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Why Did The Farmers Daughter Watch The Lazy Cows

Why Did The Farmers Daughter Watch The Lazy Cows

Why did the farmers pray to the Butho Ijo? ​

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1. Why did the farmers pray to the Butho Ijo? ​




maaf tolong diperjelas!?

2. why did the man stop being lazy

kenapa lelaki menjadi berhenti malas?mengapa pria ini menjadi malas

3. 1.who were the characters of the story? 2.where did the story happen? 3.why did the farmers pray to the god? 4.how did he get the farmers get theit daughter? 5.what was her name? 6.why did the giant come again to the farmers house? 7.what did those things use for how? 8.what dit those things use for? How? 9.how did the giant die? 10.what can yiy learn from the story?


1.who were the characters of the story?

Answer : Timun Mas, the giant, and a farmer and his wife.

2.where did the story happen?

Answer : In a village near  a forest.

3.why did the farmers pray to the god?

Answer :  Because they did not have any  children.

4.how did the farmers get their daughter?

Answer : He plant a  cucumber seed from the Giant.

5.what was her name?

Answer : Her name was Timun Mas.

6.why did the giant come again to the farmers house?

Answer : He wanted to take Timun Mas away.

7.what did those things use for? how?

Answer : To  fight off the giant.

8.what did those things use for? How?

9.how did the giant die?

Answer : The giant fell  into the swamp and drowned.

10.what can you learn from the story?

Answer : We should not give up with all the problems of life that happens in our life


Berikut adalah teks terkait soal yang ditanyakan :

Timun Mas

A long time ago, there was a farmer and his wife.  They lived happily in a village near  a forest. Unfortunately, they did not have any  children. Every day they prayed to God for a  child.  One day a giant passed their home. He heard  their prayers and he gave them a  cucumber seed.  Plant this seed and you will have a daughter. But  on her 17 th birthday, you must give her to  me," said the giant.  Months later, a golden cucumber grew from the  seed and became bigger. When it  was ripe, they cut the cucumber and they found a  beautiful baby inside, they so happy. They  named the baby Timun Mas (Golden Cucumber).  Timun Mas grew into a beautiful girl. They lived  happily. On her 17 th birthday, the giant  returned. He wanted to take Timun Mas away.  The farmer went into the house. He gave a little  bag to Timun Mas. "This will help you to  fight off the giant. Now, run as fast as you can".  The couple were very sad to see their  beautiful daughter go. When the giant found out  that she was not there, he became  angry. He destroyed their hose and ran after  Timun Mas. The giant chased Timun Mas steadly closing on  her. Timun Mas took a handful of salt  from her little bag and spread it behind her.  Suddenly a wide sea appeared between the  giant and her. The giant had to swim to reach her.  After a while the giant started getting closer  again. Timun Mas took some chilies and  threw them to the giant. The chilies suddenly  grew into trees and surrounded the giant. The  trees grew thorns as sharp as a knife. The giant  screamed in pain. Timun Mas was able to  escape again. But the giant could freed himself  and chased Timun Mas again. Timun Mas  threw cucumber seeds. Suddenly there was a  large cucumber field. The tired and hungry giant  ate the fresh cucumber. Soon, he became very sleepy and fell asleep.  Timun Mas was very tired and could not run fast  anymore. The giant woke up and  chased her again. Desperately she threw her last  magic item, terasi (shrimp paste). The  shrimp paste became a big swamp. The giant fell  into the swamp and drowned.  Timun Mas was finally safe. She returned to her  parent's house. Her parents thanked  God for saving their daughter. "thank you, God.  You have saved my daughter", they cried  happily. From then on, Timun Mas lived happily  wIth her parents. They never had fear for giant again.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai soal narrative text Snow White pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/263451


4. what did happen the to farmers after the flood

he will lose livestock and fields of rice or corn

5. Answer Why does the snake refuse the Farmers gift


Because the snake thinks that they are the most supreme being on this plane of existence and therefore has no need to take pity from a mere inferior being such as a farmer


hasil pemikiran jam 11

6. 1. When did the story happen? 2. How many children did the merchant have? 3. What did three merchant's daughter ask to his father? 4. Why did the beast do not kill the merchant? 5. How did the beast become a handsome man?

