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You Are Choosing Between Two Health Clubs

You Are Choosing Between Two Health Clubs

the difference between two square numbers is 19,what are the two square numbers

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1. the difference between two square numbers is 19,what are the two square numbers

eighteen and twenty...18&20

2. make a series of SMS text between you and your friend. pretend that you two are planning to do something together

Emi : " Desap how if today we have plann to study together? "
Desap ; " Maybe I can "
Emi : " How if at 3 pm later in your home.?"
Desap :" Sure. Okay its not problem."
Emi :" oke"
Desap : " i will wait you ok to come here!"
Emi ;" okay!"A : Hi, B!
B : Hi! what happen?
A : hmmm.. I make a plaaning for our holiday.
B : What is it?
A : We are going to go to the zoo, aren't you?
B : I think, we shall go to the beach, we can swim, we can ride a banana boat, and many more.
A : Ok, but, I will buy a sun cream and a swim suit.
B : Ok, Don't forget to buy the food!
A : Ok, bye..
B : Bye..

3. write true or false our knees are between two arm bones=​

The answer is true, if u're not sure, U can stand up and look at your knees and your arm

4. Heat transfer between two objects that are touching is called …. * a.conduction b.convectionc. condensationd. radiation ​


a. conduction


Conduction is the process by which heat energy is transmitted through collisions between neighboring atoms or molecules.

5. The distance between two towns are 15 km, if the distance of the two towns mapped at the map, the scale is 1 250 000. The distance between two town on the map are...​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

S = Ug/Us



Ug= 1.500.000/250.000


6. indonesia lies between two ..... pacific

Indonesia lies between two ocean pacific

7. this is new town.there are two Banks in the two.there are city bank and amanah bank the banks are on jalan pahlawan. the museum is between the two banks ( b. indo)​

Bahasa Indonesianya:

ini kota baru. ada dua bank di keduanya. ada bank kota dan bank amanah yang bank-banknya ada di jalan pahlawan. museum berada di antara dua bank

8. 4. Make the dialogue by Choosing between oneself or others introduction dialogue !​



Memperkenalkan diri sendiri : "Hello, good morning guys, my name is Bianca, I am 13 years old and I am from Jakarta. My hobby is drawing, thanks"

Memperkenalkan orang lain : "Hi ! Let me introduce you to my new friend, her name is Stefiani, she is 13 years old and born on January 12th."

(Bisa ditambahin alamat, hobi, dll, terserah kamu nya aja)


9. Setiawan was offered the choice between two posts’ means: ‘..........… the choice between two posts


pos 2



10. The difference between the two numbers is 36. The ratio of the two numbers is 7 : 3. What are the two numbers?


















[tex] \boxed{ \colorbox{black}{ \sf{ \color{lightgreen}{ answered\:by\:Duone}}}} [/tex]

















: )

11. 2. The force of gravity between two masses can be compared with the magnetic force between two magnets. a. Describe two ways that these forces are similar. ​


The key difference between gravitational force and magnetic force is that gravitational force acts on all things that have a mass whereas magnetic force acts on things having iron or an electric charge on them. Moreover, gravitational force is usually a weak force while magnetic force is a much stronger force


#maaf kalo salah


1. Attracts objects to a central point.

2. Has a field or surrounding area that is able to attract objects.


1. Attracts objects to a central point.

In a magnetic force, magnets will attract each other with the same magnetism between 2 different poles or will attract objects made of metal. Whereas in the law of earth's gravity, objects above the earth's surface will be relatively attracted to the center of the earth, because of that we can stand with certainty without lacking balance and cause us to fly as if in outer space that does not have earth's gravity or gravity the earth is small, so does its work on other objects such as mountains, seas, water, and other objects.

2. Has a field or surrounding area that is able to attract objects.

For a field or area of attraction, the magnet has a magnetic field or areas of metal or magnetic objects that can be attracted by other magnets and the farther away from the magnet the weaker the attraction will be. Whereas in the gravitational force of the earth, the area or field of objects that can be pulled is around from the center of the earth to the atmosphere. Just like a magnet, the farther away from the center of the earth, the lower the gravitational force. The proof is like us and other natural objects that can be strongly attracted and stand upright on the earth's surface. But it's different when in the atmosphere or above the gravitational force will be weaker, the evidence is like astronauts who fly when they are outside the range of the earth's gravitational force with other objects.

