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A Recent Report Stated That Less Than 35 Percent

A Recent Report Stated That Less Than 35 Percent

The height of a father is 50% more than that of his son. By how many percent is the height of the son less than that of his father?​

Daftar Isi

1. The height of a father is 50% more than that of his son. By how many percent is the height of the son less than that of his father?​


Tinggi seorang ayah 50% lebih tinggi dari anaknya. Berapa persen tinggi anak laki-laki itu kurang dari ayahnya?

2. Report what Yanuar, a programmer, stated in his recent interview. Use “tense shift” for reported speech.



1. He said that he had graduated with a master's degree from Columbia University.

2. He said that he participated in various student activities on campus.

3. He said that he had lived in Malaysia for 5 years

4. He said that he had a wonderful family

5.  He said that he worked as a programmer for Data systems.

6. He said that he earned $2.000.000 a year.

7. He said that he had always wanted to make something of his life.

8. He said that he was making a website about his work as a programmer.

9. He said that his favorite sport was diving.

10. He said that he had started dealing with computers at the age of ten.


Dalam merubah kalimat langsung "Direct speech" ke bentuk "Indirect speech/reported speech", hal yang paling signifikan adalah perubahan struktur tenses pada noun clause nya. Ini didasarkan pada bentuk reporting verb -nya , apakah berbentuk past atau present.

Ilustrasi structure dari direct speech ke indirect speech, jika menggunakan reporting verb bentuk past { said, told, asked and etc } :

Simple present => simple past

Simple past => past perfect

Present perfect=>past perfect

Present continuous => pas continuous

Simple future => present conditional

Past perfect => past perfect.

=> Jika reporting verb nya berbentuk present { says, tells, asks and etc} , maka, noun clause nya akan tetap sama berbentuk present.


Direct speech ( kalimat langsung ) merupakan kalimat yang diucapkan langsung oleh si pembicara utama. Pada umumnya penulisannya terdapat tanda petik-nya ( " ...  " )

Sedangkan indirect speech/Reported speech ( kalimat tidak langsung ) merupakan pengucapan ulang pernyataan yang disampaikan oleh si pembicara utama ke orang lain di tempo waktu yang berbeda tanpa mengubah informasi nya.

Dalam mengubah kalimat langsung ( Direct speech ) harap diperhatikan beberapa hal berikut terkait perubahannya ke dalam bentuk kalimat tidak langsung ( indirect speech ) , yaitu :

1. Struktur kalimatnya , apakah berupa interrogative/affirmative/prohibition/Imperative

Example :

"Don't open the door !"  ( direct speech )

She warned/prohibited not to open the door   ( indirect speech )

Analysis data  :

⇔Struktur direct speech diatas berupa larangan ( prohibition/warning).

⇔Reporting verb "warned" mendefinisikan larangan / peringatan

⇔ Noun clause yang digunakan menggunakan {not+to +base verb (verb 1)

"Where are you ?", Nina asked,   ( direct speech )

Nina wanted to know where I  was . ( indirect speech )

Analysis data :

⇔Struktur direct speech diatas berupa kalimat tanya bentuk Wh-question.

⇔Reporting verb ( wanted ) menggunakan pola simple past tense, struktur noun clause akan berubah menjadi bukan bentuk pertanyaan kembali tetapi bentuk pernyataan dimana to be ( are ) yang diubah  menjadi "was" karena mengikuti bentuk subyek.

2.Tenses- nya dan struktur dari reporting verb nya ( present/past tense ) , karena pada umumnya , perubahan noun clause  mengikuti bentuk reporting verb-nya ( says , said ). Hal ini dikecualikan ketika pembahasan mengenai fenomena (fakta kebenaran umum) meskipun bentuk reporting verb nya bentuk simple past, tetapi struktur noun clause -nya tetap berbentuk simple present ( tidak ada perubahan ).

