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A Recipe Uses 1 1/4 Cups Of Milk

A Recipe Uses 1 1/4 Cups Of Milk

A pancake recipe for 6 people requires 3/4 cup of milk. How many cups of milk are needed to make pancakes for 8 people? A) 1 B) 9/16 C) 1 1/4 D) 6

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1. A pancake recipe for 6 people requires 3/4 cup of milk. How many cups of milk are needed to make pancakes for 8 people? A) 1 B) 9/16 C) 1 1/4 D) 6


A. 1 cup

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

6 people => 3/4 cup

8 people => x

[tex] \frac{6}{8} = \frac{ \frac{3}{4} }{x} \\ 6x = 8 \times \frac{3}{4} \\ 6x = 6 \\ x = 6 \div 6 \\ x = 1[/tex]

so we need 1 cup of milk to make pancakes for 8 people

2. 5 cups of ice-cream and 4 cups of milk tea cost $26.80 whereas 7 cups of ice-cream and 6 cups of milk tea cost $38.60.find the the cost of 8 cup of ice-cream and 5 cups of milk tea.​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

3. 7.How much rice do we need in this recipe?A. 1 cupB. 2 cupsC. 3 cupsD. 4 cups​


D.4 cups

kenapa 4 karan supaya bisa di rasakan semua keluarga juga


Berapa banyak nasi yang kita butuhkan untuk resep ini?

Berapa banyak nasi yang kita butuhkan untuk resep ini?A. 1 cangkir

Berapa banyak nasi yang kita butuhkan untuk resep ini?A. 1 cangkirB. 2 cangkir

Berapa banyak nasi yang kita butuhkan untuk resep ini?A. 1 cangkirB. 2 cangkirC. 3 cangkir

Berapa banyak nasi yang kita butuhkan untuk resep ini?A. 1 cangkirB. 2 cangkirC. 3 cangkirD. 4 cangkir

semoga membantu:[]]

4. 1.you drink a glass of milk every night


According to Ayurveda, consumption of warm milk is highly recommended at night before a good night sleep. In The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies by Vasant Lad, it states, “Don't forget to drink a cup of hot milk, with a little ginger, cardamom and turmeric. Drinking milk at bedtime helps to induce sound sleep.

maff kalau salah


Anda meminum segelas susu setiap malam


You drink a glass of milk every night termasuk dalam tenses simple present

5. 1 there is a plate of noodle/rice2 there are two cups/bottles of tea3 there is a slice of fizza/sandwich4 there are two loaves of bread/rice5 there is a cup of tea/coffee6 there is a box/can of milktolong bantu jawab:((​


1. there is a plate of rice

2. there are two cups of tea

3. there is a slice of pizza

4. there are two loaves of bread

5. there is a cup of tea/coffee (jawaban bisa keduanya)

6. there is a box of milk

Note: maaf jika salah, semoga membantu! ^^

6. Gopal pours 5/8 litres of milk from a jug equally into 2 cups. Find the amount of milk,in litres, in each cup​


5/4 l

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:5/8 x 2

jangan lupa terbaik yaa

7. apa artinya 1 trere is a plate of noodle/rice2 trere are two cups/bottles of tea.3 trere is a slice of pizza/sandwich4 trere are two loaves of bread/rice 5 trere is a cup of tea/coffee6 trere is a box/can of milk​

Jawaban :

noodlecupspizzabreadcoffeecanThere ga si awalny?klok iya aku artiin ya
1.disini ada sebuah piring mie/nasi
2.disini ada 2 cup/teh botol
3.disini ada sepotong pizza/sandwich
4.disini ada 2 roti bantal/nasi
5.disini ada sebuah cup teh/kopi
6.diaini ada sebuah box/cup susu
Itu bnyak typo ap gmn si?

8. (( BANYAK POIN :)) )) Miss heng uses 110 g of sugar and 30 g of milk to make cupcakes.(a) the ratio of the amount of milk used to the amount of sugar used is?(b) To make the same type of cupcakes, miss heng needs ____ of sugar if she uses 675 g of milk.(c) To make the same type of cupcakes, Miss heng needs ____ of milk if she uses 1650 g of sugar

The ratio of the amount of milk used to the amount of sugar used is three to eleven (3 : 11).To make the same type of cupcakes, Miss Heng needs two thousand four hundred seventy-five grams (2.475 g) of sugar if she uses 675 g of milk.To make the same type of cupcakes, Miss Heng needs four hundred fifty grams (450 g) of milk if she uses 1.650 g of sugar.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah

Apa itu rasio? Rasio merupakan perbandingan antara sebuah angka dengan angka lain. Rasio adalah bentuk lain dari pecahan biasa. Sisi kiri sebuah rasio adalah pembilang pecahan biasa dan sisi kanannya adalah penyebutnya.

Untuk membuktikan ketiga pernyataan yang telah ditulis di atas jawaban, perhatikan penjabaran pengerjaan soalnya sebagai berikut.


Takaran gula (sugar): 110 gTakaran susu (milk): 30 g


Rasio susu banding susunya adalah?Untuk membuat tipe kue mangkok yang sama, Bu Heng membutuhkan berapa gram gula jika beliau menggunakan 675 gram susu?Untuk membuat tipe kue mangkok yang sama, Bu Heng membutuhkan berapa gram susu jika beliau menggunakan 1.650 gram gula?


