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A Man Is Found Murdered In His Office

A Man Is Found Murdered In His Office

the man is writing books in his office ubah lah ke kalimat pasive nya!​

Daftar Isi

1. the man is writing books in his office ubah lah ke kalimat pasive nya!​


the books is being wrote by the man

2. A man who drives from his house to his office passes a library along the way. His house is is 4 km away from the library. The distance between the library and his office is 2 km shorter than the distance between the library and his house. What is the distance between his house and his office? ​


4km - 2 km = 2 km

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

His house is is 4 km away from the library. The distance between the library and his office is 2 km shorter than the distance between the library and his house.

rumahnya 4 km dari perpustakaan. Jarak antara perpustakaan dan kantornya 2km lebih dekat daripada jarak antara perpusatakaan dan rumahnya

Good Luck

I hope my answer can help you

3. The secretary said, “Is Mr. Fisher in his office?” (25 Poin)A. The secretary asked if Mr. Fisher was in his office. B. The secretary asked that if Mr. Fisher was in his office. C. The secretary said that if Mr. Fisher was in his office. D. The secretary asked if Mr. Fisher had been in his office.​




Correct answer is option b.


The secretary enquired if Mr. Fisher was in his office.

Hope this is helpful. If liked mark as brainliest

4. l found a pen in the office the day before yesterday​


Aku menemukan pena di kantor kemarin lusa


saya menemukan pena di kantor kemaren lusa

5. Robert (answer) ... the phone if he is in his office right now.

Robert answered the phone if he is in his office right now.

Answer: answered

6. The man ( bring )......the thick book to his office

bila yang diminta dalam bentuk past tense:
The man BROUGHT the thick book to his office

kalau yang diminta present tense:
The man BRINGS the thick book to his office

kalau yang diminta present continuous:
The man is bringing the thick book to his office

7. tolong bantu kakSiti : Is Ari in his office ? Susi : Let me see in his room.Ari is not at office. Siti : That`s Ok,See you then. Susi...​


tolong bantu kak

Siti: Apakah Ari di kantornya? Susi: Coba saya lihat di kamarnya Ari tidak ada di kantor. Siti: Tidak apa-apa, sampai jumpa. Susi ...

8. the man is ... his friends in the hospital now



The man is with his friends in the hospital now


9. Activity 12 Arrange these jumbled words into meaning sentences. 1. office - working - is - Clara - her - in - 2. man-old - is - the - Look! -- swimming. - - - - 3. a - Sharon - wearing - dress - is - - 4. playing - Mike - in -is - guitar - his-a-room - - - - 5. eating - the - Beth - dinner - is - in - dining room​


1. Clara is working in her office.

2. Look! the old man is swimming.

3. Sharon is wearing a dress.

4. Mike is playing a guitar in his room.

5. Beth is eating dinner in the dining room


formula present continuous tense:

subject (he/she/it) + is + verb-ing

subject i + am + verb-ing

subject (you/they/we) + are + verb-ing


1. Clara sedang bekerja di kantornya.

2. Lihat! pria tua itu sedang berenang.

3. Sharon sedang memakai gaun.

4. Mike sedang bermain gitar di kamarnya.

5. Beth sedang makan malam di ruang makan.

semoga membantu

10. the man......in the office yesterday

jawabannya adalah was karena lampau

11. Tono found his dog sleeping in the car. This sentence means ... a. he found his dog when he was sleeping in the car b. when he found his dog he was sleeping in the car c. his dog was sleeping in the car when he found it d. when his dog found him he was sleeping in the car

Jawaban yang benar adalah yang C

Alasan : Karena hewan peliharaan Tono itu ditemukan dalam kondisi tertidur

Semoga membantu :)Jawaban ny yg c. His dog was sleeping in the car when he found it. Itu artinya = dog nya sedang tidur di mobil ketika dia menemukannya

12. positive (+) =he is in his office tolong jadikan negative (-) dan interogative (?)​


(+) : He is in his office

(-) : He is not in his office

(?) : Is He in his office?



(+) = Subject + to be + adjective

(-) = Subject + to be + not + adjective

(?) = To be + subject + adjective

Subject : He

To be : Is

Adjective : in his office

13. Tono found his dog sleeping in the car. This sentence means ... a. he found his dog when he was sleeping in the car b. when he found his dog he was sleeping in the car c. his dog was sleeping in the car when he found it d. when his dog found him he was sleeping in the car

c. his dog was sleeping in the car when he was found it.
jawabannya adalah c. his dog was sleeping in the car when he found it.

14. My father is a police man.......is 37 years old.His name is mr.wahyu.my father....to his office every day.he is a good police man.i..... very proud of him​


My father is a police man HE is 37 years old. His name is mr.Wahyu. my father GO tohis office every day. he is a good police man. I'M very proud of him.


kayak gitu? maaf kalo salah

kalo bener tolong kasih like ya, terimakasih!

15. What is your father doing in his office now? He types a letterHe had a meetingHe will meet his clientsHe is searching articles in the internet​


What is your father doing in his office now?  

He types a letter

He had a meeting

He will meet his clients

He is searching for articles on the internet​


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan digarisbawahi. Kalimat merupakan bentuk Present Continuous Tense.

Subject + Tobe (is/am/are) + Verb-ing + Object

Semoga membantu ya.

16. latihan relative pronoun1. The man is a great actor He has played in many box office movie2. The man is a great actor A presenter in interviewing him on tv3. The man is a great actor His wife a talented actress4. The cat is cute It is on the roof5. Dr. supriyadi is operating on his patient a the moment He is a well known doctor in this country

1. the man who has played in many box office movie is a great actor.
2. the man whom a presenter is interviewing on tv is a great actor.
3. the man whose his wife is a talented actress is a great actor.
4. the cat which is on the roof is cute.
5. dr. supriyadi who is a well known doctor in this country is operating on his patient at the moment.

17. Caffeine is a drug found in ___.​


Caffeine or caffeine is a chemical found in coffee, tea, colas, guarana, mate, and other products. Caffeine is generally used to increase mental alertness, but caffeine has many other uses.

Caffeine was discovered by a German chemist, Friedrich Ferdinand Runge,  He coined the term "caffeine" to refer to the chemical compound in coffee

I hope this helps

18. A boy or young man employed in a business office to do odd jobs and errands is a/an

is an office boy..........

19. my father is a policeman.he drives his car to his office everyday and my father puts his car in the​


garage or parking lot

semoga membantu :)

20. mr. burhan is a very rich man in his village. he likes to jog around the compkex. nobody knows that hes is a rich man. he is......... he never shows his wealth.

Mr. Burhan adalah seorang yang sangat kaya di desanya. Dia suka berjalan-jalan di sekitar kompleks. Tidak ada seorangpun yang tau tentang kekayaannya. Dia orang yang RENDAH HATI, dia tidak pernah menunjukkan kekayaannya.

(He is HUMBLE, he never shows his wealth.)pak burhan adalah orang yg sangat kaya di desa nya. Dia suka jogging di sekitar kompleks. tidak ada orang yg tau bahwa dia adlh orang yg kaya dia.... dia tidak pernah menunjukan kekayaan nya
jawaban = humble (rendah hati)

maaf klo salah

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