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Which Function Is The Most Difficult To Change

Which Function Is The Most Difficult To Change

which of the step is the most difficult one?tolong kasih tau jawabannya dong ​

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1. which of the step is the most difficult one?tolong kasih tau jawabannya dong ​


I don't know but I know the translation

langkah mana yang paling sulit?


Hope it is useful

Jawaban:Langkah mana yang paling sulit?


2. Math is difficult , but History is . . . . A. the most difficult B. the more difficult C. most difficult D. more difficult

╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ ╰┈─➤ Jawaban

D. more difficult

╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ ╰┈─➤ PenjelasanComparativeDidn't use ''Most''Didn't use ''The''Use ''More''Use ''Er''╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ ╰┈─➤ Lain Sebagainya

Kelas : 6 SD

Mapel : B.Inggris

Bab : Superlative & Comparative

Jawaban:D. more difficult

Penjelasan:moga bantu

3. function is pharses. : which they have the honor to accept is

Fungsi adalah (...?) : yg memiki kehormatan untuk menerima adalah

4. difficult - is -math-most-subget - the​


"Math is the most difficulf subject" or "The most difficult subject is math"



aku ralat ya

difficult - is -math-most-subject - the

Math is the most difficult subject

Matematika adalah mata pelajaran yang paling susah


semoga membantu

5. what do you think is the most difficult thing to do? ​

I think, the most difficult thing to do is to be consistent. It does really difficult for me to be consistent in doing something, I always ended up doing another non-necessary thing which I don't have to focus on.

6. Write complete question or answer 1.Which is the planet with the most English speaker? ______________________________________________________ 2.Which is the planet with the most moons ______________________________________________________ 3.Which planet is closest to the sun? ______________________________________________________

Merkurius1. Earth
2. Mars
3. Merkurius

semoga benar dan membantu.

7. the examination is (difficult, more difficult, most difficult) ... than the previous examination Tolong apah plisss

The examination is more difficult than the previous examinationThe examination is more difficult than the previous examination

(maaf kalau salah)

8. it is ( difficult, more difficult, the most difficult ) task of all​

Jawaban :
The most difficult

Penjelasan :
Difficult : jika menggunakannya kalimat nya akan berarti “ini adalah test susah dari semua test”
More difficult : jika menggunakannya kalimatnya akan berarti “ini adalah test lebi susah dari semua test”
The most difficult : jika menggunakannya kalimatnya akan berarti “ini adalah test paling susah dari semua test”

Kalimat yang paling cocok dan enak didengar adalah yang ketiga, yg menggunakan kata “the most difficult”

Semoga membantu

9. difficult - is -math -most-subtet - the​


B.inggris :

difficult - is -math -most-subtet - the


B.inggris :

matr - the - is - subtet - most - difficult


#No copas#No google#Maaf jika salah#Semoga membantu#Tolong follow atau like#Tolong jadikan jawaban tercerdas/terbaik lagi butuh kak

10. Which is the most dangerous fish

piranha fish its the most dangerous fish in the world ..I think shark is the most dangerous fish in the world

11. 1.Which is the most favorite song? 2.Which is the most favorite movie? 3.Whict is the most favorite food? 4.Which is the most favorite deink? 5.Who the moat favorite actor (male)? 6which is the most favorite show? 7.Who is the most favorite actor(lemale)?


itu terjemahannya. tidak ada teks?


1. Lagu apa yang paling favorit? 2. Film mana yang paling disukai? 3. Makanan apa yang paling favorit? 4. Deink mana yang paling favorit? 5. Siapa aktor favorit parit (pria)? 6Acara mana yang paling favorit? 7. Siapa aktor (lemale) paling favorit?

12. Math is the .... all subjects for me. * difficulter more difficult most difficult as difficult as


most difficult

tapi kayaknya di soal ada yang salah

13. Apa jawaban dari english is the most difficult lesson


Bahasa Inggris adalah pelajaran yang paling sulit

14. this is my … expensive car which is the correct one to complete the sentence and why? a. the most b. most

B. most
this is my most expensive car
ini adalah mobil termahalku

maaf aku kurang bisa jelasinnya
smoga bermanfaat ya

15. which books is the most interesting to you and why​


I am interesting with english book because i like to speak english and write some story with english language


saya gtw ini tentang diri saya atau bukan '-'

16. | have just learnt to? the activities | like most were? the activities | found most difficult were? what | need to do better is/are​chapter IV


Saya menemukan jawabannya di brainly dan ini saya contek ^^"

1. I have just learnt to ( saya baru saja belajar untuk )

A. Be a honest person. ( Menjadi seseorang yang jujur )

B. Be a diligent person. ( Menjadi seseorang murid yang rajin)

C. Be a patient person. ( Menjadi seseorang yang sabar

2. The activities I like most were ( aktivitas-aktivitas yang sangat saya sukai adalah )

A. I like Playing games ( Saya suka bermain game )

B. I like traveling ( Saya suka menjelajah )

C. I like reading comic books ( Saya suka membaca buku komik )

D. I like Watching YouTube ( Saya suka menonton youtube )

E. I like playing Football ( Saya suka bermain football )

3. The activities I found most difficult were ( aktivitas-aktivitas yang sangat sukar yangsaya temui adalah )

A. Wake up early every morning. ( Bangun awal setiap hari)

B. Go to bed early at night ( Tidur cepat di malam hari )

C. Stop being lazy ( Berhenti untuk bermalas)

D. Stop playing games at night ( berhenti bermain game di malam hari)

4. What I need to do better is/are ( Yang saya perlukan untuk dilakukan agar lebih baik adalah )

A. Discipline ( Disiplin )

B. Honest ( jujur )

C. Arrange my time regularly ( Mengatur waktu saya dengan teratur )

D. Get better at playing games ( perbaik permainan games )

Padahal saya menyontek, tapi saya menggantikan sedikit kok.

Semoga menolong ^^"

17. Which expression is the most polite ?​


could you please help me!

would you like to help me please!

would you kindly helo me please!

18. Which approach is most likely to result in employee buy-in to the budget?.


gapinter bhsa inggris




pendekatan mana yang paling mungkin menghasilkan pembelian karyawan dalam anggaran?

19. Exercise 3.5 Answer these questions in complete sentences. 1. Which is the longest metric unit of measurement? 2. Which is the shorter metric unit of measurement? 3. Which is the heaviest metal? 4. Which is the lightest gas? 5. Which is the simplest atom? 6. Which is the most complicated atom? 7. Which is the biggest city in the world? 8. Which is the least expensive metal? 9. Which are the most important oil-producing countries? 10. Which subject do you find most difficult and why?​


1. The longest unit of measurement is kilometres.

2. The shortest unit of measurement is millimetres.

3. The heaviest metal is osmium.

4. The lightest gas is hydrogen.

5. The simplest atom is hydrogen.

6. The most complicated atom is uranium.

7. The biggest city in the world is New York.

8. The least expensive metal is iron.

9. The most important oil-producing countries are U.S, Saudi Arabia, and Russia.

10. Your own opinion (berikan pendapatmu)

Semoga membantu, ya.

20. difficult - is -math-most-subget - the​


the math is subget most difficult.

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