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How Much Ounces Is A Water Bottle

How Much Ounces Is A Water Bottle

A drink bottle 3/8 full, it contains 240 milliliters of water. How much water does the bottle contain when it is half full?

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1. A drink bottle 3/8 full, it contains 240 milliliters of water. How much water does the bottle contain when it is half full?

3/8x240= 90
i think this my answer about your question3/8 = 240 mL

half full
= 4/3 x 240 mL
= 320 mL

2. 2. How much is a kg of sugar?3. How much is a bottle of oil?​


Saya terjemahkan dan beri jawaban


2. How much is a kg of sugar ? berapa kg gula

   3 kg sugar = 3 kg gula

3. How much is a bottle of oil ? berapa botol minyak

   5 bottle oil = 5 botol minyak

3. 2. How much is a kg of sugar?3. How much is a bottle of oil?​


2. Berapa kg gula?

3. Berapa botol minyak?


Ini diapakan ya?

Kalau diartikan yaitu :

2. Berapa kg gula?

3. Berapa botol minyak?


Semoga membantu:)

4. Ahmad fills his water bottle with 1 liter of water. After his bike ride, he drinks 200 milliliters of the water. How much water is left in Ahmad's sports bottle? (Remember: 1 liter = 1000 ml) *​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1.000 ml - 200 ml = 800 ml

5. 1. A : .......................................................B : that is Rp 10,000.00A. how much is this cost?B. how much is it?C. how much this?D. how much it ?​

1. A : .......................................................

B : that is Rp 10,000.00

A. how much is this cost?

B. how much is it?

C. how much this?

D. how much it ?

Semoga membantu!!

6. marina is ... she drinks a bottle of mineral water


Marina is thirsty she drinks a bottle of mineral water


mariana itu thirsty haus dia (perempuan) minum dari botol air mineral

7. the bottle is empty. there is ... water in the bottle​


There is no water in the bottle


There is no water in the bottle / The isn't any water in the bottle


8. How much water do you drink? Atau how much do you drink water mana yang benar

how much do you drink water.

maaf kalau slh...

semoga membantu

yang pas "how much water do you drink? " jadi jawabanya "i drink... liter of water

9. ..... there much water on the bottle.​


in there much water on the bottle

maaf kalo salah


Are there much water on the bottle

10. To reduce 16 ounces of a 25% solution of antiseptic to a 10% antiseptic solution, how much distilled water should a nurse add? 36 oz 12 oz 24 oz


Let x = amt of distilled water


A simple equation

.25(16) = .10(x+16)

4 = .10x + 1.6

4 - 1.6 = .1x

2.4 = .1x

x = 2.4/0.1

x = 24 oz of distilled water



Prove this by seeing the amt of antiseptic is the same (only the % changes)

.25(16) = .10(24+16)

4 = .1(40)

I hope my answer has come to your help. Thank you for posting your question here in Brainly. We hope to answer more of your questions and inquiries soon. Have a nice day ahead!

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf klo salah

11. Use how much or how many (milk-drink-a bottle of)


drink a bottle of milk

(maaf kl salah)

How much a bottle of drink milk

Semoga membantu:)

12. 17. __________ crosswords did she solve correctly? * A. How much B. How many 12. __________ pocket money do you get per week? * A. How much B. How many 19. __________ bikes were stolen last year? * A. How much B. How many 14. __________ sisters does Ella have? * A. How much B. How many 15. __________ coins did you find yesterday? * A. How much B. How many 13. __________ time is left? * A. How much B. How many 18. __________ milk do they have for breakfast? * A. How much B. How many 20. __________ coffee do your parents drink per day? * A. How much B. How many 16. __________ water is in this bottle? * A. How much B. How many 11. __________ players are in a handball team? * Captionless Image A. How much B. How many


17. B

12. A

19. B


15. A

13. B

18. A

20. A

16. A

11. B


how much digunakan untuk menanyakan hal/benda yang tidak dapat dihitung, contohnya uang.

how many digunakan untuk menanyakan benda yang dapat dihutung.

semoga membantu

13. there is (a few /a litte) water in the bottle

A little

karena A few Buat yg bisa di hitung

           A little tidak bisa di hitung

semoga bermanfaat

A few mungkin

Maaf kalau salah^^

14. A pail contained 3.68 litres of water than a bottle. After bill poured away 1.2 litres of water from the pail, the pail contained 3 times as much watet as the bottle. How much more water did the pail contain than the bottle in the end and how much water did the bottle contain

x= bottle
y= pail

awalnya pail itu punya 3,68L dari botol jadi


Lalu persamaan kedua adalah setelah bill tumpahin 1,2L dari pail, maka isinya 3 kali lipat dari botol


lalu diputar terlebih dahulu

x-y= -3,68
-3x+y= 1,2
-2x= -2,48

Jadi volume botolnya adalah 1,24 L
Volume pail: 1,24+3,68= 4,92L

15. how much water is needed for tomato soup?​


berapa banyak air yang dibutuhkan untuk sup tomat?

16. QUIZZ TIME! In Melinda's water bottle, there is 90% water. Because it's too hot outside, she drinks 77% of the water. How much percent the water in the water bottle now? JGN NGASAL YA DAN KLO KGA TW JGN JWB ANW PKE CARA YA



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Di dalam botol air Melinda terdapat 90% air. Karena terlalu panas di luar, dia minum 77% air. Berapa persen air dalam botol air sekarang?

90% - 77%

= 90/100 - 77/100

= 13/100

= 13%

17. A pot contained twice as much water as a bottle. The total amount of water in both the pot and the bottle was 5 l. What was the amount of the water in the bottle?​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

pot = 2 × bottle

pot + bottle = 5 liters

substitute pot with x and bottle with y.

x = 2y

x + y = 5

substitute x with 2y into the equation.

x + y = 5

2y + y = 5

3y = 5

y = 5/3liters


x = 2y

x = 2(5/3)

x = 10/3


18. Vishnu replaces the water in his water bottle every day.How much water will he need in a week if the volume ofhis water bottle is 1132 ml and he fills his bottle to thebrim only once per day?​

Terjemahan dari soal:

Vishnu mengganti air di botol minumnya setiap hari. Berapa banyak air yang ia butuhkan dalam 1 minggu bila volume botol minumnya adalah 1132 ml dan ia mengisi botol minumnya hingga penuh hanya 1x sehari?

V botol = 1132 ml
1 hari = 1132 ml

Ditanya: 1 minggu berapa banyak air?

1 minggu = 7 hari

1 hari = 1132 ml
7 hari = ? ml

1132 × 7 = 7924 ml

So, the amount of water he will need in a week is 7924 ml

19. much-a-bottle-honey-how-?-ofsusun lah kalimat diatasbantu pliss ​


How much is a bottle of honey?


If there is an is answer:☝️

Jawaban:how much a bottle honey

Penjelasan:menanyakan berapa banyak bottle madu

20. how much is bottle of jam​


berapa botol selai



berapa banyak selai dalam botol

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