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Joshua Is Using A Garden Hose

Joshua Is Using A Garden Hose

where is the garden?a.the gerden is in front of the hoseb.the garden is beside the hosec.the garden is in behind the hosed.the garden is in the hose​

Daftar Isi

1. where is the garden?a.the gerden is in front of the hoseb.the garden is beside the hosec.the garden is in behind the hosed.the garden is in the hose​


b. The garden is beside the hose

arti soal

Dimana taman itu?

2. joshua is michael's?​


Coba baca lagi teksnya yang benar

Penjelasan: Mana teksnya? gimana saya mau jawab? komen ya

3. my hose is....the hall​


Hello! My name is a Andri and this is my house. My house is a quite big. It has got two floors;

a ground floor and a first floor. It has also got an attic and a basement. On the ground floor there is

the hall, the kitchen, a pantry, the living room, a big dining room and a toilet. On the first floor there

are three bedrooms, one bathroom and a big corridor. My bedroom is between my parents' bedroom

and the bathroom. My sister's bedroom is in front of mine.

I love my bedroom, but I also like the attic. In the attic I keep some of my books and my old toys.

1 like to spend my time there because it is very spacious and there is a big sofa there where I sometimes

take a nap.

In the basement is where we keep the washing machine, the drying machine and old stuff.

At the back of the house there is also the garage, where my parents park the family car, and a lovely

garden, with many green spaces, flowers. Two swings and a small swimming pool. I love my house.

4. When Fred went shopping yesterday, he (.........)some car wax and a garden hose.a. Buyb. Boughtc. will buyd. Buys​


B. Bought


maaf kalau salah

semoga membantujawabannya : bought

karena ini past contionous

maaf kalau salah

5. is that a garden there​


I don't know

maybe there's not a garden but a field


yes, there is a garden


..Semoga membantu..

6. 14. What does 'vertical garden' in the dialog mean? A. A garden which is designed vertically B. C. A garden that is built using a terracing design The plants from the pots hang on the wall which grow vertically The method of watering plants using a small fountain that falls vertically D.​


Yang C kak


Maaf kalo salah ya


maaf kak dialognya mana ya?:)

7. What is A botanical garden

Apa iki kalau buat jawaban yg benar dong
An establishment where plants are grown for display to the public and often for scientific studies.

Semiga Membantu

8. answer what is a botanical garden

kebun/taman apotek hidup

9. Instead of saying: this is a beautiful garden Select one: A. What a beautiful garden B. What is beautiful garden C. What garden is beautiful

Jawabnya (A) Menurut saya karena paling mendekati
Keduanya punya arti sama menunjukkan bahwa tamannya cantik

Maaf kalau salah
Semoga Bermanfaat ^^A. What a beautiful garden!

10. bahasa inggris nya broom ,boxes,worktools second hands , lawn mower,hingle ,padlock ,spade, garden hose​


itu bknnya ud bing


sapu, kotak, worktools bekas, mesin pemotong rumput, engsel, gembok, sekop, selang taman

11. apa bahasa indonesia WHERE IS JOSHUA?​


Dimanakah Joshua?

Maaf jika salah ya kak..

12. I have a beautiful garden. it is.... garden

~ Answer:

I hαve α beαutiful gαrden.

It is my gαrden.

~ Introduction:

Pronoun yakni jenis kata menunjukkan perubahan pada kata benda. Pronoun digunakan sebagai kata ganti pada kata benda yang dimaksud.

Jenis-jenis pronoun:

1. Subjective pronoun


2. Objective pronoun


3. Possessive adjective pronoun


4. Possessive pronoun


5. Personal pronoun


~ Discussion:

Halo, sobat cerdas! Menurut pernyataan pada soal kita perlu melengkapinya dengan mengamati pernyataan pertamanya.

〝 I hαve α beαutiful gαrden. 〞

Kalimat ini menggunakan subyek berupa pronoun: I. Kata gantinya diletakkan di awal kalimat sehingga berperan sebagai subyek.

it is... garden dapat kita lengkapi dengan possessiveadjectivepronoun karena pronoun ini menunjukkan kepemilikanpada sesuatu/seseorang berupa noun. Kata ganti atas pronoun + noun menggunakan possessive adjective.

Possessive adjective dari I adalah my.


〝 It is my gαrden. 〞

——— ✿ ——— ✴ ——— ✿ ———

~ I wish my αnswer is helpful. ❀

Good luck! I wish you the best. ^^

13. what is a botanical garden?

kebun raya bogor...... a garden dedicated to the collection, cultivation and display of a wide range of plants labelled with their botanical names.

14. Arrange these words into a good sentence!Planting - is - flower - school - at - garden - ZaskiaA. Zaskia is flower planting at schoo gardenB. Zaskia planting flowe is school at gardenC. Zaskia is planting flower at school gardenD. Zaskia is school garden at planting flower​


C. Zaskia is planting flower at school garden


Present continuous tense

Struktur = Subject + to be + Ving + Object + Adverb of place

15. 2. Fill in the blanks using approprite PersonalPronouns!A. Mrs. Nita is a teacher.... works in theschool.B. Ayu and Ati are my daughters .... are twins.3. Fill in the blanks using appropriate possisiveadjective!A. I have a white T-shirt. This is ... T-shirt.B. Rima and I water in the garden. That isgarden.​


2. a. She

b. They

3. a. My

b. Her

Semoga membantu

16. Bill's garden is... than joe's garden


more / less


Bigger .............

17. (Joshua) is a lazy student. ____always com late to scholl

Karena Joshua laki 2



(cause he is a boy)....

18. 0. a-have-in - Garden - i - my house35. Make 3 sentences based on the picture using there isThere are !​


I have a Garden in my house

and about the 35 i dont really know...


Hope help you

19. Greg is landscaping a garden. The diagram shows a plan of the garden What is the total area of the garden? 12x15x20

Greg is landscaping a garden. The diagram shows a plan of the garden. What is the total area of the garden? Jadi maksud dari pertanyaan ini adalah Greg sedang menata taman seperti pada gambar, luas taman tersebut adalah 210 m². Trapesium adalah salah satu bangun datar segiempat yang memiliki sepasang sisi yang sejajar tetapi tidak sama panjang. Trapesium terdiri dari trapesium sama kaki, trapesium siku-siku dan trapesium sembarang. Rumus pada trapesium:

Luas = ½ × jumlah sisi yang sejajar × tinggi = ½ × (a + b) × t Keliling = a + b + c + d

dengan a, b, c, d adalah panjang sisi-sisi pada trapesium dan a // b



Panjang sisi yang sejajar pada trapesium

a = 15 m b = 20 m

tinggi trapesium = 12 m


Luas taman = ..... ?


Luas trapesium = ½ × jumlah sisi yang sejajar × tinggi

L = ½ × (15 m + 20 m) × 12 m

L = ½ × 35 m × 12 m

L = 35 m × 6 m

L = 210 m²

Pelajari lebih lanjut  

Contoh soal lain tentang trapesium

Luas trapesium: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/2399779 Keliling trapesium: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/5266124 Luas trapesium dan persegi panjang: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/15219788


Detil Jawaban  

Kelas : 7

Mapel : Matematika  

Kategori : Segitiga dan Segiempat

Kode : 7.2.4

Kata Kunci : Greg is landscaping a garden

20. Nice gardenA: what is the garden likeB:​


garden with a beautiful view and manicured


B : This garden is like any other garden, which has a lot of beautiful plants and flowers, it's in a very clean area and there's a fountain. also, there's lot of big trees that are cool.

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