Example :

"The earth is round", said Mrs. Dee.    ( Direct speech )

Mrs. Dee explained to her students (that) the earth is round. ( indirect speech )

Analysis Data :

Karena yang dibahas mengenai fenomena, maka informasi yang diberikan tetap sama tanpa adanya perubahan bunyi tenses -nya meskipun reporting verb-nya bentuk simple past "explained."

3. Pronoun nya ( kata ganti orang )

Penerapan kata ganti orang akan berubah seiring posisi siapa yang mengutarakan pernyataan (berbicara) dan orang-orang yang dibicarakan.

4. Keterangan waktunya ( adverb of time )

Penggunaan adverb of time menyesuaikan waktu disaat percakapan tersebut muncul.

Example :

" I am watching a movie now", she said.   ( Direct speech )

She said (that) she was watching a movie at that time.    ( indirect speech )

Analysis data

Struktur kalimat langsung diatas berupa pernyataan positif dengan menggunakan tenses "present continuous."

⇔"said" => reporting verb bentuk simple past, maka daripada itu Noun clause yang digunakan ikut berubah. Yang awalnya direct speech -nya menggunakan struktur present continuous tense menjadi struktur past continuous tense.

⇔"at that time " => keterangan waktu mengalami perubahan karena diucapkan di tempo waktu yang berbeda .

⇔Jadi, bentuk tenses pada direct speech menggunakan present continuous, maka pada indirect speech nya berubah menjadi past continuous tense karena diungkapkan di waktu yang berbeda. Begitu juga, time word yang digunakan berubah menjadi "at that time."


For more information, learn about the related topics :

brainly.co.id/tugas/22899584 { Direct & Indirect speech }

Detail Answer

Level         : Shs   (12 )

Subject     : English

Category  : Sentence structure

Code        : 5

Categorization : 12.5.6

Keywords   : Direct speech ; Indirect speech

3. if A's income is 10% more than B, then how much percent is B's income less than A's​

if A's income is 10% more than B's, what percentage of B's income is less than A's income? B's income is 5%

I hope this helps!!

4. The report showed that overall prices are up 3.1 percent _________ 12 months.

3.1 percent in the last 13 month

5. What are the first two numbers in the sequence that are less than zero?​


minus two or two

maaf kalo salah, semoga benar

-1 & -2

Semoga membantu & maaf jika salah

6. example: he is less stupid than I thought he was he is cleverer than I thought he was 1. your house is less near than i thought 2. this book is less big than yours 3. this exercise is less good than your last one 4. my mother is less old than you think she is 5. these grapes are less expensive than those 6. kiki is less short than his brother 7. a donkey is less beautiful than a horse 8. we're less bad than you think we are 9. this hill is less low than I thought it was 10. she is less ugly than you said she was


1) Your house is farther than I thought.

2) This book is smaller than yours

3) This exercise is worse than your last one.

4) My mother is younger than you think she is.

5) These grapes are cheaper than those.

6) Kiki is taller than his brother.

7) A donkey is uglier than a horse.

8) We're better than you think we are

9) This hill is higher than I thought it was.

10) She is more preety than you said she was.

Done:)1. Your house is farther than i thought.
2. This book is smaller than yours.
3. This exercise is worse than your last one.
4. My mother is younger than you think she is.
5. These grapes are cheaper than those.
6. Kiki is taller than his brother.
7. a donkey is uglier than a horse.
8. we're better than you think we are.
9. This hill is higher than i thught it was.
10. She is more beatiful than you said she was.
Semoga membantu..

7. Fill in the blanks (a)... is 0.1 more than 60.9. (b) 10.6 is 0.1 less than... (c) 4.02 is 0.02 less than... (d) 18.69 is... less than 18.74.

