growth

FAT : Energy reserves


Komen kalau ada pertanyaan lain dan jangan lupa buat JAWABAN TERCERDAS kalau dirasa cocok yaa (ʘᴗʘ✿)

Have a beautiful day! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

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