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Why Do Serous Membranes Occur In Pairs

Why Do Serous Membranes Occur In Pairs

why do floods often occur in Japan?​

Daftar Isi

1. why do floods often occur in Japan?​

Torrential rains have occurred with a high frequency in recent years in Japan, and the frequency of extreme weather conditions is increasing. ... This indicates that global warming is a potential contributing factor to catastrophic floods in western Japan.

Maaf kalo salah y

2. 8. Why do heavy showers and thunderstorms tend to occur in a warmer area?​

Mengapa hujan deras dan badai cenderung terjadi di daerah yang lebih hangat?

Because water evaporation occurs in warm areas, causing rain


3. why covid 19 can occur in our country? ​

because there are people who do not comply with regulations set by the local government

4. work in pairs ask and answer questions about the monologs in activity 15 do it in turns ?tolong bantu jawabb ya!!!​


pukimay anjieng



bekerja berpasangan bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan tentang monolog dalam kegiatan 15 lakukan secara bergiliran


semoga bermanfaat buat anda

5. Still in pairs, read the cues and do a question and answer ​

Ungkapan intention: menyatakan keinginan/rencana untuk melakukan sesuatu di masa mendatang.

1. Student A: What is your plan in the morning?

Student B: I will get a haircut in near saloon

2. Student A: What do you plan to do tonight?

Student B: I will go for a walk around the town.

3. Student A: What is your going to do at 2 o'clock?

Student B: I'm going to play tennis with my friends.

4. Student A: What do you plan after we eat?

Student B: I will run some errands


Penggunaan intention:

a. Subject + shall/will + verb 1

I will go to the market. (Saya akan pergi ke pasar)We shall check the audio after we eat. (Kami akan mengecek audio setelah kami makan)They will climb the mountain next month. (Mereka akan mendaki gunung bulan depan)

b. Subject + be going to + verb 1

I am going to cook a cake (Saya akan memasak kues)I'm going to visit my grandma's house (Saya akan mengunjungi rumah nenek saya)She is going to play tennis this afternoon (Dia akan bermain tenis sore nanti)

c. Subject + will be + non verb

They will be here soon (Mereka akan disini segera)She will be happy after receiving the gifts (Dia akan bahagia setelah menerima hadiah itu)They will be satisfied with the results (Mereka akan puas dengan hasilnya)Pelajari lebih lanjutDefinition of planning https://brainly.co.id/tugas/5408245Contoh kalimat intention https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4308124


Detil jawaban

Kelas: 10

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Intention/Plan

Kode: 10.5.3

Kat Kunci: Intention, Dialog about plan

6. Analyze the impact of condition of bacterial cells that do not have membranes or membranes covering cell organelles!


The impact of these conditions on the cells could result in a reduced ability to survive and grow, and even lead to cell death. Additionally, cells without proper membrane structures and functions could negatively affect the overall health and functioning of the organisms they are part of, such as in the case of bacterial infections.


Bacterial cells without membranes or membranes covering cell organelles would have a significant impact on the survival and function of the cells. Without membranes, the cells would not have a proper structure for maintaining a stable internal environment, protecting themselves from external threats, and regulating the transport of essential substances in and out of the cells. Additionally, without the membranes covering cell organelles, the cells would be unable to carry out normal cellular processes, such as energy production and protein synthesis, effectively.

The impact of these conditions on the cells could result in a reduced ability to survive and grow, and even lead to cell death. Additionally, cells without proper membrane structures and functions could negatively affect the overall health and functioning of the organisms they are part of, such as in the case of bacterial infections.

Overall, the condition of bacterial cells without membranes or membrane-covered organelles is a serious concern, and it highlights the importance of proper membrane structures and functions in maintaining the health and survival of cells.

7. write the parts of the house. do it in pairs

tulis bagian-bagian rumah.lakukan secara berpasangan1. Kitchen
2. Living Room
3. Family Room
4. Bed Room
5. Bath Room
6. Terrace

Semoga membantu ya :))

8. What are the English fricatives that do not occur in Bahasa Indonesia?



Frikatif bahasa Inggris apa yang tidak muncul di




Apa frikatif bahasa Inggris yang tidak terjadi


semoga membantu:)

9. task 4:do in pairs and complete the dialogue with the words given in the box​


task 4:do in pairs and complete the dialogue with the words given in the box =

Tugas 4: lakukan berpasangan dan selesaikan dialognya dengan kata-kata yang diberikan dalam kotak

Jawaban + Penjelasan:

Soal tersebut menyuruh kamu untuk melengkapi dialog dengan kata-kata yang diberikan di dalam kotak​.

