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How Much Is 500 Seconds In Minutes

How Much Is 500 Seconds In Minutes

Suzan takes 2520 seconds to finish her homework. How long is this in minutes?

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1. Suzan takes 2520 seconds to finish her homework. How long is this in minutes?

Suzan takes 42 minutes to finish her homework

2520 seconds → 42 Minutes

Susan takes 42 Minutes to finish her homework

2. Four copy machines make 240 total copies in three minutes. How long will it take five copy machines to make the same number of copies?A. 2 minutesB. 2 minutes, 15 secondsC. 2 minutes, 24 secondsD. 2 minutes, 45 secondsE. 3 minutes, 36 seconds​


C. 2 menit, 24 detik


[tex]p_1 = p_2 \\ \frac{n_1 \times t_1}{w_1} = \frac{n_2 \times t_2}{w_2} \\ \frac{4 \times 3}{240} = \frac{5t_2}{240} \\ 12 = 5t_2 \\ t_2 = \frac{12}{5} = 2 \frac{2}{5} \: menit \\ t_2 = 2 \: menit \: (\frac{2}{5} \times 60) \: detik \\ t_2 = 2 \: menit \: 24 \: detik[/tex]

3. In the circuit shown below ammeter reads 2.0 A and the voltmeter reads 12V. How much energy is transferred in the resistor in 10 seconds.


Known :

I = 2,0 A

V = 12 Volt

t = 10 seconds

Asked :


Solution :

W = P . t

W = V . I . t

W = 12 . 2 . 10

W = 240 Joule

4. How much is sixteen plus four?How much is thirty minus eleven?How much is seven times three?​

Sixteen plus four is twenty

Thirty minus eleven is nineteen

Seven times three is twenty-one

5. Please make two short dialogues based on the words given! E.g. Ask how much/many coffee is/are there in the kitchen Agus : How much coffee is there in the kitchen? Bayu : There is a little coffee in the kitchen. 1. Ask how much/many tables is/are there in the classroom. 2. Ask how much/many books is/are there on the table. 3. Ask how much/many water is/are there in the toilet. 4. Ask how much/many rice is/are there in the canteen. 5. Ask how much/many pen is/are there in your friend’s pencil case. 6. Ask how much/many water is/are there in the glass. 7. Ask how much/many bed sheet is/are there in the cupboard. 8. Ask how much/many sandals is/are there under the table. 9. Ask how much/many flour is/are there in the jar. 10. Ask how much/many cement is/are there in the sacks.


1. Joe: How many tables are there in the classroom? (Ada berapa meja di kelas?)

Russ: There are 24 tables, if I'm not mistaken (Ada 24 meja di kelas, kalau tidak salah)

2. Hannah: Do you know how many books are there in the table? (Apakah kamu tau berapa buku yang ada di meja?)

Tyler: No, I don't remember (Tidak, aku tidak ingat)

3. Reiner: Have you checked the toilet? How much water is there? (Apakah kamu sudah memeriksa toilet? Seberapa banyak air yang ada?)

Henry: There's none. The faucet is broken (Tidak ada. Kerannya rusak)

4. Sasha: There you are! So how much rice is there in the canteen? (Itu dia kau! Jadi ada berapa banyak nasi di kantin?)

Garry: There's a lot! (Ada banyak!)

5. Benedict: How many pens are there in your pencil case? (Ada berapa pulpen di tempat pensilmu?)

Elijah: There's only one in my pencil case. But I have more in my locker (Hanya ada satu pulpen di tempat pensilku. Tapi aku punya lebih di lokerku)

6. Julien: How much water are there in the glass? (Ada berapa banyak air di gelas?)

Diana: There's little water in the glass. We should get some more (Hanya ada sedikit air di gelas. Kita harus mengambil lagi)

7. Kenny: Do you know many bedsheets are there in the cupboard? (Apalah kamu tau berapa seprai di lemari?)

Beth: Yes, I do. There's only 3 bedsheets in the cupboard (Ya, aku tau. Hanya ada 3 seprai di lemari)

8. Cecil: How many sandals are there under the table? (Ada berapa sendal dibawah meja?)

Leon: Only 1 sandal. I wonder where the other one is... (Hanya 1 sendal. Aku berpikir dimana satunya lagi...)

9. William: How much flour is there in the jar? (Ada berapa banyak tepung di toples?)

Petra: I think around 200 grams. I'm going to refill it (Aku rasa sekitar 200 gram. Aku akan mengisinya kembali)

10. Mary: Can you tell me how much cement is there in the sack? (Apakah kamu bisa memberitahu aku berapa banyak semen didalam kantong?)

Finn: Sure, there's 10 kg of cement in the sack (Tentu, ada 10 kg semen di kantong)


Bahasanya saya buat lebih fleskibel dan juga jawabannya. Seperti nomor 2 yang jawab tidak tahu jumlahnya. Dan menambahkan beberapa kalimat juga agar dialognya tidak terlihat kaku dan agar terasa natural

Maaf kalau ada yg salah, semoga membantu

6. 22 minutes = .... seconds​


1.320 second

maaf kalo salah

7. 1.How many calories are in this meal? 2.How much fat is in this meal? 3.How much saturated fat is in this meal? Minta tolong artikan,saya gak bisa bahasa inggris! ​

1. Berapa banyak kalori dalam makanan ini?2. berapa banyak lemak dalam makanan ini?3. berapa banyak lemak jenuh dalam makanan ini?#SEMOGAMEMBANTUJangan lupa jadikan jawaban tercerdas yah


1. Berapa kalori dalam makanan ini?

2. Berapa banyak lemak dalam makanan ini? 3. Berapa banyak lemak jenuh dalam makanan ini?

8. a Betsy's aquarium has a hole in it.In 1 minute, 500 m3 of water leaked out.How much water will leak out in 7 minutes?​


3500 m³

500 × 7

sorry klo slh


3500 m3

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

jadi kan katanya dalam 1 menit 500 m3 keluar berarti kalo dalam 7 menit tinggal kaliin 500 × 7 = 3500

kayanya sih kaya gitu maaf ya kalo salah

9. how much vitamin is in this produck? ​


berapa banyak vitamin dalam produk ini?

suruh terjemahin kah?

