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Which Question Can Be Answered By Science Apex

Which Question Can Be Answered By Science Apex

1.He fills the room...a. The form are filled by himb. The form is filled by himc. The form was filled by himd. The form were filled by hime. His form is filled by him 2. She would carry the box...a.The box would be carried by sheb. The box would be carried by herc. The boxes would be carried by herd. The boxes would be carried by hime. The box will be carried by her 3. He can answer the question...a.The question can be answered by himb. The questions can be answered by himc. The question can answered by himd. He can be answer by the questione. The question could be answered by her.​

Daftar Isi

1. 1.He fills the room...a. The form are filled by himb. The form is filled by himc. The form was filled by himd. The form were filled by hime. His form is filled by him 2. She would carry the box...a.The box would be carried by sheb. The box would be carried by herc. The boxes would be carried by herd. The boxes would be carried by hime. The box will be carried by her 3. He can answer the question...a.The question can be answered by himb. The questions can be answered by himc. The question can answered by himd. He can be answer by the questione. The question could be answered by her.​






Hope fully can help and sorry if wrong

2. The teacher’s questions can not … by the students a. Are answered b. Be answered c. Being answered d. Have answered


B. Be answered


B. Be answered


Maaf kalau salah

3. Why the question should be answered?

because with answered the question, the questioner will get an information

moga membantu ya :)because if the question is answered we can know whats the answer to the question

4. So I just saw a question, and it was already answered by some random dude. and that random dude is so wrong by every way, so i want to answer the question too, which, i know what's the right answer. so, how can i answer a question that is already answered but the answer is wrong? sorry i use english. i can't speak bahasa to well.

if you just want to help, you can write ur answer in comment facility. but i think you will not earn any points for sending comments :)

5. Why can economics be called a science ?

arti soalnya adalah :

Mengapa ilmu ekonomi bisa disebut ilmu?

jawaban nya :

Economics is the study of human behavior in choosing and creating prosperity.

jika di artikan :

Ekonomi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang perilaku manusia dalam memilih dan menciptakan kemakmuran.


maaf kalo salah

6. Which is the characteristic of bee??You can answer more than 1 correct answerScience grade 3 ​


jawabannya itu

A, D, F, G

7. management (be) a science

management is a science

8. This question is easy ... (answer)a. to answer d. answeredb. answering e. To be answeringc. to answering​

Kata kerja atau verb yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat this question is easy adalah answered (B). Karena pada kalimat di atas belum memiliki kata kerja dan bentuk tense yang digunakan adalah passive simple present tense.


Arti kalimat this question is easy adalah "pertanyaan ini mudah". Dan pada petunjuk soal terdapat kata kerja atau verb "answer", yang artinya adalah "jawab".

Ketika kita menjawab dalam bahasa Indonesia susunannya menjadi "pertanyaan ini mudah untuk dijawab". Sehingga, dalam bahasa Inggris "this question is easy answered". Tetapi, kalimat ini belum lengkap, seharusnya "this question is easy answered by someone" (pertanyaan ini mudah dijawab oleh seseorang).

this question = object

is easy answered = passive simple present tense formula

by someone = subject

Oleh karena itu, pilihan jawaban Akurang tepat karena to infinitive didahului oleh verb. Pilihan jawaban C kurang tepat karena pada soal subjeknya tidak ada. Pilihan jawaban D kurang tepat karena is sama dengan to be. Dan pilihan jawaban E kurang tepat karena bentuk to answering tidak ada dalam bahasa Inggris.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut Materi tentang passive simple present tense pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/6104631Materi tentang penggunaan to infinitive pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4923690Materi tentang penggunaan adjective + to infinitive pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/26279748Detail Jawaban

Kelas : IX

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Bab : Passive Voice

Kode : 9.5.6



9. Let’s start with an easy one: Which developer is behind Apex Legends?​

Apex legend is a online battle royale game developed by Respawn Entertainment

10. change the following sentences into active voice. 1. the question can be answered by only a few student. 2. the house was designed by a good architect.


