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Which Sentence Contains A Correctly Punctuated Parenthetical Phrase

Which Sentence Contains A Correctly Punctuated Parenthetical Phrase

Which sentence is correctly punctuated? He won an international awards for his

Daftar Isi

1. Which sentence is correctly punctuated? He won an international awards for his

he won at on internasional awards for him

2. Write the sentence which contains a relative pronoun!


He is the person who gave you a call last night.

(Dia adalah orang yang meneleponmu tadi malam)

3. In which sentence is the Simple Present used correctly​



In which sentence is the Simple Present used correctly?


Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense

1.He loves to play basketball.

2.He goes to work everyday.

3.Does he go to school?

4.She Writes a book for her best friend.

5.He thinks he is very stupid.

6.It usually rains every day here.

7.It smells very delicious in the restaurant.

8.He gets up at 5 o'clock every day.


Simple Present Tense adalah jenis tenses yang digunakan untuk berbicara mengenai tindakan atau peristiwa yang berulang kali atau permanen, pernyataan atau suatu hal yang selalu benar.

#smoga membantu dan bermanfaat.

✧༺Selamat belajar༻✧

4. fill the sentence correctly​

a. (-) my father will not let me go out side in the evening

(?) will my dad let me go out at side in the evening?

b.(+) I can speak English Fluently

(?) can I speak english fluently?


5. Noun Phrase Modifieres; Noun Phrase, Prepositional Phrase and Adjective Clause 1. Mr. Purba is working for a big firm. Noun phrase of the sentence is a big firm.2. I had a very good seat at the theatre. Noun phrase of the sentence is good seat. 3.I want to borrow the magazine which you bought yesterday.The prepositional phrase in the sentence is the magazine which you bought 4. Uncle Robby has built a wooden bridge over the pool Noun phrase of the sentence is a wooden bridge. 5. A public house which was recently bought by Mrs. Tuty is up for sale.Noun phrase of the sentence is Mrs. Tuty is up for sale.​


Kata benda pengubah; Kata benda, frase preposisi dan klausul kata sifat

1. Tn. Curan bekerja untuk sebuah perusahaan besar.

Frase kata benda dari kalimat itu adalah firma besar.

2. Aku punya tempat duduk yang bagus di teater.

Frase kata benda kalimat adalah kursi yang baik.

3. Aku ingin meminjam majalah yang kau beli kemarin.

Frase preposisi dalam kalimat adalah majalah yang anda beli

4. Paman Robby membangun jembatan kayu di atas kolam

Frase kata benda kalimat itu adalah jembatan kayu.

5. Sebuah rumah umum yang baru saja dibeli oleh ny. Tuty untuk dijual.

Frase kata benda dari kalimat itu adalah ny. Tuty untuk dijual.


6. make a 3 sentence using noun phrase

The People's Palace is in the Queen's Building.
The teacher told the students to be quiet.
The James Mason Lecture Theatre is in the Francis Bancroft building
my house is over there.
my house adl noun phrase yg terdiri dr house (noun) dan my sbg modifier (possesive adjective)

i like the dress that you bought
noun phrase yg berfungsi sbg object

i live with my beloved family

7. make a paragraph that contains : topic sentence, supporting details, closing sentence. Please help me

membuat paragraf yang berisi: kalimat topik, suppvtring detail, menutuo kalimat

8. change the sentence below into passive sentence correctly?​


1. My car in his garage was repaired by him

2. Some money has given by my father to us

3. students with bad grade is not admit by the state university

4. football game, was watched by me and aji

5. the medicine should be drinked by me


9. make a conversation which contains obligation and advice​


artinya: membuat percakapan yang berisi kewajiban dan nasihat

sorry kak ternyata salah soal

10. 2. Make one sentence with a noun phrase and underline the noun phrase in your sentence. 3. Make one sentence with a verb phrase and underline the verb phrase in your sentence. 4. Make one sentence with an adjective phrase and underline the adjective phrase in your sentence.​


2. I am not looking forward to the long trip tomorrow.

3. Someone might have been eavesdropping on our conversation.

4. I just wanted to let you know that I am an overly sensitive person.

11. 1. Noun Phrase : a red chairSentence : Mumun and Jaenab like sitting on a red chair.2. Noun Phrase : two yellow pencilsSentence : 3. Adjective Phrase : very happySentence :4. Noun Phrase : three big bagsSentence :5. Adjective Phrase : very goodSentence :6. Noun Phrase : two brown eyesSentence :​


2: She grabbed her two yellow pencils and started coloring the picture she drew

3: She felt very happy because her artwork was finally done.

4: Mom went home from the supermarket with 3 big bags filled with food supplies.

5: She looked at the canvas and thought her artwork looked very good

6: My two brown eyes stared at the whiteboard while trying to understand what the teacher is saying.


Simple sentences rlly :v

12. 2. Make one sentence with a noun phrase and underline the noun phrase in your sentence. 3. Make one sentence with a verb phrase and underline the verb phrase in your sentence. 4. Make one sentence with an adjective phrase and underline the adjective phrase in your sentence.

2. One sentence with a Noun Phrase:

I bought a piece of sweet chocolate cake.