1. A long time ago

2. 3 children

3. Prettiest wanted a brocade dress, Sweetest asked a pearl necklace, Beauty wanted a rose.

4. Because the merchant gave his daughter to the beast.

5. Beauty hugged beast and told him she would marry him.

7. Why does the snake refuse the farmers gift?

mengapa ular menolak pemberian petani?

8. What did the couple farmers ask from buta ijo

the farmer asked a child to buta ijo

maaf kalo salah:)

9. why do the grape farmers hate lady birda

Jika kamu tanya artinya, maka artinya : mengapa petani anggur membeci nyonya birda?

Ini kurang jelas pertanyaan nya, krn km tdk mencamtumkan instruksi dr pertanyaan kamu. Kalo bisa dicantumkan instruksinya ya :)

10. Why di the farmers commonty like the bugs

Cuz the bugs were very annoying

11. answer the following questions based on the story the crying stone! 1.where does the story come from? 2.how did the folloew treat her daughter? 3.the widow worked harder for her daughter,what did she hope? 4.what did the mother and her daughter wear tot he market? 5.what did the daughters friends ask to the daughter

Responsio :
1) The story comes from Maninjau, West Sumatra
2) Kata folloew kurang jelas maksudnya apa. Kalau dilihat dari sisi ibunya "The mother treated her daughter nicely"
3) She hoped that her daughter would learn to respect her
4) The mother wore an old threadbare clothing and the daughter in a bright and attractive dress
5) The daughter's friends asked her whether the woman behind her was her mother

Be beautiful on the inside, you will see the universe a beautiful place. -Elia Abu Madi

12. Why the Farmers can growl many vegetables in Indonesia?


Because Indonesia have such a Great Soil/Ground


So that there's More & better Crop of Plants that can Grow in Indonesia

13. and some of us helped the farmers wash the cows apa artinya


And some of us helped the farmers wash the cows.
(Dan beberapa dari kami membantumu para petani memandikan sapi-sapi)


14. some of us helped them to feed the cows and some of us helped the Farmers wash the cows​


Di suruh ngapain kak?

Translate :

beberapa dari kami membantu mereka memberi makan sapi dan beberapa dari kami membantu para petani mencuci sapi.

Maaf kalau salah soalnya kakak tidak kasih petunjuk ^^"

15. What did the daughter send to her mother


Apa yang dikirim anak perempuan itu kepada ibunya?

16. how did the chief's youngest daughter

2. apa maksutnya coba

17. 1.why did the farmes pray?2.who helped the farmers to have a child?3.what was the Giant's request?4.what was the name of the child?5.why did the farmers name the child Timun Mas?6.what were inside the bag?7.how did the Giant die?8.could timun mas come back home??pliss jawabb dikumpulkan siang iniii:(#MAKASIHH YG UDH JAWABBBB​


1.  so they can have children

2. giant

3.  If the child is large the farmer must hand it over to the giant

4.  the boy named Timun Mas

5.  Because he was born with a cucumber that was so shiny like gold that the farmer gave the child Timun Mas

6.  The potion that comes from the woman to save him

7.  The giant died in mud that is so hot and deadly

8. Timun Mas can come back safely

18. did- the man- visit - ? - why - daughter- his - earliertolong urutkan ke yang benar kak​


Why did the man visit his daughter earlier?

19. 1. Where did an old widow and her daughter want to go ?2. Where was the market ?3. What is the main idea of the first paragraph ? 4. How did the daughter look like ? 5. Why did the old widow prayed to the God ?​


1. The old widow and her daughter wants to go to the market

2. Location of the market was really a long way from their house, They had to walked miles away

3. the old widow and her daughter wants to go to the market , actually her daughter refused to accompany her mother, but sinally she agreed in one condition

4. Her dress was dirty and ugly

5. she pray for what her feel about her daughter and wanted to give her a punishment  


Life is difficult when you always look at ur upper class lol

20. some of us helped them to feed the cows and some of us helped the Farmers wash the cows​

Jawaban: beberapa dari kita membantu mereka memberi makan sapi dan beberapadari kita membantu petani mencuci sapi

Penjelasan: maaf kalo salah :)

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