10. 2.HOW much fat is in this meal?


Berapa banyak lemak yang terkandung dalam makanan ini ?

Maaf kalau salah

11. 1. How much rice is in the plate ?​




karena tidak bisa dihitung

12. 1. This bread .... like honey, doesn't it?2. You .... like your mother when she was young.3. This Shampoo .... like flowers, doesn't it?4. How many senses do we have? We have .... senses.5. ( we/the mall./shopping/at/were )6. ( 4th grade./studied/This is/ where/in/she)7. (gymnasium/he/Is this/the/where/badminton/played)8. Rearrage the steps of making pizza1. After that, put the ham and green pepper on the base.2. Next, make the base of the pizza.3. Finally, put the pizza in the oven and bake it for 20 minutes4. First, mix the flower and water5. Then, cut the ham and green pepper into slices.9. A quick and easy cheese cake recipe for 6 servingsprep. time : 5 minutescook time : 40 minutestotal time : 45 minutesHow much time is needed to cook the cheese cake?A. 80 minutesB. 40 secondsC. 40 minutes D. 45 minutes10. A quick and easy cheese cake recipe for 6 servingsprep. time : 5 minutescook time : 40 minutestotal time : 45 minutesHow much people is the cake for?A. 6 servingsB. 10 servingsC. 1 servingD. 2 servings11. A quick and easy cheese cake recipe for 6 servingsprep. time : 5 minutescook time : 40 minutestotal time : 45 minutesHow much time is needed to prep the cheese cake?A. 50 minutesB. 50 secondsC. 45 minutesD. 5 minutes12. A quick and easy cheese cake recipe for 6 servingsprep. time : 5 minutescook time : 40 minutestotal time : 45 minutesHow much time in total to cook the cheese cakeA. 45 secondsB. 45 minutesC. 60 minutesD. 40 secondsi just felt bored so i made this :)​


1. taste

2. look

3. smells

4. many

5. we were shopping at the mall

6. this is where she studied in 4th grade

7. is this the gymnasiums he played badminton

8. first is (4) second step is (2) third step (5) fourth step (1) sixth step (3)

9. c

10. a

11. d

12. b


maaf kalo salah

13. Joe took 138 seconds to swim 150m. He was 30 seconds faster than Don. How long was did Don take in minutes and seconds? please answer it :)


mana jawapannya kak besok dikumpulkan


waktu joe 138detik = 2menit 18 detik , lebih cepat 30 detik dari don jadi waktu don adalah 138 detik + 30 detik = 168 detik setara 2 menit 48 detik

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

14. arti How much is it in USD?​


berapa harganya dalam dolar amerika ?

(USD = dolar amerika)

mohon maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu ^-^


berapa harganya dalam dolar amerika


15. How long should we bake all ingredients ? it is... a. Sixty seconds b. Sixty hours c. Two hours d. Sixty minutes​


d. sixty minutes (60 menit)

semoga membantu!

Jawaban: D. Sixty minutes

Penjelasan: Karna Di Bacaanya Disuru Masak 1 Hour/1 Jam.

1 Jam = 60 Menit/Sixty minutes

16. how much is a single room in pardede hotel


17. 1.How many calories are in this meal?2.How much fat is in this meal?3.How much saturated fat is in this meal?Minta tolong artikan,saya gak bisa bahasa inggris!​


1. berapa banyak kalori yang terkandung di dalam makanan ini.

2. berapa banyak lemak yang terkandung di dalam makanan ini.

3. berapa banyak lemak jenuh yang terkandung di dalam makanan ini.


pertanyaan ini mempertanyakan mengenai kandungan didalam makanan. kalori itu adalah jumlah energi. sedangkan fat adalah lemak. lemak sendiri ada dua macam slaah satunya lemak jenuh atau saturated fat. latihan yang banyak ya bahasa inggris biar jadi manusia berguna di masa depan.


-let's translate it-

Berapa banyak kalori yang terkandung dalam sajian ini?Berapa banyak lemak yang terkandung dalam sajian ini?Berapa banyak lemak jenuh yang terkandung dalam sajian ini?

Semoga membantu dan maaf kalau ada salah...

18. Buyer : ....Seller : That's Rp. 50,000.00a. How much is this cost?b. How much this?C. How much is?d. How much is this?​


b.how much this


maaf klo salah


D. How much is this?

kalo yang A,B,C kalimatnya terdengar rancu.


19. How much 1 doller is in indonesian currency​

13.000 rb / 14.000 Rb

ḂỴ ẠẓḵỊỳấ⛸

20. perbedaan much / many penggunaan much / how much penggunaan many / how many quis A: ... desk in there in the classB: there is two desk• how much • how many • what ​

how many






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