3. One sentence with a Verb Phrase:

The cat is sleeping on the chair.

4. One sentence with an Adjective Phrase:

My mother is a smart and beautiful woman.

Contoh noun phrase, verb phrase, dan adjective phrase dalam kalimat lainnya dapat dilihat pada penjelasan berikut.


Phrase adalah kelompok kata untuk melengkapi kalimat. Phrase tidak memiliki subjek maupun objek. Oleh karena itu, phrase tidak bisa berdiri sendiri.

Berdasarkan fungsinya, phrase dibedakan menjadi Noun Phrase, Verb Phrase, Adjective Phrase, Adverb Phrase, Gerund Phrase, Infinitive Phrase, and Absolute Phrase.

Berikut pengertian dan contoh noun phrase, verb phrase, dan adjective phrase.

>> Noun Phrase

Noun Phraseadalah kumpulan kata yang bertindak sebagai sebuah kata benda (noun) dalam kalimat. Noun phrase digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi noun atau pronoun.


The black car in the garage is my car.My father is a kind-hearted man.They saw a black cat.A man in the cottage frightened me.The beautiful pink car got towed.Get out of my room!

>> Verb Phrase

Verb Phrase adalah kelompok kata kerja utama dan kata kerja bantu dalam sebuah kalimat.


I have planted ten trees.The baby has been crying for two hours.I must go now.He is doing his homework.She has been crying for three hours.I can play a guitar.

>> Adjective Phrase

Adjective Phrase adalah kumpulan kata yang menjelaskan subjek atau objek dalam kalimat. Adjective phrase terletak sebelum noun, setelah noun, atau setelah linking verb.


The cat lying on the floor is a wild cat.You makes me very happy.The weather is extremely cold.The question is too difficult.I am really sad.The tastily delicious fried rice is ready to serve.

Pelajari lebih lanjut10 Sentences using prepositional phrase: brainly.co.id/tugas/8870605Analisa tentang Noun Phrase dan Verb Phrase: brainly.co.id/tugas/20959151menentukan noun phrase dan verb phrase dari teks: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22641127

Detail jawaban

Kelas: 12

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Reading Comprehension

Kode: 12.5.7


13. 1. Write a sentence with noun phrase which functions as subject! 2. Write a sentence with noun phrase which functions as object! 3. Write three noun phrases with factual adjective modifiers! Tolong bantu jawab yah

1. The masked man mugged the old lady.
2. The police chased after the speeding car.
3. an american girl, a silk dress, a red door

14. perbedaan phrase dengan sentence

A sentence must have a subject (expressed or not), a verb, and a complete thought (or "predicate") supplied by a variety of constructions.
> jd, kalimat itu memiliki spok

A phrase is a collection of words without a subject/verb or complete thought.
> phrase, sekumpulan kata tanpa subjek/kt kerja yg bermakna.

15. Which of the sentence below contains the topic of the text?

yg mana Kalimat dibawah ini yg terkandung dalam topik teks tsbWhere is it? I don't see anything unless you had the picture

16. 1. Which part of the sentence below is a prepositional phrase? Captionless Image She sells seashells by the seashore seashore



1. Bagian mana dari kalimat di bawah ini yang merupakan frasa preposisional?

Gambar Tanpa Teks

Dia menjual

kerang laut

di tepi pantai

pantai laut

17. Make one sentence with a noun phrase and underline the noun phrase in your sentence.

Someone might have been eavesdropping on our conversation.

18. Write sentences using these phrasesinumber one has been done for you.noun phrasesentence: a red chair• mumun and jaenab like sittingon a red chair.: two yellow pencilsnoun phrasesentence3.: very happyadjective phrasesentence4.noun phrase: three big bagssentence: very goodadjective phrasesentence6.noun phrase: two brown eyessentence​


2. two yellow pencils

sentence: I found two yellow pencils in my bag

3. very happy:

sentence: she is very happy because she just got a surprise present

4. three big bags

sentence: there are three big bags in the locker

5. very good

sentence: the quality of the table is very good

6. two brown eyes

sentence: I saw a beautiful teddy bear with two brown eyes

semoga membantuuu

19. Write a sentence with a noun phrase! ​


I saw a black zebra at the zoo.


He knew how to defend himself as a lawyer child.

They crawled in the attic and dark ceillin.\

Maaf kalo salah, semoga membantu

Salam pelajar

20. Which is more effective to inform and to command, word or phrase or sentence? why?

Jawab :

A sentence have higher potential to transfer our information and give our command to others effectively by the reason of much contents of information that could be delivered and the purpose of the delivery can be understood well because it has many variations ranging from intonation to facial expression, instead of using word or phrase which can be confusing and unclear sometimes

Sebuah kalimat memiliki potensi yang lebih tinggi untuk mentransfer informasi kita dan memberikan perintah kita kepada orang lain secara efektif dengan alasan banyaknya isi informasi yang dapat disampaikan dan tujuan penyampaiannya dapat dipahami dengan baik karena memiliki banyak variasi mulai dari intonasi hingga mimik wajah, daripada menggunakan kata atau frase yang terkadang membingungkan dan tidak jelas.


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