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There Are 8 Brooms And 6 Mops

There Are 8 Brooms And 6 Mops

arti dari are there any dust brooms

Daftar Isi

1. arti dari are there any dust brooms

ada debu di sapu... semoga membantu....

2. there are five brooms. two dusters twenty chairs and twenty tables. apa artinya????

Ada lima sapu dua lap dua puluh kursi dan dua puluh meja

maaf kalo salahAda Lima Sapu. Dua Meja Berisi Dua Puluh Kursi Dan Dua Puluh Meja.

Maaf Klo Salah.

3. there are 3 brooms in the garden artinya


ada 3 sapu di taman

semoga membantu Anda:)



#Semoga membantu yaa :)

4. ...room is neat and clean because he mops and tidies it everday

“his” room is neat and clean because he mops and tidies it everyday

"His" room is neat and clean because he mops and tidies it everyday.

5. 1. There are three brooms in the classroom.2. There are thirty eight students in my class.3. There are five books on the table.4. There is a white board in the classroom.5. There is a tablecloth on the teachers table..​


Ini maksudnya diapakan?

Kalau diartikan ;

1. Ada tiga sapu di dalam kelas.

2. Ada tiga puluh delapan siswa di kelas saya.

3. Ada lima buku di atas meja.

4. Ada papan tulis di ruang kelas.

5. Terdapat taplak meja di atas meja guru.

maaf klu salah


ini disuruh ngapain ya soalnya? kalo disuruh artikan :







maaf kalau salah itu soalnya gaadaa:(

6. D. Read aloud. This is our class. There are many things in our class. There are tables, chairs, a cupboard, pictures, a clock, brooms, chalk, a dustbin, a ruler, a calendar, books, and a duster. The brooms and the dustbin are in the back corner of our class. Our class is clean and tidy. We put the clock in the wall in front​


Ini adalah kelas kita. ada banyak benda di kelas kita. ada meja, kursi, sebuah lemari, gambar, sebuah jam, sapu, kapur, sebuah tempat sampah, sebuah kalender, buku dan sebuah kain lap. Sapu dan tempat sampah ada di pojok belakang kelas kita. kelas kita itu bersih dan rapi. kita menaruh jam di tembok di depan


semoga membantu ya dan maaf jika ada kesalahan

7. there are twenty Foura. mapsto sit onb.chairsC- Windowsd. Brooms​


b. chairs


there are 24 chairs to sit on

8. Tolong ter jemah kan?.My name is rina,i was in four grade elementary school.My classroom neat and cleen condition,there are some classroom learning tools and cleaning equipmen.For example learning equipment such as props,rulers,books,globe and others.Cleaning equipment are examples of brooms, garbage cans,buckets and hand wipes.


Nama saya rina, saya duduk di bangku kelas empat sekolah dasar, kondisi kelas saya rapi dan bersih, terdapat beberapa alat belajar dikelas dan alat kebersihan misalnya alat belajar seperti alat peraga, penggaris, buku, bola dunia dan lain-lain. sapu, tong sampah, ember dan tisu basah.

9. 12. There are many ... in the library.a. Booksb. Foodsc. shoesd. Brooms​




moga membantu maap klo salah


a. books


sorry if i'm wrong

10. this is our class there many this in our class there are table ,chaiss, a cupboard,picture,a clock brooms,chaik,a dustbin,a ruler,a calender,book, and the duster.The brooms and the dustbin are in the back corner of our class our class is clean and tidy we put the clock on the wall in front of the class. the calender is between the cupboard and blackboard the ruler is beside the blackboard there are twenty five chaiss and table in our class (artikan)

Ini adalah kelas kami, ada banyak benda di kelas kami ada meja ,kursi , lemari,gambar,jam sapu, ,tempat sampah,penggaris,kalender,buku, dan kain lap.Sapu dan tempat sampah di sudut belakang kelas. kelas kami bersih dan menempatkan jam di dinding di depan kelas. kalender berada di antara lemari dan papan tulis berada di samping papan tulis ada dua puluh lima kursi dan meja di kelas kami
maaf klo salahIni adalah kelas kami di sana terdapat meja, kursi - kursi, sebuah lemari, gambar, sebuah jam dinding, sapu, kapur, sebuah tempat sampah, sebuah penggaris, sebuah kalender, buku, dan penghapus. Sapu dan tempat sampah terletak di belakang sudut kelas kami. Kelas kami bersih dan rapi. Kita meletakkan jam dinding di dinding depan kelas kami. Kalender berada di antara lemari dan papan tulis. Penggaris berada di samping papan tulis terdapat 25 bangku dan meja di kelas kami.

