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Rank The Compounds According To Their Boiling Point

Rank The Compounds According To Their Boiling Point

How are their trunks according to the text

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1. How are their trunks according to the text

bagaimana batang mereka sesuai dengan teks

2. Fill in the blanks according to their background​

Jawaban:I. Sumarno's Biodata

Sumarno is (1) quiteold, he (2)was bornin Purworejo but his family (3)moved toJakarta fifteen years ago, he graduated from IKIP Jakarta, and now he (4)teaches English in a large private school. He (5)will get married next year.

II. Luci Pratiwi's Bidodata

Mrs. Luci Pratiwi, who is (1)a secretary at Candico Oil Company, is married with two children. She (2)lives at Pesona Indah Estate in south Jakarta. (3)Her husband is an engineer, he (4)works at a join venture company in central Jakarta. Luci (5)studied English at the University of Ksatria from 1979 to 1985. She also went to Britain for special courses (6)for six months. She has two hobbies, they are playing piano and singing.


jwban juga ada di gambar yg terlampir

3. according to the scientist,how ostriches express their joy

translate :

menurut para ilmuan, bagaimana cara burung unta mengekspresikan kegembiraannya?

moga membantu ya :)

4. Here are what Edo's family do as their rountines ,according to ed(9 point)

Berikut ini adalah yang dilakukan Keluarga Edo sebagai kegiatan rutin, menurut ed(sembilan poin)

5. 10. According to Glenn, what determined thesuccess of the performance?A Their togetherness.B. Their intelligence,C. Their hard efforts,His good storywriting.E. The main character's performance​


According to Glenn, what determined the success of the performances?

A. Their togetherness.

Jawaban dapat dilihat pada kata "cohesiveness" yang diucapkan oleh Glenn.

Cohesiveness berarti kekompakan.


Dialog yang berhubungan dengan pertanyaan di atas adalah

Ira: Congratulation on your success in the drama performance last night! It was really amazing!

Glenn: Thank. It was teamwork and it would not have been successful without cohesiveness.

Ira: Yes, and your team had proven it! Anyway, who was the scriptwriter?

Glenn: I was, of course with the help of the others. What do you thing?

Ira: That’s good. The story contained unpredictable events with a satisfying end.

Glenn: Thanks.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai When was the drama performed pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/20289043


6. According to the students,their school yard has the following qualitise. 1.it is very comfortable

the school is very comfortable

7. Given the following species: i) Li, Li₂O, HC1, HF, H₂O, Cl₂ For each species above, indicate the major type of forces or bonds broken during the process of boiling. Arrange Li₂O, HCI, HF, H₂O and Cl₂ according to increasing boiling point.​



For the species Li, Li₂O, HC1, HF, H₂O, Cl₂:

Li: The major type of forces or bonds broken during the process of boiling is likely to be the metallic bond.

Li₂O: The major type of forces or bonds broken during the process of boiling is likely to be the ionic bond.

HC1: The major type of forces or bonds broken during the process of boiling is likely to be the ionic bond.

HF: The major type of forces or bonds broken during the process of boiling is likely to be the covalent bond.

H₂O: The major type of forces or bonds broken during the process of boiling is likely to be the hydrogen bond.

Cl₂: The major type of forces or bonds broken during the process of boiling is likely to be the covalent bond.

Arranged according to increasing boiling point:






8. According to the students,their school yard has the following qualitise. 1.it is very comfortable

maksudnya gmn yahhh  kurang jelas tu

9. Here are what Edo's family do as their rountines ,according to ed(9 point)

Inilah yang dilakukan keluarga Edo sebagai rountines mereka, menurut edartinya "inilah yang dilakukan keluarga edo sebagai rutinitas mereka,menurut Ed

10. according to the students,their school yard based on the following qualities.pliss tolong bantu ya

1. The school is shady
2. The school's yard is clean.
3. The school is a pleasant olace to study and read
4. the school yard is green because of the green grass.
5. on the school yard, there are a lot of birds.

