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Ian Is Trying To Estimate The Distance

Ian Is Trying To Estimate The Distance

Estimate is closest in the meaning to​

Daftar Isi

1. Estimate is closest in the meaning to​


translate : Perkirakan adalah yang terdekat dengan artinya

maksudnya Estimate itu merujuk ke

atau arti yang paling dekat dengan estimate


Sorry if wrong, Please say thanks and make this answer be the best answer! -BocahKentang

2. Estimate is closest in the meaning to

1. We estimate the cost:


2. We estimate it to be worth £50,000 :


Maaf kalau salah

3. The distance from Punggol to Sentosa is 5 times the distance fromPunggol to Sengkang.What is the distance between Punggol and Sentosa?​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

16 = 4x4

punggol to sentosa = 4

jika punggol ke sentosa 5 kali

jadi, 4x5 = 20km

4. The distance from Banda Aceh to Medan on the map is 3 cm. The scale on the map is 1 : 15.000.000. The actual distance of the two cities is … km. ​






5. There is something urgent happen and it is very dangerous for the nation. Due to that reason, the president... to contact his advisors now. A. Trying B. do trying C. is trying D. try




Kata keterangan waktu yang digunakan adalh NOW.

Jenis tenses yang digunakan untuk kalimat yang kata keterangan waktunya NOW


Rumus kalimat aktif The Present Continuous Tense =

+ Subject is / am / are Verb Ing

- Subject is / am / are not Verb Ing

? Is / Am / Are subject Verb Ing ?


6. what is councillor Harper trying to do to the audience in this speech​


apa yang anggota dewan Harper coba lakukan kepada hadirin dalam pidato ini

maaf kalo salah

7. the distance. to your house is....than the distance to my house from school


lebih dekat(closer) atau lebih jauh(farther)

8. The distance from Jakarta to Yogyakarta on the map is 7 cm. If the map using scale of 1 : 6.500.000, the actual distance is ... km. ​


455 km

Explanation with steps:

scale = 1 : 6.500.000

distance on the map = 7 cm

therefore, the actual distance is

= 7 cm x 6.500.000

= 45.500.000 cm

= 455 km

9. there is something urgent happenes and it is very dangerous for the nation. due to the reason, the president....... to contact his advisors now. a. trying. b. do trying. c. is trying. d. try​


c. is trying

smoga membantu, maaf kalo salah

10. The distance from Jakarta to Sidoarjo (East Java) on a map is 20 cm. The actual distance from Jakarta to Sidoarjo is 900 km. Determine the scale of the map


1 : 4.500.000

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

20cm : 900km

20cm : 90.000.000cm

1 : 4.500.000

11. The distance from a pond to a cave is 400 and 5 times as long as the distance from the pond to a river. What is the distance from the pond to the river?

Jarak dari kolam ke gua adalah 400 m dan 5 kali jarak dari kolam ke sungai. Berapa jarak dari kolam ke sungai?


400 m x 5 = 2.000 meter :)

12. The distance to your house is....than the distance To my house from school

Jarak dari rumahmu lebih.... Daripada jarak dari rumahku ke sekolah.

Kalau lebih dekat berarti nearer
Kalau lebih jauh berarti farther

13. The distance from Earth to Andromeda Galaxy is...


Distance to Earth: 2.537 million light years


The Andromeda Galaxy is a spiral galaxy about 2.5 million light years from Earth. This galaxy is one of the galaxies outside the Milky Way galaxy that can be seen with the naked eye.

sorry if wrong

14. what is steward trying to do to the audience in this speech​


Propose opposition to the contraction propect


Maaf klo salah heheh

15. what is the story trying to explain of sangkuriang story

The story of Sangkuriang tells the story of a young man who falls in love with his own mother

16. The distance from Amit's house to the school is 4 times the distance fromthe post office to the school. The distance from the school to his house is2 km. What is the distance from his house to the post office?A. 1.75 kmB. 1.5 kmC. 2.2 kmD. 2.5 kmE. 8 kmdengan penyelesaiannya​


B. 1.5 km

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Dik : Jarak RA (rumah Amit) dan S (sekolah) = 2 km

       = Jarak KP (kantor pos) dan S x 4

Dit : Jarak RA dan KP?


Karena jarak RA dan S adalah jarak KP dan S x 4, maka kita cari dulu jarak KP dan S.

Jarak KP dan S = 2 km : 4 = 0.5 km

Sekarang kita bisa tentukan jarak RA dan KP.

Jarak RA dan KP = 2 km - 0.5 km =   1.5 km

Semoga membantu, semoga abang atau kakak menjadikan ini jawaban brainliest aka jawaban terbaik untuk membantu ranking ku :)

17. what is the writer trying to convince the readers to do?

apa yg penulis coba lakukan untuk meyakinkan pembaca?

18. 2) The actual distance between Wakanda toAsgard is 150 km.If the scale of the map is 1:3.000.000, what is thedistance on the map?​


5 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Jp = Js × Skala

Jp = 150 km × 1/3,000,000

Jp = 150 × 10^5 × 1/3,000,000 × 1 cm

Jp = 15/3 = 5 cm

Hi!I hope my answer can help you <(UωU)>


Question discussion~✨↬ Known:

- Actual distance = 150 km

- Scale = 1 : 3.000.000

? Asked:

Distance on the map

✏ Answer:

*150 km = ... cm

             = ( 150 × 100.000 ) × 1 cm

             = 15.000.000 cm

*Distance on the map

= Actual distance × Scale

= 15.000.000 cm × [tex]\frac{1}{3.000.000}[/tex]

= 5 cm

♪ Conclusion:

The distance on the map is 5 cm ✔


⚜··Answer Details··⚜

⇴ Subject: Math

⇴ Class: 5

⇴ Lesson: Chapter 2 Distance

⇴ Subject code: 2

⇴ Category code: 5.2.2

⇴ Keywords: Distance on the map, Actual distance, Scale


19. the actual distance from jakarta to bandung is 265 km.yhe actual distance of the both city if the scale on the map 1 : 1.000.000 is ....​


~ Perbandingan Skala

jarak pada peta = skala × jarak sebenarnya

-jarak Sebenarnya = 265 km = 26.500.000 cm

-skala = 1 : 1.000.000

jarak pada peta = 1 / 1.000.000 × 26.500.000 cm

Jarak pada peta = 26,5 cm

20. 1. The distance from Bahrun's house to the POS office is about 4.05 km. How manymeters the distance from Bahrunl's house to the POS office?​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4,05 km = 4,05 × 1000 (turun 3 tangga) = 4050 m

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