The question can be answered by only a few student.
=> Only a few students can answer the question.

2. The house was designed by a good architect.
=> A good arsitect designed the house.

1. The question can be answered by only a few student (passive) -> Only a few student can answer the question (active)

2. The house was designed by a good architect (passive) -> A good architect designed the house (active).

Bukan hasil copas loh ya
Memang jawabannya seperti ini.

Good luck

11. The ten question.... (will answer) by students A.will answer B.will be answered


the answer is............b


knp ? karna itu passive voice dn klo ngerubah yg ada will nya yaitu di tambah be biar verb yg diikuti will bsa jd verb 3 dn will sbgai modal dn modal rumusnya yaitu will + verb1 jd bgmana biar bsa si verb ini jd verb3 yaitu ditambah be yg jd penghalang diantara will dn verb3 itu...

Jawaban:b. Will be answered

Artinya, akan dijawab

Penjelasan:merupakan tense present future tense di passive voice



12. Bahasa Indonesianya i'll answered your question... i want to be your boyfriend, apa

aku akan menjawab pertanyaan dari kamu
aku mau menjadi kekasihmuaku akan menjawab pertanyaan kamu....., aku ingin menjadi pacar  kamu

13. Rian: ‘Why did Ria fail in the oral test?’ Eko: ‘it was because ______' A. she answered nervously the question B. she nervously answered the question C. nervously the answered the question D. she answered the questioned nervously E. the question she answered nervously


D. she answered the questioned nervously

*maap kalo salah

14. A: Marcel answered some difficult questions. P: Some difficult question ............................ by Marcel. Select one:


Some difficult question have been answered by Marcel.

15. I answered your questionplisss artikan ke bahasa indonesia ^_^​


Saya menjawab pertayaan kamu


maaf kalau salah

16. Here comes the question! answered yes!​


1.)A. zebry is a cat

2.)A. soft black and white fur,round blue eyes ,short curled tail

3.)C. A small wooden box

Penjelasan: Artinya

1.)zebry adalah seekor kucing

2.)bulu hitam putih lembut, mata biru bulat, ekor pendek melengkung

3.)kotak kayu kecil

17. Active : The customer service officers will answer my questions. Passive : …. a. My questions would be answered by the customer service officers. b. My questions will be answered by the customer service officers c. My questions will be answer by the customer service officers d. My questions would be answer by the customer service officers e. My questions will be answering by the customer service officers ​




semoga membantu


b. my questions will be answered by the costumer service officer


18. kalimat active dari 1.the fish was eaten by the cat 2.my sister will be punished by father 3.qustions should be answered by ink 4.lot of paintings will be soldnext week

1. the cat ate the fish
2. father will punish my sister
3. ink should answer question
4. next week will sell a lot of paintings1. the cat ate the fish.
2. father will punish my sister.
3. ink should answer questions
4. lot of paintings will sell next week.

19. 3. They are sending the parcel by the sea a. The parcel is being sent by sea by them. b. The parcel is sent by sea by them. c. The parcel be is being sent by sea by them. d. The parcel are being send by sea by them. e. The parcel is not being sent by sea by them. 4. A week after the interview, my sister got a call from the personnel manager saying that she ……as a secretary. a. accepts. b. accepted. c. is accepted. d. was accepted. e. is being accepted. 5. New products……in the electronic exhibition in Jakarta Expo Centre a week ago. a. display. b. displaying. c. were displayed. d. is displayed. e. Is being displayed. 6. I can answer the question. a. The question can be answered by me. b. The question is answered by me. c. The questions are answered by me. d. The question has been answered by me. e. The question is not answered by me.

maaf aku enggak tau jawabannya

20. 11. Yusuf answers the question correctly.The passive form of the sentence isA. The question is answered by Yusuf correctlyB. The question was answered by Yusuf correctly.C. The question were answered by Yusuf correctlyD.The question are answered by Yusuf correctly.​


a.the question is answered by yusuf correctly

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