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2 1 1 Reading Multiple Data Types

2 1 1 Reading Multiple Data Types

arti dari reading to understand varios types of form dan reading for detailed information​

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1. arti dari reading to understand varios types of form dan reading for detailed information​


membaca untuk memahami berbagai jenis dari dan membaca untuk informasi rinci

2. Perhatikan gambar berikut!Nama gambar dari instruksi berikut adalaha. SISD (Single Instruction Stream, SingleData Stream)b. SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data)c. MISD (Multiple Instruction, Single Data)d. MIMD (Multiple Instruction, MultipleData)​


b. SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data)




semoga membantu

maaf klo salah

3. tipe data apa saja yang termasuk primitive data types​


Numerik atau Angka.

Karakter (char)

Boolean (boolean)


4. 1. What are the types of interaction ?


therefore the interaction is divided into three viz

1.interactions between individuals and individuals

2.interaction between groups and groups

3.interaction between groups and individuals

5. Bedanya reading 1 sama intensive reading ?

Extensive reading yaitu dimana pembaca hendaknya diberikan teks yang sesuai dengan kemampuan berbahasa mereka dalam membaca ekstensif, pembaca hendaknya dipilihkan materi membaca yang bertingkat sesuai dengan kemampuan berbahasa

Intensif reading yaitu pembaca hendaknya diberikan teks yang sesuai dengan keinginan mereka sedangkan

reading tu baca biasa2 jk

6. The sixth multiple of a 1-digit number is 32 more than its second multiple. The third number is ……


Kelipatan keenam dari angka 1 digit lebih banyak 32 dari kelipatan keduanya. Angka ketiga adalah ……



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

7. Tolong bantu ya! Reading bagian 1 dan 2

maaf tapi hanya di baca aja?

8. 1. Anita ______ fast * read reads reading are reading 2. They ...... English * are speaks speak spoken


answer :

1. reading

2. speaks

Answer┈┉┉━━━❅━━━┉┉┈1. Anita reads fast

2. They speak English┈┉┉━━━❅━━━┉┉┈I hope this helps

[tex]{\colorbox{white}{\red{\boxed{\colorbox{white}{\red{{Answered \: By: \: faizanadlirahargo}}}}}}}[/tex]

Make me the brainliest answer please, it's okay to report this answer :)

9. multiple choice 1-10 aja


have knownhas grownhave workedhave becomehave, boughthas askedhas, losthasn't paidhas heardhas just returned


Present Perfect Tense memiliki rumus:

(+) S + has/have + verb 3

(-) S + has/have + not + verb 3

(?) has/have + S + verb 3?

Jika subject he/she/it, maka "has" harus dipakai.

Jika subject I/you/they/we, maka "have" harus dipakai

10. the fourth multiple of 1-digit number is 18 more than its second multiple. what is the 1-digit number ?​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4x = 2x + 18

2x = 18

x = 9


11. types of bullying 1. verbal : (contohnya) ? 2. sosial : (contohnya) ? 3. fisik : (contohnya) ? contohnya?

maaf,saya hanya bisa menjawab fisik
fisik adalah kekerasan di bagian tubuh manusia
1. verbal: bullying through words, like calling with horrible nicknames or mocking with parents/family names.
2. social: isolating people from certain groups or from certain people that are within the bully's range or can be persuaded by the bully
3. physical: bullying through violent actions such as making injuries (punching, kicking, fighting, etc.)

12. Multiple Choice (Part A) Choose the correct answer between (A), (B), (C), or (D)! 1. He .......... sleeping in the bedroom. a.is b.am c.are d.may 2. I ......... reading the book. a.is b.am c.are d.may


1. A

2. b


1. He is sleeping in the bedroom.

kalo are nanti jadi ga cocok

2. I am reading the book ( saya membaca buku )

maaf kalo salah

13. 1. types of text 2. language future (tenses?)​


Pak Belalang

Pak Belalang terkenal. Dia memiliki buku ajaib yang bisa menceritakan segalanya. Dia selalu belajar sesuatu setiap kali dia membaca buku ajaib.

Itu adalah malam yang indah. Pak Belalang kedatangan beberapa tamu. Tiba-tiba dia meminta putranya untuk mengambilkan buku ajaib itu untuknya. Dia ingin menunjukkan kemampuan sihirnya kepada para tamu.

