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12 Less Than M Is No Less Than 132

12 Less Than M Is No Less Than 132

example: he is less stupid than I thought he was he is cleverer than I thought he was 1. your house is less near than i thought 2. this book is less big than yours 3. this exercise is less good than your last one 4. my mother is less old than you think she is 5. these grapes are less expensive than those 6. kiki is less short than his brother 7. a donkey is less beautiful than a horse 8. we're less bad than you think we are 9. this hill is less low than I thought it was 10. she is less ugly than you said she was

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1. example: he is less stupid than I thought he was he is cleverer than I thought he was 1. your house is less near than i thought 2. this book is less big than yours 3. this exercise is less good than your last one 4. my mother is less old than you think she is 5. these grapes are less expensive than those 6. kiki is less short than his brother 7. a donkey is less beautiful than a horse 8. we're less bad than you think we are 9. this hill is less low than I thought it was 10. she is less ugly than you said she was


1) Your house is farther than I thought.

2) This book is smaller than yours

3) This exercise is worse than your last one.

4) My mother is younger than you think she is.

5) These grapes are cheaper than those.

6) Kiki is taller than his brother.

7) A donkey is uglier than a horse.

8) We're better than you think we are

9) This hill is higher than I thought it was.

10) She is more preety than you said she was.

Done:)1. Your house is farther than i thought.
2. This book is smaller than yours.
3. This exercise is worse than your last one.
4. My mother is younger than you think she is.
5. These grapes are cheaper than those.
6. Kiki is taller than his brother.
7. a donkey is uglier than a horse.
8. we're better than you think we are.
9. This hill is higher than i thught it was.
10. She is more beatiful than you said she was.
Semoga membantu..

2. Fill in the boxes. (a).... is 0.1 more than 60.9. (b) 10.6 is 0.1 less than.., (c) 4.02 is 0.02 less than... (d) 18.69 is.,, less than 18.74.




Because 18.69 is less than 18.74

sorry if wrong:(

3. Fill in the blanks (a)... is 0.1 more than 60.9. (b) 10.6 is 0.1 less than... (c) 4.02 is 0.02 less than... (d) 18.69 is... less than 18.74.

More than = Lebih dari
Less than = Kurang dari

Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah :
(a) 70.0 is 0.1 more than 60.9
(b) 10.6 is 0.1 less than 10.7
(c) 4.02 is 0.02 less than 4.04
(d) 18.69 is 0.05 less than 18.74

Artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia :
(a) 70.0 lebih besar 0.1 dari 60.9
(b) 10.6 lebih kecil 0.1 dari 10.7
(c) 4.02 lebih kecil 0.02 dari 4.04
(d) 18.69 lebih kecil 0.05 dari 18.74

Semoga membantu :D

4. The angle which less than 360°and larger than 180°is classified as....


Obtuse angle

(sudut tumpul)


Maaf klo salah

Smoga membantu

5. fill in the blanks with the correct answer (1 point for each correct answer)1......is 2 mpre than 102....is 10 more than 503.5more than 11 is....4......is 20 less than 285.15is....less than 306....is 6less than 107....is 20 more than 308.12 more than 18 is9.5is....less than 2510.9is....less than10​




semoga membantu

6. the rain this year is....than five years a.lessb.more lessc.most lessd.lessere.lessest ​


more less


emang gitu rumusnya wkwk


c.most less


The rain this year is most less

than five years

Curah hujan tahun ini Paling sedikit

dari lima tahun

maaf kalau salah(:

7. Known, A = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11}. The possible universal set of set A is. . . .{ natural number less than 12}. { odd number less than 12 }. { whole number between 2 and 11} { prime number less than 12}.​


Prime number less than 12


{ prime number less than 12}.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

himpunan dalam ilmu matematika adalah kumpulan objek yang memiliki sifat yang dapat didefinisikan dengan jelas

8. what is 5 less than 615​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

5 less than 615 = 615 - 5 = 610

Semoga membantu :)

9. the rain this year is....than five years a.lessb.more lessc.most lessd.lessere.lessest ​​

B. more less


maaf y klo salah haha


the rain this year is....than five years


b.more less

c.most less




hujan tahun ini adalah .... dari lima tahun

hujan tahun ini adalah .... dari lima tahunsedikit

hujan tahun ini adalah .... dari lima tahunsedikitb.lebih sedikit

hujan tahun ini adalah .... dari lima tahunsedikitb.lebih sedikitc.paling sedikit

hujan tahun ini adalah .... dari lima tahunsedikitb.lebih sedikitc.paling sedikitd.lebih rendah

hujan tahun ini adalah .... dari lima tahunsedikitb.lebih sedikitc.paling sedikitd.lebih rendahe.paling sedikit

jawabannya:lebih rendah


semoga membantu

10. Your umbrella is __ (cute) than mineA) LessB) Lesser cuterC) Less cuterD) Less cute​


Your umbrella is__(cute) than mineC) Less Cuter

11. 1000 less than 3706 is ​




1000less than 3706=

lebih sedikit seribu dari 3706

12. An obtuse angle is one whose measures is greater than.........but less than.....​


An obtuse angle is one whose measures is greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees

(*maaf kalau salah*)


An obtuse angle is one whose measures is greater than 90° but less than 180°


terjemahan : Sudut tumpul adalah sudut yang ukurannya lebih besar dari ... tetapi kurang dari ...

jawaban yg tepat adalah greater than 90° but less than 180°

(ukurannya lebih besar dari 90° tetapi kurang dari 180°)

semangat ya belajarnya, semoga membantu :)

13. 10 less than 67 942 is?

jawabannya adalah 67 932

14. Known, A = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11}. The possible universal set of set A is. . . . A. { natural number less than 12}. B. { odd number less than 12 }. C. { whole number between 2 and 11}D. { prime number less than 12}.​




Terjemahan :

Diketahui, A = {2,3,5,7,11}. himpunan semesta yang mungkin dari A adalah ...

A. {Bilangan asli kurang dari 12}

B. {Bilangan ganjil kurang dari 12}

C. {Semua bilangan antara 2 dan 11}

D. {Bilangan prima kurang dari 12}

Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalahD

15. Fifty is less than porty (treve / false) ?​





16. Gold is ...... than silver *expensivecheapless expensiveheavy​



tolong bintang lima ya

17. what is 100 000 less than 1 million​


=100 000–1000 000

=–900 000

18. 10 isless than 17 berapa hasilnya?​



17 - 10 = 7

semoga membantu

19. find a number greater than 1/8 but less than 1/7 is​

Trivial solution , 0.13 = 13/100

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
1/8 = 0.125
1/7 = 0.142857... ≈ 0.14

Therefore, let take 0.13 because that number is between 1/8 and 1/7.

0.13 = 13/100

Disclaimer : The are infinitely many solutions to this question..I am taking the easiest one(trivial solution).

20. Green apple is ___ (sweet) than red appleA) Less sweetB) Lesser sweetC) Less sweetsD) Less sweeter​


D) Less sweeter

menggunakan akhiran er, dikarenakan konteksnya yg lebih dari

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