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Complete The Function Table For Each Equation Answer Key

Complete The Function Table For Each Equation Answer Key

read the cars carefully follow the directions for each question below and answer the questions complete​

Daftar Isi

1. read the cars carefully follow the directions for each question below and answer the questions complete​


1. Because her father was in an especially happy mood

2. Her favourite song song come on

3. She swerve the car because a dog ran out in the middle of the street and swerved to miss the dog

4. Because she ended up running into neighbor's trash can

5. Yulia swerved the car to miss a dog ran out in the middle of the street

6. Yulia's father wont let her drive again, the car damaged, the trash can got some dent

maaf kalau salah

2. arti dari Complete the table with the correct answer​


Lengkapi tabel dengan jawaban yang benar


Semoga membantu >_<


Complete the table with the correct answer


Lengkapi tabel dengan jawaban yang benar

Semoga membantu :)

3. Listen to the audio and complete the diagram below. write one word only for each answer​


mana audio nya


4. complete the equation for the oxidation of butane​ to propanoic acid3C4H10 + ....O2 —> 4C2H3OOH + ... H2O

Itu bukan bahasa arab mapelnya namanya tu. Bahasa inggris tu

5. copy and complete the following two word equation for waste energy



6. words in context. complete each sentence with the best answer.

1. make work it again
2. is not
3. goes up
4 lights
5. take it out of

7. 1. determine the differential equation foto the give circuit2. transform the equation into laplace transform3. determine the transfer function for the given circuit​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


8. use "be going to" or "will" to complete the sentence. then write each function​


1. The cloud is so dark. I think it be going to rain.

2. I have finished my homework. I will go to the cinema tonight.

3. Yuna promises that she will give me one of her cat.

4. I will be your classmate again next year.

5. She will clean the room because today is her schedule.

6. The store is just in front of her house. She be going to make it fast to get there.

7. Are you tired? I will call a pro masseuse.

8. I get a free voucher to visit London. I will go there next week.

9. You spilled the juice. Wait, i will clean it up.

10. This bread will going to get expired soon. The smell is not good anymore.

Maaf kalo salah, semoga membantu.

9. 2 (a) Write an algebraic expression for each function machine. One has been done for you. 1) n x 3 = 3n 2) n +4 = .... 3) n x 5 - 3= ... (b) Complete the function machine for the statement below


2. n+4

3. 5n-3

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

10. Task 8. Look at the table below and ask one question for each answer. Number one has been done for you. ​

2. Who is the tallest? Paul, George, or Betty?

- It's George. He is 180.

11. 1. what are the functions of the simple present tense? give examples to your answer.2. what are the three types of the verb 'to be? give examples for each type.3. what it an adjective? give examples to your answer4. what are the functions of the 'going to' form? give examples for each function5. what are the functions of the 'will' form? give examples for each function​


1. Apa saja fungsi hati yang sederhana ini? Berikan contoh untuk jawabanmu. 2. Untuk apa tiga jenis kata kerja itu? Berikan contoh untuk setiap tipe.

3. Apa itu kata sifat? Berikan contoh pada jawaban kalian 4. Apa fungsi dari bentuk 'pergi'? Berikan contoh untuk setiap fungsi

5. Apa fungsi dari bentuk 'akan'? Berikan contoh untuk setiap fungsi

12. Write a query to create a FOREIGN KEY constraint in the copy_d_events table. Name the foreign key copy_d_events_fk. This key references the copy_d_clients table client_number column .....


Tulis kueri untuk membuat batasan FOREIGN KEY di tabel copy_d_events. Beri nama kunci asing copy_d_events_fk. Kunci ini mereferensikan kolom copy_d_clients tabel client_nomor .....


maaf kalo salah

13. What we use them for?43. Complete the table!ThingsChairsTableClockCalendarEraser​


we use chairs to sit.

we use table to put things and do stuffs on it.

we use clock to tell the time.

we use calendar to tell the date.

we use eraser to erase the mistakes written with pencil.

hope this helps:)

14. 4.What is the function of insects for Hero?Answer:What are its legs used for?Answer:5.​


4).What is the function of insects for Hero?

Answer: Hero' s strong legs are useful for swimming and climbing tress.

5).What are its legs used for?