Setelah semua tamu pulang, Pak Belalang tertawa. ..." Ya, Pak Belalang itu pembohong. Dia sebenarnya tidak memiliki buku ajaib, itu hanya buku biasa. Dia berbohong

karena dia ingin terkenal. Suatu hari, raja memanggil Pak Belalang ke Istana untuk menemukan permata yang hilang. Raja memberinya waktu tujuh hari untuk menemukannya. Pak Belalang tahu bahwa jika dia tidak dapat menemukan perhiasan itu, dia akan dihukum. Dia akan masuk penjara

Pak Belalang pergi ke setiap tempat untuk menemukan permata itu. Pada hari ketujuh dia masih tidak dapat menemukan mereka. Jadi, dia mengadakan makan malam perpisahan dengan keluarganya, Pak Belalang berkata kepada istrinya, "Tolong buatkan Pancake," Ketika Pancake pertama sudah siap, Pak Belalang berkata, "Yang ini kuning. Tolong buat yang lain," Ketika yang kedua satu sudah siap, dia berkata "ini terlalu cokelat, buat yang lain."

Dalam setiap Pancake, Pak Belalang mengatakan terlalu gelap, terlalu gemuk, dan terlalu kurus dan seterusnya. Sementara itu, Pak Belalang tidak mengetahui ada pencuri yang bersembunyi di bawah rumahnya. Mereka adalah pencuri yang mencuri permata raja. Para pencuri ingin tahu apa yang akan dikatakan Pak Belalang tentang mereka. Mendengar kata kuning, coklat, gelap, gendut, kurus mereka menjadi ketakutan karena masing-masing berwarna kuning, coklat, tua gemuk dan kurus.

Sesaat kemudian ketujuh pencuri itu mengetuk pintu rumahnya. Mereka berteriak, “Tolong bantu kami, Pak Belalang! Kami akan mengembalikan permata itu. Kami berjanji untuk tidak mencuri lagi! Pak Belalang kemudian membawa permata itu ke Istana. Raja sangat senang dan memberinya hadiah besar. Pak Belalang sangat berterima kasih, dia Berjanji pada dirinya sendiri untuk tidak berbohong lagi. Lain kali dia tidak akan beruntung. Dia bisa dihukum karena kesalahannya.


semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban terbaik

14. Terdapat 4 kategori klasifikasi Flynn, Diantaranya SIMD (Single Instruksi Multiple Data), MIMD (Multiple Instruksi Multiple Data), SISD (Single Instruksi Single Data), Dan MISD(Multiple Instruksi Single Data), Diantara ke 4 Set Instruksi ini kenapa (MISD) Tidak pernah Terealisasi karena tidak efektif dan efisien? Tlong dijawab ya soal'x bsok udaj kumpul nih

MISD tidak pernah terealisasi Karena MISD (Multiple Instruction Stream, Single Data Stream) data yang dihasilkan akan berbeda setelah menjalani pemrosesan dari setiap tahap.


Komputer MISD merupakan jenis komputer yang memiliki unit pemroses yang masing-masing menerima dan mengoperasikan instruksi yang berbeda terhadap aliran data yang sama, dikarenakan setiap unit pemroses memiliki unit pengendali yang berbeda. Keluaran dari satu pemroses menjadi masukan bagi pemroses berikutnya. Belum ada perwujudan nyata dari komputer jenis ini kecuali dalam bentuk prototipe untuk penelitian. Skema arsitektur global komputer MISD. MISD merupakan sebuah komputer yang dapat melakukan banyak instruksi terhadap satu aliran data.Adapun beberapa contoh pada MISD yaitu :Eksperimen Carnegie-Mellon C.mmp Computer (1971)Frekuensi filter ganda yang dioperasikan pada aliran sinyal tunggal.Algoritma Kriptografi Ganda untuk memecahkan pesan dengan kode tunggal (Single Coded Message).Ciri-ciri MISD yaituTipe dari komputer paralelInstruksi ganda (Multiple Instructions) yaitu setiap unit pemrosesan mengoperasikan data secara mandiri melalui jalur aliran instruksi yang terpisah.Berupa data tunggal yang diberikan ke unit pemrosesan ganda (lebih dari satu).

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang pengertian MISD : brainly.co.id/tugas/5959044Materi tentang taksonomi komputer : brainly.co.id/tugas/13029932

Detil Jawaban

Kelas : VII (SMP)

Mapel : TIK

Bab : Operasi dasar pada sistem operasi

Kode : 7.11.6

Kata Kunci : MISD (Multiple Instruction Stream, Single Data Steram)

15. Write conditional sentences with the following types! Type 1 & 2 Tolong yaa

----Conditional Sentence----

Type 1
⇒ If I study hard , I will pass the exam well 

Type 2 
⇒ If I went to the party , I would get a new friend

I hope it can help you ^_^type 1: If she gets good marks, her mother will be proud of her.

My father will scold me if I don't study

type 2: If I were you, I would study for the test

If she wasn't sick, she would have attended school

16. 1.mention 7 types of subjective2.mention 7 types of objective3.mention 7 types of possessive adjective4.mention 7 types of possessive pronoun5.give 2 example of objectiveplisss dikumpul skrng kak);​


1. -analogies

-multiple choice



-fill in the blanks

-sentence completition

-relatively easy to construct

2. -strategic goals



-stating organizational

-put the plans into action

-choose best alternatives

-developing premises

3. -my







4. -mine







5. Dean tried to be as objective as possible and let the report speak for itself.

Success will depend on objective criteria and visualizing the process. .


