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The Accompanying Table Describes Results From Groups Of 8 Births

The Accompanying Table Describes Results From Groups Of 8 Births

kenapa 'she' 'the bottle of wine' dan 'the kitchen table' termasuk dalam noun groups?

Daftar Isi

1. kenapa 'she' 'the bottle of wine' dan 'the kitchen table' termasuk dalam noun groups?


because a noun is a word used to name a person,thing, or an abstract idea.

But one must know that nouns could also function in a sentence  as a subject, an object, or object of preposition

2. Interview five of your friendsabout their hopes. Write theresults of the interview in thetable.​


Wawancarai lima teman Anda

tentang harapan mereka. Tulis

hasil wawancara dalam


3. Draw a results table to show how you would display the results. Fill in the headings of the rows and columns.


artinya : Gambarlah tabel hasil untuk menunjukkan bagaimana Anda akan menampilkan hasilnya. Isi judul baris dan kolom.

soalnya mana ya dek?

4. КqINI79dvdFrom the picture beside we know that1.four legs of the table2.a table on the pictureFrom the picture heside we kno​


maksudnya 79 DVD hah gimna

5. In the pancreas, there are groups of cells that make insulin. What describes these cells?

Ini jawabannya musti pake inggris apa Indonesia? :)

INA : sel beta pada bagian organ yg disebut pulau langherhans

EN: Beta cells produced by pancreatis langerhans islets

6. A join between two tables that returns the results of the INNER join as well as the unmatched rows from the left (or right) table is called a left (or right) OUTER join.


Gabungan antara dua tabel yang mengembalikan hasil gabungan INNER serta baris yang tidak cocok dari tabel kiri (atau kanan) disebut gabungan OUTER kiri (atau kanan).

Gabungan antara dua tabel yang mengembalikan hasil gabungan INNER serta baris yang tidak cocok dari tabel kiri (atau kanan) disebut gabungan OUTER kiri (atau kanan).Ini Terjemahannya

Jadikan Jawabannya Terivikasi

7. Present your discussion results in front of the class. other groups may comment or provide additional information

Present your discussion results in front of the class. other groups may comment or provide additional information.

Translate to Indonesian:

Tunjukkan hasil diskusi di depan kelas. Grup yang lain boleh memberi komentar atau memberi informasi tambahan.

8. expressing lack of understanding? translate the expression from the table​

sorry but where is the table if it's like that it's not clear

9. Sam........ The results of the experiment. ​


has already recorded


jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

Jawaban: IS
Semoga membantu

10. complete the table whith the missing from of the adjectives​

1. Wealthy - Wealthier - The Whealtiest

2. Generous - Generosity - The Generousness

3. Scary - Scarier - The Scarey

4. Small - Smallish - The Smallness

5. Hot - Hotheaded - The Hotness

6. Cold - Coldly - The Coldness

7. Good - Goodly - the Goodish

8. bad - worse - the worsening

9. far - faraway - the farness

10. Talent - Talented - The most talented

11. Well known - Generaly known - important

12. ... - ... - the fittest

Maaf kalau salah, dan untuk nomor 12 saya tidak tau

11. What is the importance of the title of a report?A. It distinguishes the objectives and analysis. B. It mentions the findings of a report clearly. C. It describes the general ideas of the report.D. It explains the results of a report.​

What is the importance of the title of a report?

C. It describes the general ideas of the report.

semoga membantu

12. mention the characteristics of ethnic groups that make them different from other ethnic groups !no copasngasalreportpake penjelasan​


Ethnicity is considered to be shared characteristics such as culture, language, religion, and traditions, which contribute to a person or group's identity. This shows that ethnicity is not necessarily genetic.





13. Before the results of an experiment are accepted, which of these points must it fulfillA)the experiment was carried out once and its results were notedB) the experiment was carried out repeatedly and its results were analysedC)the results support the hypothesis stated in the beginning of the experiment D)the results align with the interest of the scientist

The experiment was carried out repeatedly and it's results were analysed

14. from the table above, this product contains of 220 mg of . .​


From the table above, this product contains of 220 mg of Sodium

15. From the table below, find the average number of marbles each boy has.


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

average =

(5 x 58) + (8 x 63) + (6 x 79) + (11 x 52) + (10 x 80)

(5 + 8 + 6 + 11 + 10)

= (290 + 504 + 474 + 572 + 800) / 40

= 2640/40


16. give the description of monaco from the information in this table

Jawabannya :
Monaco is a country in the continent of Europe. It's capital is Monaco and it's largest quartier is Monte Carlo. It has a population of 36.371. It's official language is French and the calling code is +377. The time zone is UTC+1. It has the money currency of Euro €.

( tidak perlu semua, salah satu kalimat juga bisa ).

17. The text mainly describes....of Rafflesia​


physical look of Rafflesia

18. He then recorded his results in the table below. a) Arrange the materials starting from the best conductor of heat to the poorest conductor of heat. b) Explain why the first material that you stated in (a) is the best conductor of heat.

A. Materials Q, R, P and S

B. Greatest change in temperature

19. read the two texts in activity 2. work in groups of three to complete the table


1. Why are many people addicted to anime series?
- The stories of anime is entertaining.

2. Why do anime series lead to children's aggressivity?
- Most anime series are about fighting and killing enemies, meaning that they will show aggressive action.

3. What will happen if people aren't aware of the malware and adware when streaming anime series?
- A virus may attack their computers and destroy the system.

4. What are the readers expected to do, to avoid addiction to watching anime series?
- They are expected to never spend all the time for watching anime series, take positive values of the series, and adopt those which suit our culture and dispose of the unsuitable ones.

5. Why can anime series destroy our genuine culture
- Anime series contain foreign culture which is occasionally different from ours.


Jawaban diatas dapat ditemukan dalam teks cerita yang sudah disediakan oleh penanya.

20. Write down the results of the Committee of Nine meeting!


Tuliskan hasil panitia Rapat Sembilan

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