Answer:Legs are used for standing, and all forms of locomotion including recreational such as dancing, and constitute a significant portion of a person's mass. Female legs generally have greater hip anteversion and tibiofemoral angles, but shorter femur and tibial lengths than those in males.


semoga membantu

15. Circle the correct answer for each sentence​

1.b.have to

2.a.have to enter

3.b.does your sister have to/ doesn't

4.c.have to show it

5.b.do i have to clean

6.c.have to practice

7.a.had to go

8.a.must stop

sorry kalo semisalnta ada yang salah B)


1. B

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. A

Sorry if the answers are wrong/Maaf kalau jawabanya salah

16. Use 'be going to' or 'will' to complete the sentence. Then, write the function of the simple future!6. You spilled the milk. I (clean) it up.Answer:Function :7. My phone is broken. You (will) fix it for me?Answer :Function : ....8. I am (be) meet your girlfriend tonight?Answer:Function:9. My car ran out of gas. It (not go).Answer : ....Function :10.I have finished my assignment. I (go) to the cinema onAnswer:..Function : ....​

6. You spilled the milk. I will clean it up

Function : tindakan sukarela dalam menawarkan bantuan

7. My phone is broken. Will you fix it for me?

Function : Meminta tolong seseorang melakukan sesuatu untuk kita

8. Am I going to meet your girlfriend tonight?; or

Am I meeting your girlfriend tonight?

Function : menyatakan rencana atau janji pertemuan

9. My car is ran out of gas. It isn't going to go

Function : memprediksikan sesuatu berdasarkan tanda-tanda (bukti) yang ada

10. I have finished my assignment. I am going to go to the cinema on Saturday

Function : menyatakan sebuah rencana

Penjelasan :

Simple Future Tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah rencana di masa depan, aksi yang akan dilakukan dan akan diselesaikan di masa yang akan datang

Pola kalimat dalam Simple Future Tense dapat menggunakan "will + V1" atau "to be + going to + V1", dan masing-masing memiliki fungsinya sendiri-sendiri

a. Pola Simple Future Tense dengan "will + V1" :

(+) S + will + V1 + O

(-) S + will not + V1 + O

(?) Will + S + V1 + O + ?

Digunakan untuk :

- menyatakan sebuah prediksi

Contoh : Bring your umbrella! There will be rain tonight.

(Bawalah payungmu! Akan ada hujan malam ini)

- menawarkan sebuah tindakan sukarela untuk memberikan bantuan kepada orang lain

Contoh : I will get the documents you need

(Saya akan ambilkan dokumen yang kamu butuhkan)

- memberikan tanggapan atau keluhan seseorang

Contoh : I will tell him when he get home

(Saya akan menceritakan padanya saat dia pulang nanti)

- meminta seseorang melakukan sesuatu untuk kita

Contoh : Will you help me to open the windows, please?

(Apakah kamu akan menolongku untuk membukakan jendela?)

- menyatakan sebuah aksi yang dilakukan secara spontan atau tanpa direncakan sebelumnya

Contoh : Mr. Arman need a hammer. I will get it for him

(Pak Arman membutuhkan sebuah palu. Aku akan mengambilkan untuknya)

- menyatakan sebuah ancaman

Contoh : I will call the police, if you keep coming here

(Aku akan memanggil polisi, jika kamu terus datang kemari)

- untuk menolak permintaan seseorang dengan menggunakan "will not" atau "won't"

Contoh : I won't help you

(Saya tidak akan membantumu)

b. Pola Simple Future Tense dengan "to be + going to + V1" :

(+) S + am/is/are + going to + V1 + O

(-) S + am/is/are + not + going to + V1 + O

(?) am/is/are + going to + V1 + O + ?

Note :

- Subject Pronoun (I) menggunakan to be Am

- Subject Pronoun (They, We, You) dan Plural Noun (kata benda jamak) menggunakan Are

- Subject Pronoun (He, She, It) dan Singular Noun (kata benda tunggal) menggunakan Is

Digunakan untuk :

- menyatakan sebuah ide dan rencana

Contoh : They are going to goJakarta tomorrow morning

(Mereka akan pergi ke Jakarta besok pagi)

- Menyatakan sebuh prediksi

Contoh : The traffic is going to be crowded tonight

(Lalu lintasnya akan padat malam ini)

- menyatakan prediksi berdasarkan bukti atau tanda yang sudah terlihat

Contoh : The sky is grey. It is going to rain

(Langitnya berwarna keabuan. Akan turun hujan)





17. The posting key has controlling function for the following purpose, which is.....


The posting key has controlling function for the following purpose, which is.....

1. Transfer of information from financial accounting to management accounting

2. Post document items as debit or credit

3. Type of account to post document items

4. Additional state additional data field

18. looked for-in-she-key-her-yesterday-yard-the answer :.....................

She looked for her key yesterday in the yard

She looked for her key in the yard yesterday

19. Mention the function of future tense!give example for each function


function of simple future is to tell someone about an activity that relates with future action.

example given is :

SHE WILL STUDY TOMORROW (dia akan belajar besok)


semoga membantu


20. function ini the living room table​

The function of the living room table is for discussions with family or friends.The function of the living room table is to put snacks and drinks whenever a guest , family or friends comes to our house to welcome them.

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