11. A 2.00-g sample of a large biomolecule was dissolved in 15.0 g carbon tetrachloride. The boiling point of this solution was determined to be 77.85 oC. Calculate the molar mass of the biomolecule. For carbon tetrachloride, the boiling-point constant is 5.03oC .kg/mol, and the boiling point of pure carbon tetrachloride is 76.50oC

we will use boiling point formula:

ΔT = i Kb m

when ΔT is the temperature change from the pure solvent's boiling point to the boiling point of the solution = 77.85 °C - 76.5 °C = 1.35

and Kb is the boiling point constant =5.03

and m = molality

i = vant's Hoff factor

so by substitution, we can get the molality:

1.35 = 1 * 5.03 * m

∴ m = 0.27

when molality = moles / mass Kg

0.27 = moles / 0.015Kg

∴ moles = 0.00405 moles

∴ The molar mass = mass / moles

= 2 g / 0.00405 moles

= 493.8 g /mol

12. 1. According to the text, what determine a rankwhich someone belong to?a. strengthb. house designC. richnessd. birth​




A. Strength


===> Bahasa Indonesia

Menurut teks, apa yang menentukan peringkat

milik siapa seseorang?

A. Kekuatan

B. Desain Rumah

C. Kekayaan

D. Kelahiran

Penjelasan Bahasa Inggris ===>

According to the text, what determine a rank

which someone belong to Strength

===> Penjelasan Bahasa Indonesia

Menurut teks, apa yang menentukan peringkat

milik siapa seseorang Kekuatan


Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : IX

Kode Kategorisasi : 4.6.8

13. what is the boiling point of water​

The boiling point of the water is 100°C or 212°F

14. According to text;and the point(intinya) who is muhammad yamin?

NU nadatur ulama.......

15. The boiling point of water is ... degree celcius *


The boiling point of water is 100 degree celcius

16. why the boiling point in the mountain is 80 degrees


mengapa titik didih di gunung adalah 80 derajat?

air yang di didihkan di daerah dataran tinggi/pegunungan cenderung lebih cepat mendidih ketimbang air yang dididihkan di dataran rendah karena adanya perbedaan tekanan udara luar di antara dua daerah/dataran tersebut.

Answered By:


17. according to the email,the birds lose their source of food because

Where's the email? I think the anwers are, because of human exploiting natural resources so they lost their homes.

Hope it helps:)

18. Free point here to rank up ​


free kak? kalo free makasih


graits point naik rank


19. 2.) the worf boast in the 0assage means a. promote b. allowc. offer d. prossesse. praise3.) according to the passage , australian univerdities are well-known for a. their sccerditation rankb. their program specificationc. their amphasis on researchd. their skilles graduatese. their spesific locations ​


2. a. promote

3. b. their program specification


2. boast artinya memamerkan atau membanggakan

pada teks di atas, disebutkan bahwa saat ini kebanyakan kampus membanggakan campuran etnis dalam badan eksekutif mahasiswa yang terdiri dari 50 atau lebih kebangsaan.

Di kalimat setelahnya dijelaskan lebih lanjut mengenai maksud dari kalimat ini, yaitu ...freedom of expression are proudly promoted and encouraged...

Sehingga makna yang tepat adalah : A. Promote

3. Kuncinya terdapat pada kalimat ..In fact, Australia's VET sectors are internationally recognized worldwide. Di mana VET merupakan salah satu sektor pendidikan di Australia yang fokus pada pengembangan kompetensi yang sesuai untuk spesialisasi peserta pelatihan. Sehingga jawaban yang paling tepat adalah : B. Their program specification

Pilihan A kurang tepat karena universitas di Australia tidak di-rank secara resmi

Pilihan C, D, E kurang tepat karena hal tersebut merupakan karakteristik dari jenis-jenis kursus yang ditawarkan oleh universitas di Australia.

Semoga membantu :)

20. According to the text what determine a rank which someone belongs to ? a. Richness b. Birth c. Strength d. House design

Menurut teks apa yang menentukan peringkat milik seseorang?

a. Kekayaan

b. Kelahiran

c. Kekuatan

d. Desain rumah

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