Pertama, kita tentukan rasionya.

30/110 = 3/11 = 3 : 11

Jadi, benar bahwa rasionya adalah tiga berbanding sebelas (3 : 11).

Kedua, kita cari takaran gulanya untuk 675 gram susu.

[tex]\frac{3}{11} = \frac{675}{x}\\\\3x = 7.425\\\\x=7.425/3 =2.475[/tex]

Jadi, benar bahwa 2.475 gram gula dibutuhkan untuk 675 gram susu.

Ketiga, kita cari takaran susunya untuk 1.650 gram gula.

[tex]\frac{3}{11} = \frac{x}{1.650}\\\\11x = 4.950\\\\x=4.950/11 = 450[/tex]

Jadi, benar bahwa 450 gram susu dibutuhkan untuk 1.650 gram gula.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Contoh soal menentukan rasio: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/14387382

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

9. 1. She drinks a glass of milk every morning (-) (?)​


(-) she doesn't drink a glass of milk every morning

(?) does she drink a glass of milk every morning?

she doesn't drink a glass of milk every morning (-)

does she drink a glass of milk every morning ? (?)

10. 1.A recipe for six people uses 450 g of pasta and 90g of cheese.a How many grams of pasta and cheese are needed for a recipe for three people?_______g of pasta_______g of cheeseb A cafe uses 720 g of cheese for the same recipe.For how many people did they make the recipe?________Plies bantuin aku ya kakak kakak yang pinteraku janji kalau kalian jawabnya gak ngasal aku akan follow kalian ​


Answers are below with the explanation.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

a. For three people:

(450 g / 6) x 3 = 225 g of pasta

(90 g / 6) x 3 = 45 g of cheese

b. If the recipe use 720g of cheese, then it is for (720 / 90) x 6 = 48 people.


11. santi has 4 pet birds.each bird eats 1 1/2 cups of bird food every week.How many cups of bird food do the birds eat altogether in a week?​


ndak bisa bahasa Inggris

12. Gopal pours 5/8 litres of milk from a jug equally into 2 cups. Find the amount of milk, in litres, in each cup. and model


5/8 liters : 2

= 5/8 liters x 1/2

= 5/16 liters

13. A slushy recipe calls for 4 cups of fruit juice, but you only have 3 1/2 cups. By what percentage do you need to cut back all the ingredients to make the recipe turn out correctly? Kalo bisa dengan penjelasan ya



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4 cups - 3,5=0,5

so what we need is 3,5 cups

so the minus cup is 0.5

sorry if wrong

14. A recipe consists of three parts1.)....2.)....3.)....​


1)green apples

2)peeled cored

3)60g butter

15. Rahimah uses 250 ml of milk to make 10 muffins. A. What is the ratio of the number of muffins to the amount of milk? B. How much milk does Rahimah need to make 24 muffins ?

[tex] \boxed {Jawab} [/tex]

A.) Ratio :
= 250 ml : 10 muffins
= [tex] \frac{250}{10} [/tex]
= [tex] \frac{25}{1} [/tex]

B.) [tex] \frac{25}{1} [/tex] x [tex] \frac{24}{24} [/tex] = [tex] \frac{600}{24} [/tex] = 600 ml

16. sally pours 3 4/7 liters of milk from jug equally into 35 cups. how many liters the amount of milk in each cup?


5/49 liters/cup

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

3 4/7 liters : 35 cups = 5/49 liters/cup

17. 1. mr andri had 2/5 of a cake, he divided the cake equally among 4 pupils, what fraction of the cake did each pupil get?a. 1/10b. 2/10c. 1/5d. 2/52. rio pours 3/9 of milk from a jug equallyinto 4 cups. find the amount of milk, in litresa. 1/10b. 2/10c. 1/12d. 2/12​


1. (a. 1/10

2. (c. 1/12

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1. translate :

Pak andri memiliki 2/5 kue, ia membagi kue tersebut secara merata kepada 4 siswa, berapa bagian kue yang diperoleh masing-masing siswa?

2/5 : 4

2/5 x 1/4

2/20 = 1/10

2. translate :

rio menuangkan 3/9 susu dari kendi secara merata

menjadi 4 cangkir. temukan jumlah susu, dalam liter.

3/9 x 1/4

3/36 = 1/12

18. jimmy pours 5/8 liter of milk from a jug equally into 2 cups. find the amount of milk litters in each cup 5/16 3/4 1/4 2/5


method :

first volume : 5/8 litter

divide to : 2 cups

5/8 : 2/1 = 5/8 × 1/2

= 5/16

so, each cup can load 5/16 litter of milk


19. Mrs. Fahrana has 22.11 cups of brownie mix. If each brownie uses 0.33 cups of mix, how many brownies can Mrs. Fahrana make?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

22,11 : 0,33 = 2211 : 33 (dikali 100 untuk mempermudah pembagian)

Hasil = 67

20. how much rice do we need in recipe? a.1 teaspoon b.2 tablespoon c.3 cups d.4 tablespoons​





berapa banyak nasi yang kita butuhkan dalam resep?

a.1 sendok teh

b.2 sendok makan

c. 3 cangkir

d.4 sendok makan


maaf, teks nya kan tidak ada, jadi, saya bantu terjemahkan saja :)

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