More than = Lebih dari
Less than = Kurang dari

Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah :
(a) 70.0 is 0.1 more than 60.9
(b) 10.6 is 0.1 less than 10.7
(c) 4.02 is 0.02 less than 4.04
(d) 18.69 is 0.05 less than 18.74

Artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia :
(a) 70.0 lebih besar 0.1 dari 60.9
(b) 10.6 lebih kecil 0.1 dari 10.7
(c) 4.02 lebih kecil 0.02 dari 4.04
(d) 18.69 lebih kecil 0.05 dari 18.74

Semoga membantu :D

8. find a number greater than 0,3 but less than 1/2​


9. A theree-foot octopus Van crawl through a hole ----- in diametera. thanone inch lessb. less than one inchc. one less inch thand. Tan less one inch mau minta tolong yang tau bisa kasih alasannya thanks​


B. less than one inch


karena penyusunan katanya lebih tepat diabnding lainnya

10. Write down all the square numbers that are greater than 50 and less than 90


64, 81

jadikan jawaban terbaik

11. find a number greater than 1/5 but less than 1/4

1/5 = 8/40
1/4 = 10/40

x (a number that greater than 1/5 but less than 1/4) = 9/40dgn menggunakan KPK, samakan penyebut kedua pecahan:

4/20, 5/20

masih belum ketemu, kalikan 2/2

8/40, 10/40

bilangan tersebut adalah 9/40

12. there are ( less / fewer ) cars in this parking lot than in that one.




Karena car/mobil merupakan countable noun sehingga penggunaan fewer lebih tepat




Less >> Uncountable atau hal yang tidak ounya bentuk jamak

Fewer >> Digunain saat membicarakan orang atau benda dalam bentuk plural

13. Fill in the boxes. (a).... is 0.1 more than 60.9. (b) 10.6 is 0.1 less than.., (c) 4.02 is 0.02 less than... (d) 18.69 is.,, less than 18.74.




Because 18.69 is less than 18.74

sorry if wrong:(

14. Vitamin A 0% • Vitamin C 10%Calcium 0%Iron 2%*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 caloriediet. Your daily values may be higher or lowerdepending on your calorie needs:Calories: 2,000 2,500Total FatLess than 65g 80gSaturated Fat Less than 20gCholesterol Less than300mg 300mgSodiumLess than 2,400mg 2,400mgTotal Carbohydrate300g3759Dietary Fiber25g 30gCalories per gram:Fat 9. Carbohydrate 4 . Protein 425g​


Pertanyaannya apa........?

15. Describe frog. At least 100 words. Less than that would not be accepted (reported).

Frogs are a kind of small animal belonging to a group called vertebrates (animals with backbones) known as amphibians. This mean that they live part of their life in water and the other part of it on land. The word amphibian comes from 2 Greek words, "amphi" which means "both" and "bios" which means "life". Amphibians are cold-blooded animals. This mean that their body temperature is the same as the surrounding temperature. Their skin absorbs water into their body so they do not have to drink water to survive.
Examples of other amphibians are salamanders and caecillians.
Frogs have strong hind legs to enable them leap forward at a great distance.
The front legs or arms are short. They are used to prop the frog up when it sits.

The Cricket frog (4cm or 1.5 inch long) can leap 40 times its length in one jump...
Sekian...Terima Kasih...

16. 15 . . . . { Composite numbers that less than 20 } tolong bantu jawab cepet ya

composite= 16 , 18.

17. My father spends … time on home than on work. A. less C. many B. less than D. most



Ayahku menghabiskan...waktu dirumah daripada di tempat kerja

A. Kurang

B. Banyak

C. Kurang dari

D. Paling

jadi jawabannya:

B. Banyak

semoga bermanfaat

18. From the following set, the empty set is..A. set of counting numbers less than 5B. set of prime numbers less than 2C. set of even integers numbers less than oneD. set of even number that divisible by two​



Dari himpunan berikut, himpunan kosong adalah ..

A. set menghitung angka kurang dari 5

B.Himpunan bilangan prima kurang dari 2

C. set bilangan bulat genap kurang dari satu

D. set bilangan genap yang dapat dibagi

Jawabannya: gak tau

19. Your umbrella is __ (cute) than mineA) LessB) Lesser cuterC) Less cuterD) Less cute​


Your umbrella is__(cute) than mineC) Less Cuter

20. Write the odd square number that are more than 30 and less than 90


7 pangkat 2 dan 9 pangkat 2

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

7^2 dan 9^2

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