12. how do you determine the explicit and implicit to connect between two setences?​


Artinya: bagaimana Anda menentukan eksplisit dan implisit untuk menghubungkan antara dua kalimat?


implisitadalah sesuatu yang tersirat.

eksplisitsesuatu yang tersurat.

13. 2. The force of gravity between two masses can be compared with the magnetic force between two magnets. a. Describe two ways that these forces are similar. 1. 2. b. Describe one way that these forces are different.​


Hence the new force between the magnetic poles if the distance between them gets doubled and their pole strength also gets doubled remains unchanged i.e., the force between them is F .


#maaf kalo salah

14. The difference between two numbers is 84 and their sum is 278. what are the numbers?


a = 181

b = 97

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

a-b = 84

a+b =278

eliminasi jadi

2a= 362

a = 181

a - b =84

181 - b = 84

b = 97

Semoga Membantu


Sinta: Hai Jenneth, How are you? Im glad to see you here!

Jenneth: Hai sinta, Im fine thanks for asking! Im glad to see you too, anyway what are you doing here?

Sinta: I will buy groceries/food material for this lunch, what about you?

Jenneth: Woah cool! and im going to buy food material for dinner tomorrow, my sister family will visit me tomorrow, do you want come to my house and having dinner with us?

Sinta: i'd love to Jenneth, but unfortunately, my son is sick, and i need to taking care of him...

Jenneth: Aw that's bad, Get well soon for your son!

Sinta: Thank you, and have fun for you dinner tomorrow! and i have to go bye! and nice to see you Jenneth!

Jenneth: Thank you Sinta, Nice to see you too! And bye!

Semoga jawaban saya dapat membantu.

16. indonesia lies between two adalah

Indonesia berada diantara dua...
Indonesia lies between two continents and two oceans...

17. Make a dialog between two people discussing about: 1. going to the theater 2. choosing what to eat at dinner 3. where to go on vacation Tolong yaa abang dan kakak Make a dialog between two people discussing about: 1. going to the theater 2. choosing what to eat at dinner 3. where to go on vacation Tolong ya kakak dan abang



A:Hi,B.what are you doing?

B:Hi,A.i am not doing anything.i am just

boring. how about you?

A: i want to go to theater, do you

wanna join?

B: yes, but i have to ask my father first.

A:of course, i will be waiting


B: Hi mom, what we gonna eat atau dinner?

Mom: i don't know, maybe we gonna eat

fried chicken and fried rice

B: Yes,my favorit food.

Mom: now, i have to cool

B: i will help you mom.


A:mom and dad, where we want to go

on vacation?

mom: we gonna go to yogyakarta

dad: and we gonna go to grandmother


A: yes, i am so happy. i really miss grandmother


mom/dad: we gonna go on saturday

A: yay.


maaf kalau salahnya, jadikan yang terbaik

18. 1. What does text 1 tell you about? 2. What does text 2 tell you about? 3. That are differences between those two text?


1. Computer Portable Or Laptop

2. the writer laptop

3. text 1 uses descriptive text and text 2 uses narrative text


19. what is the different between "how are you" and how do you do ?​


'How are you? ' is the interrogative sentence used in the formal and informal way. On the other hand, 'how do you do? ' is the interrogative sentence used in a very formal way.


So how are you is used in a formal or informal way meanwhile how do you do is used in a formal or usual way.


How are you? ' is the interrogative sentence used in the formal and informal way. On the other hand, 'how do you do? ' is the interrogative sentence used in a very formal way

20. Write the conversation between two persons who are meeting for the first time

Lisa: Hi, my name is Lisa, I am from USA.

Rina: Hi, I am Rina, from Indonesia.

Lisa: Nice to meet you, Rina.

Rina: Nice to meet you too, Lisa.

Lisa: So, where do you live in Indonesia?

Rina: I live in Bali. Have you ever visited Bali?

Lisa: Oh, yeah, Bali, I know Bali, I visited Bali once, 5 years ago. It's so beautiful.

Rina: And how about you? Where do you live?

Lisa: I live in Eugene, Oregon.


Dialog atau conversation di atas bertema perkenalan dua orang yang baru bertemu. Mereka kemudian saling memperkenalkan diri, dimulai dengan nama masing-masing dan lainnya.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang cara memahami kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris https://brainly.co.id/tugas/31849344

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