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Which Labeled Location Is The Place Where More Elephants

Which Labeled Location Is The Place Where More Elephants

1. Where is the location of Hindia Ocean? 2. Where is the location of Tanggerang? 3. Where is the location of Sangiran Museum? 4. Where is the location of Pasuruan? 5. Where is the location of Yogyakarta? 6. Where is the location of Jakarta? 7. Where is the location of Klaten? 8. Where is the location of Lawu mount? 9. Where is the location Of Parangtritis Beach? 10. Where is the location of Sukuh temple?​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. Where is the location of Hindia Ocean? 2. Where is the location of Tanggerang? 3. Where is the location of Sangiran Museum? 4. Where is the location of Pasuruan? 5. Where is the location of Yogyakarta? 6. Where is the location of Jakarta? 7. Where is the location of Klaten? 8. Where is the location of Lawu mount? 9. Where is the location Of Parangtritis Beach? 10. Where is the location of Sukuh temple?​


ini artinya

Di manakah lokasi Samudra Hindia? 2. Dimanakah lokasi Tanggerang? 3. Di manakah lokasi Museum Sangiran? 4. Dimanakah lokasi Pasuruan? 5. Dimana lokasi Yogyakarta Di manakah lokasi Jakarta? 7. Dimana lokasi Klaten? 8. Di manakah lokasi Gunung Lawu? 9. Dimanakah Lokasi Pantai Parangtritis? 10. Di manakah lokasi Candi Sukuh?


dan ini jawabannya:

1. Posisi Samudra Hindia

Di sebelah timur ada benua Australia, Kutub Selatan ada di bagian selatan, dan Benua Arika disebelah barat. Tak hanya itu, di utaranya berbatasan dengan Laut Andaman, Laut Arab, dan Laut Merah. Samudra Hindia menghubungkan negara-negara di Asia dengan negara di Afrika

2. Tangerang, Kota Tangerang, Banten

3. Situs Sangiran terletak di dua wilayah kabupaten yang ada di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, yaitu Kabupaten Sragen dan Kabupaten Karanganyar, dengan luas 59,21 kilometer persegi.

4. Pasuruan, Jawa Timur

5. Yogyakarta, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

6. Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

7. Klaten, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah

8. Gn. Lawu, Area Hutan, Gondosuli, Kec. Tawangmangu, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah

9. Kretek, Kec. Kretek, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

10. Tambak, Berjo, Kec. Ngargoyoso, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah 57793


tuh dah nanyain alamat buat apa neng?

2. where is the location of boyolali?where is the location of slamet mount?where is the location of sunda strait?where is the location of dieng plateau?tolong carikan lahh

Boyolali : Jawa Timur
Slamet Mount : Solo
Sunda Strait : Jawa BaratBoyolali is a city found in Central Java, Indonesia. It is located -7.53 latitude and 110.60 longitude and it is situated at elevation 438 meters above sea level.

Mount Slamet or Gunung Slamet is an active stratovolcano in the Purbalingga Regency of Central Java, Indonesia. It has a cluster of around three dozen cinder cones on the lower southeast-northeast flanks and a single cinder cone on the western flank. The volcano is composed of two overlapping edifices. Four craters are found at the summit. Historical eruptions have been recorded since the eighteenth century.

The Sunda Strait (Indonesian: Selat Sunda) is the strait between the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra. It connects the Java Sea to the Indian Ocean. The name comes from the Indonesian term Pasundan, meaning "West Java". It also comes from the name of the Sundanese people, the native people of West Java, with the Javanese people being found mostly in Central and East Java.

Dieng Plateau is a marshy plateau that forms the floor of a caldera complex on the Dieng Volcanic Complex near Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia.[1] Referred to as "Dieng" by Indonesians, it sits at 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) above sea level, far from major population centres. The name "Dieng" comes from Di Hyang which means "Abode of the Gods".

3. MAGELANG30Questionwhere is the location of Jakarta?Where is the location of Kisten?ObrestonAnuQuestionwestWhere is the location of Lawu mount?Where is the location of Parangtritts beach?QuestionAnoQuestionRongenwar northeastWhere is the location of Sukuh temple?Where is the location of Hindia Ocean?Where is the location of Tangerang?SolonorthWhere is the location of Sangiran Museum?QuestionAnswerQuestionAnswerQuestionAnswerQuestionAnswerQuestionAnswerMalang northWhere is the location of Pasuruan?Solo south westWhere is the location of Yogyakarta?K​


Jakarta is in Indonesia, Java island.

4. Where is the location of bedugul?

Bedugul is a mountain lake resort areain Bali, Indonesia, located in the centre-north region of the island near Lake Bratan on the road between Denpasarand Singaraja the area covers the villages of Bedugul itself, Candikuning,Pancasari, Pacung and Wanagiri amongst others.

5. Where is the location of sulawesi?

its location in " Southeast Asia" ( Asia Tenggara ), on the big sunda island.

6. where is the location of library

Anywhere there is

jgn lupa follow yupsMaksudnya,mau di translate atau di jawab jika ingin dijawab ada gambarnya?

7. Where is the location of the hospital?


Wait where the dialogue, i  can't answer without dialogue

you now.

8. where is the location of semarang

dimana lokasi semarang?Central Java is the place of Semarang City

9. Where is the location of bali


On Indonesia. East of Java Island.

10. Where is the location of the dialogue? ​


you speak English?


please add codm

itu bahasa indonesianya dimana lokasi dialognya


Maaf klo salah

11. Where is the location of the picture?​


I don't know there's no picture!


aku tidak tahu tidak ada gambar!

mana gambarnya kak

12. where Is the location of the bookstore​

jawaban: dimana tokoh bUKU tersebut


jangan lupa follow!!

Jawaban:where is the bookstore?


Dimana toko bukunya?

13. Where is the location of lobrary


dimana letak perpustakaan?


The location of the library is somewhere at school

14. where is the location of the party?​


dimana lokasi pestanya?


itu artinya

15. where is the location of the text​


text nya mana


jadi g tau tolong kasih text ny

16. Where is the location of Jember?​


The Location of Jember is East Java

jawaban :

Dimana letak Jember?


jember adalah kabupaten yg terletak di jawa timur.

kls : 6

mapel : bahasa inggris

terimakasih dan jadikan jawaban terbaik ya!

17. Where is the location of Tangerang​

“Dimana lokasi tangerang?”
jawab: Tangerang located in Banten,Indonesia

Maaf jika salah ya

18. Bantu Jawab PlissWhich sentence is correct? a. Where's the most cheap place to eat? b. Where's the more cheap place to eat? c. Where is the most cheapest place to eat? d. Where's the cheapest place to eat? ​


C. Where is the most cheapest place to eat.

19. Where is the location of SD Sumber Makmur?Where is the location of Foto Copy?​


1. Jln teratai

2. Jln mawar




1. It's behind the toko besi yesi

2. It's beside of kantor polisi


20. where is the location of the bank.artinya

Dimanakah lokasi bank? dimana letak bank

maaf kalau jawabannya salah

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