11. The brooms and the dustbin are in the back corner of our class artinya apa

Jawaban:sapu dan tempat sampah berada di sudut belakang kelas kami



sapu dan tempat sampah berada di sudut belakang kelas kami

12. PENDALAMAN MATERI SUKSES UJIAN - BAHASA INGGRIS The following text is for questions 3 to 5 good morning everybody welcome back to springfield school after your long holidays. just to remind you tomorrow we are going to make our school the cleanest place in the world. don't forget to bring brooms, dusters, mops, buckets, and other things you need. we will start at seven thirty. let's make our school clean and healthy 3. what do the students have to bring? a. gadgets for a picnic b. cleaning equipment c. springfield badge d. school stationary 4. what equipment is mentioned in the text? a. brooms, dusters, mops and buckets b. brooms, dippers, mops and buckets c. brooms, mops, dusters and dippers d. brooms, dippers, dusters and mops 5. why do the students have to bring the equipment? they are going to... a. clean their shoes b. clean theirs school c. wash their clothes d. make the floor shiny

3. B
4. A
5. B
Semoga membantu:)3) B. Cleaning equipment
4) A. Brooms, dusters, mops and buckets
5) B. Clean their school

13. This is our classroom. Our classroom is wide and clean. There are a lot of things in it. There are twenty two tables and forty four chairs. There is also a whiteboard, a flag, a ruler, a clock, a calender, some marker, and some picture. Beside that, there are also; some dusters and some brooms. Is your classroom dirty and narrow?a. Yes, it isb. No, it is notc. Yes, there isd. No, there is nottolong kak cuma 1, tysm​

D. No, there is not

14. how many brooms are there in the classroom​


how many brooms are there in the classroom : berapabanyaksapuyangadadikelas


how many brooms are there in the classroom

artinya : berapa banyak sapu di kelas


maaf saya hanya menerjemah kan

15. urutkan kata dibawah ini!please jawab besok senin ditumpuk....makasih :) 1.book - the - on - bookshelf - are - the 2.librarian - the - well- The - arrange - books 3.wants - magazine - Watik - to - at - library - read - the 4.are - tables - in - and - teacher's office - there - chairs - many - the 5.dirty - very - my - the - classroom - in - the - is - floor 6.are - wall -there - pictures - two - on - the 7.books - shelf - are -the - on - the 8.are - in - there - brooms - back - some - corner - my - classroom - of - the

1.are the book On the bookshelf
2.the librarian well the arrange
3.watik wants at to read the library

16. D. Read aloud. This is our class. There are many things in our class. There are tables, chairs, a cupboard, pictures, a clock, brooms, chalk, a dustbin, a ruler, a calendar, books, and a duster. The brooms and the dustbin are in the back corner of our class. Our class is clean and tidy​


Bacalah dengan keras. Ini adalah kelas kami. Ada banyak hal di kelas kami. Ada meja, kursi, lemari, gambar, jam, sapu, kapur, tempat sampah, penggaris, kalender, buku, dan kemoceng. Sapu dan tempat sampah ada di pojok belakang kelas kami. Kelas kami bersih dan rapi

17. 19. There are four … in the writer’s classroomA. broomsB. moppingC. picturesD. buckets​


There are four (...) in the writer’s classroom.

Writer > Penulis

There are many types of writer(s) such as:

- Penulis Cerpen

- Penulis Komik

- Penulis Novel


A storybook writer may need pictures in order to make the story perfect

Short answer:

There are four pictures in the writer’s classroom.

18. the students sweep the floor using the....A. MopsB. Dusters C. Brooms D. Chalks​


C. brooms


broom artinya sapu.


The students sweep the floor using the [tex]\bold{brooms}[/tex] (C.)

- ! Kalau jawaban ini tak terbantu/salah, boleh saja di report, nanti moderator akan menghapuskan jawaban ini ! -

^^ Terima kasih, dan semoga jawaban ini membantu tugasmu! ^^

19. the room is neat and clean because he mops and tidies ... everday​




karena clasroom merupakan kata benda dan menggunakan kata ganti "IT"





karena menjelaskan the room

20. Answer these questions based on the text above!1. there is ....... cupboard in fizi's class2. there are ...... table in fizi's class3. there are ....... brooms in fizi's class4. there is ....... map in fizi's class5. there are ........ whiteboard in fizi's class​

1. one/a
2. twenty
3. two
4. one/a
5. two

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