Jadi karena tidak ada gambar ataupun teks lain yang disajikan, saya hanya bisa membantu ini. lain kali tanyakan pertanyaan yang logis.

Semoga bermanfaat ya~

10. soal nya 1.when does the dialog occur?2.why does Mrs.nadia warn Wisnu?3.what do wisnu and Edo have to do ?4.what are do students going to do?5.why should the students keep the place clean?​


1. Kapan dialog tersebut terjadi?

2. mengapa Mrs.nadia memperingatkan Wisnu?

3. apa yang harus dilakukan oleh Wisnu dan Edo?

4. apa yang akan siswa lakukan?

5. mengapa para siswa harus menjaga kebersihan tempat?


Ini Kk udh Terjemahkan Jadi biar gampang

11. why did the rengasdengklok event occur?​

because golongan tua n golongan muda have different opinion

12. Why is a tsunami occur? ​


maybe, because of the tidal wave and the earthquake down there

13. Why did the rengasdengklok event occur?

Mengapa rengasdengklok acara yang terjadi?

14. In pairs, make some dialogs about what you usually do in the following rooms, see the example. What do you usually do in the living room? What do you usually do in the bedroom? What do you usually do in the kitchen? What do you usually do in the garage? mohon bantuanya ​


1) I usually relaxing with my family in the living room

2) I usually take a sleep in the bedroom

3) I usually cooking dinner in the kitchen

4) I usually parking my car in the garage

15. The particles in liquids and gases show random motion. What does that mean, and why does it occur?


Partikel dalam cairan dan gas menunjukkan gerakan acak. Apa artinya itu, dan mengapa itu terjadi?


semoga membantu maaf kalo salah

16. Why does diffusion not occur through the upper epidermis


Mengapa difusi tidak terjadi melalui epidermis atas?

17. what do think of unemployment that occur in Indonesia? do you have any idea to decrease the quantity of that?

i think it's bad (duh obviously) we need to make a program like volunteer job for those people. don't forgot to donate. we also need to make an organization like "koprasi indonesia" to set them free from jobless life and make them aware and avoid the "lintah darat" in indonesia.We should give them a chance to develop their opportunity as an example government should gave them information about a job that can be done by creativity such as making a cookies or furniture handmade or government employed them as a worker at a government company.

18. How do you define minimal pairs? Why are fine and vine considered as minimal pairs, while soup and group are not? ​


How do you define minimal pairs?
Menurut definisi:
Minimal pairs are pairs of words and, or phrases that only differ in one phonological element but have different meanings.

Soalnya merujuk ke "you" jadi saya anggap menurutmu dengan kata katamu sendiri, jadi:
Words or phrases that have a similar pronunciation but differ in meaning and one phonological element.

Why are fine and vine considered as minimal pairs, while soup and gorup are not?
While fine and vine shares a relatively similar pronunciation and also differs only in one phonological element, group and soup does not have only one differentiation in phonological element and does not sound the same.

19. work in pairs Write a simple dialog about what you can do and what you will do​

1.X: can you drive?

Y:No,I can't

X:how do you go to school?

Y:I will use my bike

2.X:can you make a pancake?

Y:No,but I can make a fried rice

X:can you please make it for me?

Y:yes I can

3.X:can we have a pet?

Y:yes we can

X:Can I choose the pet?

Y: of course you can

4.X:can we eat chicken for dinner?

Y:yes we can

X:can I have di biggest part?

Y:yes you can

5.X:can you use a computer?

Y:No, I can't

X:then how do we finished our homework?

Y:I will ask my big brother to help me


20. apa yg dimaksud serous acinus​


acinus adalah sebuah kelompok kecil sel sel yg berkelompok dalam klaster seperti anggur

serous adalah cairan luka ini sebagian besar plasma darah berwarna bening atau angka kuningan dan lebih tebal dari air.

semoga bermanfaat

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