Tolong LIKE dan KSIH 5 BNTG dan FOLOW

susah banget loh_-

17. Bedanya reading 1 sama intensive reading ?a bedanya

Jawaban:intensive reading itu lebih ke membaca yang bagian penting saja


18. 1.karangan tentang holiday dengan b.inggris 2. reading 3.comversasion​

karangan tentang holiday

19. hich question that the answer will you find in the reading text How many types of rainforest? How many types of temperate rainforest? How many types of tropical rainforest? What are the characteristics of the America continent?


FOUND ON EVERY continent except Antarctica, rainforests are ecosystems filled with mostly evergreen trees that typically receive high amounts of rainfall. Tropical rainforests are found near the equator, with high average temperatures and humidity, while temperate rainforests lie mostly in coastal, mountainous areas within the mid-latitudes.

A rainforest is typically made up of four key layers: emergent, upper canopy, understory, and forest floor. In the top emergent layer, trees as tall as 200 feet (60 meters) grow far apart and tall, their branches reaching above the canopy. The upper canopy, a deep layer of vegetation roughly 20 feet (6 meters) thick, houses most of the rainforest's animal species and forms a roof that blocks most light from reaching below.

Below the canopy, the understory is a low-light layer dominated by shorter plants with broad leaves, such as palms and philodendrons. On the dark forest floor, few plants are able to grow and decaying matter from the upper layers is prevalent, feeding the roots of the trees.

Why "rain" forests?


Rainforests are often partly self-watering. Plants release water into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration. The moisture helps create the thick cloud cover that hangs over most rainforests. Even when it's not raining, these clouds keep the rainforest humid and warm.

Rainforest loss

Deforestation is endangering rainforests worldwide, driven by logging, mining, agriculture, and ranching. About 17 percent of the Amazonian rainforest has been destroyed over the past 50 years, and losses recently have been on the rise. Tropical rainforest now covers about six percent of Earth's land surface.

Two countries accounted for 46 percent of the primary (meaning old-growth, undisturbed) tropical rainforest loss in 2018: Brazil, which is home to more than half the Amazon, and Indonesia, where forests are cut down to make way for producing palm oil, which can be found in everything from shampoo to saltines. In other countries, such as Colombia, CĂ´te d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Democratic Republic of the Congo, loss rates are rising considerably. In many cases, such as logged areas, the soil damage makes it difficult for rainforests to regenerate, and the biodiversity found in them is irreplaceable.

Rainforest benefits

When we lose rainforests, we lose an important natural resource. Tropical rainforests are centers of biodiversity, holding an estimated half of the world’s plants and animals, many of which have yet to be catalogued (some scientists estimate that it’s two-thirds of the world's plants). Rainforests produce, store, and filter water, protecting against soil erosion, floods, and drought.

Many of the plants found in rainforests are being used to make medicine, including anti-cancer drugs, along with beauty products and foods. One drug under development for treating HIV, Calanolide A, is derived from a tree discovered on Malaysian Borneo. And Brazil nut trees refuse to grow anywhere but in undisturbed sections of the Amazon rainforest. There, the trees are pollinated by bees that also visit orchids, and their seeds are spread by agoutis, small tree mammals. Rainforests are also home to endangered or protected animals such as the Sumatran rhino, orangutans, and jaguars.




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Forest trees also absorb carbon, an important function needed as human-caused greenhouse gas emissions stoke climate change. Rainforest loss is a double-whammy for the climate: It contributes emissions while removing a future potential source of carbon storage. Human activity has caused tropical rainforests to emit more carbon dioxide than they absorb at this point, according to one study.

Rainforest protection

Organizations and governments around the world are engaged in trying to protect rainforests. In Indonesia, notes Global Forest Watch, primary forest loss in 2017 dropped to its lowest rate since 2003 after the government enacted policies to protect certain areas.


Conservation groups, activists, and indigenous communities also play an important role. National Geographic Explorer Topher White, for example, has come up with a way to use recycled cell phones to monitor for chainsaws, while other groups, including the Rainforest Action Network and Conservation International, are working to monitor forests and create economies that thrive by protecting these ecosystems rather than destroying them, such as local tourism and sustainable products. In Brazil, thousands of indigenous people have staged demonstrations to reinforce their claim to threatened lands, arguing that they are often better stewards of rainforests and the wildlife they contain than national governments.

20. tipe data apa saja yang termasuk NON- primitive data types​


Jika didalam bahasa pemrograman Java contoh type data Non-primitive diantaranya :





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